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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

At that time there is no picture no phone no social networks, unless they have battlefield reporter there, whatever they get is from your Indian's mouth (certainly not form Chinese since at that time Chinese and Americans at war in Vietnam), get it?

I am sure if today's event happened in 1967, you will brag that you killed 2000 Chinese with artiellary

According to the details you disclosed to the west:

India use artilleries to kill 300 Chinese soldiers, yet the Chinese have to return the bodies of indian soldiers and their arms and ammos, then how could they know their artilleary killed 300 Chinese soldiers when they cannot even have the courage to the collect their own died bodies?:rofl:

And all I forgot, by your logic, if it is the Chinese who invade the Indians first, how could they need to return your bodies and weapons and ammos when they retreated if you have successfully pushed them back? do they take your dead bodies when retreat?:rofl:

So I guess the Indians back then is just like the Indians now, very good at telling illogical stories to the media.:rofl:

IQ 80 is real
I'm starting to think the Indian side just invented the 1967 incident or heavily exaggerated the Chinese casualties just to soothe their 1962 defeat ...
At that time there is no picture no phone no social networks, unless they have battlefield reporter there, whatever they get is from your Indian's mouth (certainly not form Chinese since at that time Chinese and Americans at war in Vietnam), get it?

I am sure if today's event happened in 1967, you will brag that you killed 2000 Chinese with artiellary

According to the details you disclosed to the west:

India use artilleries to kill 300 Chinese soldiers, yet the Chinese have to return the bodies of indian soldiers and their arms and ammos, then how could they know their artilleary killed 300 Chinese soldiers when they cannot even have the courage to the collect their own died bodies?:rofl:

And all I forgot, by your logic, if it is the Chinese who invade the Indians first, how could they need to return your bodies and weapons and ammos when they retreated if you have successfully pushed them back? do they take your dead bodies when retreat?:rofl:

So I guess the Indians back then is just like the Indians now, very good at telling illogical stories to the media.:rofl:

IQ 80 is real

Please leave it , Man! you will not accept i told you!
Please refrain from such narrow minded observations.

I do wish Kashmir gets freedom from all Indian occupying forces but we must also remember that at the end of the day, the soldiers are doing what the babus in delhi are telling them to do. The policies of occupation and torture of local population are made in delhi's air conditioned rooms, these poor ground soldiers are merely cannon fodder.
Sorry that is a load of BS. Are you telling me that every rape and child and youth killed in cold blood was planned in an air conditioned room. These soldiers are savages and rapists and deserve worse and I hope it's coming to get them
Your nation's mouthpiece claimed to have casualties of PLA. Your armies chopper was transporting fallen soldiers bodies from the location and our army in goodwill gesture did not shoot it down even after it entered our airspace. We are proud of our Army who charged up the cliff in dark night with melee and inflicted heavy casualties despite being outnumbered. Showing raw courage and determination to defend the nation.
You want hint? your newspaper and spokesperson wanted our establishment to punish those who were involved in the Monday's brawl..
And how do you know that those choppers are carrying dead bodies, Injured or are just bringing reinforecement?

You Indians are so hillarious.

By the way care to share the video and snaps of the choppers you are talking about ?
Corrected post.
Typical indian fake media and wiki warrior trick here...


indian media are barking like dogs.. indian army are beaten like dogs...lol...
Sorry, honestly we don't care much about Pakistan.

China is more powerful so our response is different and action also.

Both countries are powerful enough to send each other to stone age.
saying a person on Pakistani defense forum. lolzzz

If you dont care about us then why are you here and why more than half of your army is on our borders?
India use artilleries to kill 300 Chinese soldiers, yet the Chinese have to return the bodies of indian soldiers and their arms and ammos, then how could they know their artilleary killed 300 Chinese soldiers when they cannot even have the courage to the collect their own died bodies?:rofl:
Becuae Chinese killed Lt Col Rai who went there to talk.
But the after war which last 3 days PLA got massacred as we held heights in most sectors.
Typical indian fake media and wiki warrior trick here...
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View attachment 642715
indian media are barking like dogs.. indian army are beaten like dogs...lol...
@silent_poison trying to edit someones quote is a new low for trolling ... sigh

Becuae Chinese killed Lt Col Rai who went there to talk.
But the after war which last 3 days PLA got massacred as we held heights in most sectors.
Keep telling yourself that ... but deep down you know the truth.
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