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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

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Unless India stops the infrastructure construction I doubt any pullback will be done by the Chinese side ... the Chinese are just doing what India did in Doklam. If anything India has more to lose in this confrontation and Modi knows this, he's not stupid. More than likely he will stop construction and the Chinese will pull back.

Yes, this is only the chinese tactics to stop all infrastructure construction work at chinese border areas.

Because India is doing aggressively! chinese has already completed in the past.

Previously, India was not developing due to chinese presser but Modi is different than past leaders.

But As per the update, india is sending 1500 labors to speedup of construction process.. There is no chance for any pullback from indian side.
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Sorry, honestly we don't care much about Pakistan.

You live on a Pakistan site - yet "honestly we dont care much about Pakistan. "
Your obsession is with Pakistan - yet "honestly we dont care much about Pakistan. "
Any bad news in Pakistan and you glee - yet "honestly we dont care much about Pakistan. "
You troll on a Pakistan site - yet "honestly we dont care much about Pakistan. "

The problem is when an Indian like yourself says "honestly" i find that difficult to absorb.

Your denial that China has humiliated your army in the last 48 hours is embarrassing - they occupy your land and hold all the aces. Accept that your response has been humiliating and now the world will view you as an easy touch....
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If our media are like the indians, tomorrow's headline will be: Thousands of indians died, C-17s are used to transport dead bodies

No, its just a opposite..

You are finding the return flights details.... Actually, India is supplying more military hardware to near borders.
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