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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Indians tried extremely hard on comparing numbers of deaths and possible deaths, just like the Americans were obsessed with the number of their deaths vs Vietcong and NVA in Vietnam war, yet US lost the Vietnam war with the North took over the whole country.

And here what matter most is China stood their ground on the land they claimed, and the Indians had to retreated with disgrace and heavy casualty from their failed attempt to dislodge the Chinese from the Galwan Valley in the middle of the night.
Well since you are saying I would give it a pass

But this particular idiot even after a year of balakot episode believes that his incompetent airforce hit the targets successfully and killed dozens of "terrorists" and Pakistan somehow managed to hide that from the world

Now if such a guy believes that dozens of PLA soldiers were killed on Monday night then this shouldn't come as a surprise

Low IQ makes you believe in such stories

My point is proven

You guys can continue and waste your time on this low IQ creature :)
don't feed the trolls and just report them, system takes care of itself....due to the actions of you both, warnings issued for both of you.... only difference he ended up with a ban aannda


















发射红箭73D反坦克导弹 可能隶属于侦察营


Basically this Is what happened at PP-14 . The team of Col Babu was assaulted by PLA when they went unarmed to talk . 16th Bihar in revenge of attack on CO raided chinese positions led by a Major and inflicted life threatening injuries to around 55-60 PLA soldiers and Burned down the chinese tent in question and fight continue till midnight under the light of burning chinese tent. By morning due to sub zero temp most of injured soldiers on both side succumbed to injuries . Significantly increasing number of KIA on both side .

Basically this is another one of your face saving excuse after hiding for 24 hours
China enjoys trade surplus with India to the tune of $53 billion a year. Chinese FDI into India is less than 2 billion a year. So don't flatter yourself if you are Chinese. India is a democracy, here sentiments matter. It'll not be trade as usual, I can guarantee it. But my comment was not about eventual result of this conflict but the put down the cheerleaders hope of a full on war. The casualty numbers is nothing to worry about for each side at this moment. The consequent change in perception is the key. This will enable political leadership to firmly get in the US led anti-China camp without political repercussions. Congrats to China.

Arnab is a degenerate and delusional man. Like I said I hope PLA or Pak army drops a bomb on his studio. Millions of Indians get brainwashed by him daily.

Degenerate Yes... delusional ..No. He knows he is lying.
We set up a counter ambush against another PLA column 3 km from area where our troops were attacked.
Don't say "we", you didn't do sh!t. You were whiling away time here and elsewhere on interweb.
Whatever is/ was being done ,was by the people in forces.
You are welcome to call them "our army/our forces "

India, China Face Off in First Deadly Clash in Decades
Tensions between the two Asian powers are poised to escalate at a time of shifting influence in the region.
By Paul D. Shinkman, Senior Writer, National Security June 16, 2020

The Times of India reported hat 20 Indian army personnel had died in the fighting.

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News. The incident took place during a meeting in the mountainous region between the two sides – both of which had agreed to disarm – to determine how the two militaries would safely withdraw their presences from the region.

The meeting grew tense and resulted in a physical confrontation between the troops. According to the assessment, all of the casualties were from the use of batons and knives and from falls from the steep topography, the source says.

According to the U.S. assessment, the Chinese government considers the casualties among their troops as a humiliation for its armed forces and has not confirmed the numbers for fear of emboldening other adversaries, the source says.

The sources who spoke with the Times said 43 Chinese troops died in the fighting.


China’s Test of the West ]
Tensions have mounted in recent weeks around the area spanning in the northern India region of Ladakh and the southwestern Chinese region of Aksai Chin.

The border dispute comes at a time of shifting influence in the region. Beijing has become increasingly bold in its territorial ambitions in recent months, including in the East and South China seas, with U.S. officials saying it has successfully exploited global unrest from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. At the same time India has enjoyed new and outsized support from the U.S. under the Trump administration, which sees India as a principal battleground for its own economic rivalry with China.

In an editorial in the semi-official Global Times, China said the tensions were caused by "arrogance and recklessness of the Indian side" and that officials there believed "their country's military is more powerful than China's." However the main focus of Beijing's ire was clear.

"The U.S. has wooed India with its Indo-Pacific Strategy, which adds to the abovementioned misjudgment of some Indian elite," according to the outlet, which is not a direct mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party but is considered aligned with its views. "New Delhi must be clear that the resources that the U.S. would invest in China-India relations are limited. What the U.S. would do is just extend a lever to India, which Washington can exploit to worsen India's ties with China, and make India dedicate itself to serving Washington's interests."

The Times of India documented harsh conditions at the site of the fighting in the mountainous region, including sub-freezing temperatures and high altitudes. The government there has claimed the face-off "was the result of an attempt by the Chinese side to unilaterally change the status quo of the region," the Times reported. It also cited a statement from a Chinese military spokesperson who reportedly said, "China always owns sovereignty over the Galwan Valley region."

Troops from the two countries last clashed in 1975, when four Indian soldiers died during an ambush in the Arunachal Pradesh region of northeast India.


India’s Citizenship Law Protests Reveal Deeper Anger by Country’s Students ]
The U.S. government had not publicly commented on the skirmish as of Tuesday afternoon.

Trump visited India in February, further strengthening already close ties with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Trump administration has dramatically ramped up relations with New Delhi, including growing its trade relations and shifting its military policy. The U.S. in 2018 renamed its combatant command for the area "Indo-Pacific Command" – considered a break from prior administrations attempts to balance relations with India with its regional rivals, including Pakistan.

Paul D. Shinkman, Senior Writer, National Security

Paul Shinkman is a national security correspondent. He joined U.S. News & World Report in 2012 ...

They also found WMD in iraq.
OBL was killed by seal team 6
They won in iraq and Afghanistan
They never lie
And black people dont get killed by cops

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