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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Indians want to inherit all territory from UK. The problem is, UK itself was the biggest land grabber. Why Indians feel so innocent when talking about the territory disputes with China? Did your ancestors own the land ever? Did your ancestors shed blood for the land?
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We are not concerned about number of dead in PLA. From your boasting(if it is case with most chinese people), it seams that PLA has significant number dead. What are they fearing?
What I boast??? I am just showing the fact with concrete evidence. Can you provide anything like that with your claims?
PS Arnab is not a clown... this is calculated propaganda valued among hindu indians

This episode was more insane than usual..

Arnab was shouting on top of his lungs...... he claimed **lol**** the following

> China is a weak country that cannot handle even hong kong properly
> China has never fought a war
> We have to isolate china
> We have to throw out the Chinese
> He called chinese soldiers cowards, china is not a civilised country
> He claims there was an agreement to withdraw 5 km
> He claims Indian army is ready to kick Chinese army
> India is completely united against china... (i guess he also included 200M+ muslims )
> China is forcing Pakistan to learn Chinese language

Arnab is a degenerate and delusional man. Like I said I hope PLA or Pak army drops a bomb on his studio. Millions of Indians get brainwashed by him daily.

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China enjoys trade surplus with India to the tune of $53 billion a year. Chinese FDI into India is less than 2 billion a year. So don't flatter yourself if you are Chinese. India is a democracy, here sentiments matter. It'll not be trade as usual, I can guarantee it. But my comment was not about eventual result of this conflict but the put down the cheerleaders hope of a full on war. The casualty numbers is nothing to worry about for each side at this moment. The consequent change in perception is the key. This will enable political leadership to firmly get in the US led anti-China camp without political repercussions. Congrats to China.

Hehehehe this has to be the saltiest Indian in the thread. :haha:
Basically this Is what happened at PP-14 . The team of Col Babu was assaulted by PLA when they went unarmed to talk . 16th Bihar in revenge of attack on CO raided chinese positions led by a Major and inflicted life threatening injuries to around 55-60 PLA soldiers and Burned down the chinese tent in question and fight continue till midnight under the light of burning chinese tent. By morning due to sub zero temp most of injured soldiers on both side succumbed to injuries . Significantly increasing number of KIA on both side .
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