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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Fk the hindu Fascist Modi. Ban me if you like sir, our eyes are still full of tears for that Kashmiri man who said the sun in the sky couldnt see my wifes face but a hindu soldier...... Yeah only a Muslim Soul understands What he was meant to say, Not the rapist bastards of Modi gang who value cow urine More than their women. I hope before the dust settles, China gives these guys a bloody nose.
I know brother.. problem is that if we make fun of this incident, it will be a disservice to everyone who is facing Indian brutality for so long. We want this thread to be on topic, serious and without any funny memes etc.. We don't want to give anyone a reason to take this thread away from a serious serious discussion. I hope you understand.
Come on who are you kidding? IAF will dodge all of the PLAAF missles and then shoot all the PLAAF planes down without firing any of their own missles.
Oh yes I know what you mean, we have seen that before - where all missiles and.or their motors are displayed yo the public all intact on their rails and yet somehow by some powerful means also shot down another aircraft while blowing up and falling to earth. So PLAAF watch for those non-fired pesky indian missiles.
Firstly, Afghanistan is a brother nation with Pakistan. This is something that Indians need to understand. Second It is about capability not about jovialness. Afghan army does not have control of its country and has lost 1 billion dollars in funding by the US taxpayer. They are itching to make peace with Pakistan. No afghan leader will ever make the mistake of sending their army over to Pakistan. The afghans did not attack Pakistan when the US army was in full control of Afghanistan and the Taliban was on the back foot. Why would they attack now when 80% of Afghanistan is not in their control. There are two heads of state in Afghanistan and Ghani is trying to find legitimacy. Abdullah Abdullah is most likely going to stay and he will have to make peace with Pakistan and Taliban. Afghanistan's puppet government is extremely weak and the last thing they would do is attack a country like Pakistan.

There are more chances of Nepal attacking India than Afganistan attacking Pakistan.
IF india wants to avoid a disastrous full blown war, more than back door diplomacy they will have to get their media under control. Failure to do this mean the extremist hindutva appeasement media outlets will charge up the public with more stupid and fake news breaks like exaggerated deaths on Chinese side or tge kind of propaganda we heard a few days ago like Chinese soldiers wont fight as the are only child of their parents and calls for "making china pay". This charged up public then have to be cooled down for political purposes and that forces government into makeing ill informed rash decisions with serious consequences!! That is what happened in case of Pulwama attack where the extremist driven media put blame on Pakistan minutes after attack and the public was so charged up that gov had to take a poorly planned and executed decision of LOC intrusion that eventually led to embarrassment faced by India on Feb 27!! In case of China-India, the consequences will be even more serious.

See, this is how much the public have been misguided and made a fool. Check out the replies to this tweet confirming 20 deaths!!
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Indian gov, if they want to avoid war, must control the media from propagating war hysteria!! That is more important than asking Russians to to meditate.

Why are you helping the enemy?
I heard that PA helped IA to translate Chinese intercepts of 43 casualties. Is it true guys?
Pakistanis know pretty damn well that China is currently hiding stuff, preparing to tell a story and buying time for it. Don't expect them to admit it here though.

I am glad India is being honest with its public. That's what democracies are about.
No one knows how many have died on either side.. The complete count is not done yet.. The only official news is that you have lost "at least" 20 soldiers. So how are you confident about what Pakistanis are thinking?
What money? They had all the money they needed 5-6 years ago. The opium trade was in full swing and all the warlords were making hand over fist money. Afghanistan or the united states will not attack Pakistan on the behest of Indians. You can take that to the funeral pyre.
We never know the future...you should take into account all the possibilities. I'm sure IA considers that.

I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.
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