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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Fk the hindu Fascist Modi. Ban me if you like sir, our eyes are still full of tears for that Kashmiri man who said the sun in the sky couldnt see my wifes face but a hindu soldier...... Yeah only a Muslim Soul understands What he was meant to say, Not the rapist bastards of Modi gang who value cow urine More than their women. I hope before the dust settles, China gives these guys a bloody nose.

Dear brother, your post put tears in my eyes. Kashmiris suffered enough.

Thank you so much. Allah swt bless you always. Allah swt bless Iranian people.

It is unbelievable how dumb these hindus are.. Their shitty media spews out a random number (43 in this case) and they all accept it as being the ultimate truth.

After having so many casualties it's very hard for Modi to solve matter through discussion.
Dont be stupid! Where have i implied as such? Dont try to put words into my mouth. There are plenty of options that can rattle Indians and none require crossing over. For starters look at how India is hurting us, from LOC to Balochistan everywhere Indian hand is involved, why cant we repay in similar fashion? Why does PM Khan needs to give statements that shows weakness on our part. Even if we have nothing, our economy is in shambles etc, we dont have to shout from the roof top and let everyone know as well. Why cant PM Khan and COAS give statements the way Indians do? Just rattle them. Modi spoke openly about Balochistan, why did PM Khan and Bajwa stopped Sikhs from opening a similar office in Pakistan?

Firstly, calm down. The problem with your post was that you were not implying anything. A broad open ended post which did not highlight how to take advantage of the current situation will illicit such response. Now, you mention a bunch of option in which we can rattle them. Forget the economy as the whole world's economy is down the drain right now so that constant. In none of these options you mentioned to rattle them, is the ground reality changed? We are still holding the same piece of land at the end. If the purpose of the actions is to kill more Indians than we are already doing it in sufficient numbers. If we are to kill more enemy soldiers then will it change its enemy's posture towards us? Can it be brought to the negotiating table to solve the Kashmir issue. Will he revert the status of Kashmir back pre June status. kindly look at the whole thing from strategic point of view and not just operationally. Give me one option that will force the enemy to come to us to negotiate.

and as for as Ladakh what is happening there is only a spoiler, real movie is yet to come. We should be prepared for that and can initiate a starter of our own as well. Just to put pressure on India. Lets see if their crumble or not. For e.g It should be us who should be hitting and pounding Indians across the LOC to IB yet today they have the audacity to initiate cross border fire because they know we are only reactionary, "Moo tor jawab diya"
And stop being a fuckin apologist. I am too IK supporter, just read my signature but that does not mean i will stop short of calling spade a spade. That stands true for army as well.

Now coming to Ladakh, the Chinese have that handled and don't need us to open a second front. Here's a couple of questions, have they asked us to open another front? Not that I know of and nothing indicates this as well. Will we be in a position to gain some ground in Kashmir? Possibly. But we did the same in Kargil and that was a fiasco. Finally, there is a lotta talk of imminent major acquisitions from the US. Do you think getting into fights at this time is good or wait for the goodies to arrive? The cross border fire will continue until Modi is in office whether you kill 10 or 100 or 1000 of enemy soldiers.

And finally, do not think that any post is politically motivated. I would care less if you vote for Satan himself as long as our discussion is civil and based on some hard facts.
Public warning.. No trolling.. Next time I will hand you a infraction.
Please go through the disgusting statements made by the other Pakistanis. My statement is the last one that you should consider an infraction. You even replied to an open abusive statement made by one user (you or some other mod replied).
I know now that you are trying to derail the conversation by bringing in Vedic voodoo shit. If you knew the future than why didn't you save your 20 soldiers? Either way f off..

It's already got out of hand from both India and China. No one can change destiny now.
Indian intercepts reveal that Chinese side suffered 43 casualties including dead and seriously injured in face-off in the Galwan valley: Sources confirm to ANI

ANI reporting Formula is as follows :

ANI Reporting of Chinese Casualties = 2 x Reported Indian casulaties;
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