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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Beautifully summed the situation.

"The arrogance and recklessness of the Indian side is the main reason for the consistent tensions along #chinaindiaborder."

It proves China is a rational player and is still holding out the hand of peace to Indians.

However we know Indians, they can never live in peace with anyone.
No one knows how many have died on either side.. The complete count is not done yet.. The only official news is that you have lost "at least" 20 soldiers. So how are you confident about what Pakistanis are thinking?

Inida is reporting it's dead, China is not. China is hiding. Reasons seems clear. Anyone with a logical brain understands this. Pakistanis do too.
Please go through the disgusting statements made by the other Pakistanis. My statement is the last one that you should consider an infraction. You even replied to an open abusive statement made by one user (you or some other mod replied).
this is a pakistani website we are guests here
I got prime seat , watching Republic TV.

Arnab just called Chinese "Brut" , equate them to Kublai khan and Ghengez Khan. Saying that China would be defeated. India has superior power, the Chinese cannot control Hong Kong and Taiwan, how they are going to fight with India.

Good Arnab, keep going. Make sure you don't have a heart attack by morning.
I think India claim 43 Chinese casualties.

Official figures from China must come from China. They are clearly hiding stuff.
If you mean the tweet, read it again what it actually says. Where does it say 43 dead?
I think its time to call it a day and start handing medals
Indian members, How many chinese died, does not matter to us. We lost 20+ people without any change in situation. This govt is useless, no plans or strategy.
"The Indian army said senior military officials from both sides were "meeting to defuse the situation" "


It puts Pakistan's post-balakot bravery into perspective, against a military 7 times our superior, on the back of a surprise attack which itself came on the back of a fraudulently constructed cassus belli, Pakistan never once considered engaging in talks unless and until retribution had been meted out. We promised to hit them hard and we did. Modi has just had his front line troops decimated and his leadership meekly promises to "defuse the situation".

We were told in recent years that india is China's equal or at least closer to them than a 1:7 disadvantage.

This is embarrassing. BJP literally has frozen with fear. China should show mercy to these losers. It's pretty clear that Delhi is just a pawn in someone else's game. Well played Modi. You'll always be a chai wallah.

A simple question, will the RSS bhagats show you mercy?, we are facing an existential threat from the Neo Nazi India, no amount of benign in our response in any shape or form should be acceptable.
It's true!
That now you are pandering to Pakistan in face of another enemy who is about to run you over.

They expect friendship and mercy from Pakistanis after badmouthing us and attacking us for 72 years.

We should hit them hard so they never forget or get any idea that we can ever be friends.

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