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1,000 Palestinian prisoners enter hunger strike after Israeli escalation

I'm rooting for them.
Go as long as needed, the longer the better.

By the way they aren't striking due to "assaults", they're striking because Ben Gvir is stopping the hotel service and making it a prison again.
By the looks of it they appear more like Auschwitz than Hotel.
Hahahahah I wish

They get fresh food and water and aren't thrown into gas chambers and then their body was burned.

Up until recently they even had their own bakeries and they were given ingredients to make sweets and bread.

Israel moves Palestinian prisoners to undisclosed section of notorious prison​

Israeli prison officers raided Section 3 of Al-Naqab Prison in the Negev this morning and moved Palestinian political prisoners to an undisclosed area of the detention facility. The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) and the Commission for Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs said that the nature of the move and the reason for it remain uncertain.

The incident adds to the ongoing debate about the treatment of Palestinian detainees in Israeli custody. It follows a series of similar raids by the Israeli authorities, including a recent raid in Section 26 of the same prison, prompting outrage and condemnation from human rights organisations.

In several sections of Al-Naqab Prison, specially-trained prison officers have conducted thorough searches of rooms, confiscated all electrical devices, banned canteen access and family visits, and imposed collective and solitary isolation on more than 100 prisoners, Al Jazeera has reported. In response, prisoners in several sections have launched hunger strikes and employed a strategy of non-cooperation with the prison authorities.

I'm rooting for them.
Go as long as needed, the longer the better.

By the way they aren't striking due to "assaults", they're striking because Ben Gvir is stopping the hotel service and making it a prison again.

if your family was shot and killed wouldn't you respond ?

the Palestinians respond to Israeli violence and it keeps going round and round

after 75 years Jews still cant walk down the street in Jerusalem without getting stabbed

clearly your security has failed

why not talk? why hate so much ?
The best gift they can make to the Israelis. They don't care.
Hahahahah I wish

They get fresh food and water and aren't thrown into gas chambers and then their body was burned.

Up until recently they even had their own bakeries and they were given ingredients to make sweets and bread.
There's a reason why lot were subjugated for all your history. There's a reason why a Hitler rose up 80 odd years ago.

You are yearning for another Hitler to rise. The rise of Asia/China will take away your western protection and in the next few decades you will return to your natural ghettoized state.
I don't understand hunger strike when your captor wants to see you dead. Maybe they want intl advertising.

By the looks of it they appear more like Auschwitz than Hotel.
The difference is if you escaped Auschwitz you are a hero and get help.

But if you escape there, you keep fcked as well. :lol:
I'm uninformed but how are these groups designing rockets etc in the middle of a battlefield
Some of them are based closely on iranian artillery rockets. Others are local designs based on what Hamas has to work with in terms of resources within Gaza.
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