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  1. S

    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    I feel sorry for you, So explain to me how does your pakistan system work, from the lastest news isn't pakistains happy that democracy is back. And why do pakistanis keep siting chines gdp when every any indian talks about theres. Is it because Chines gdp is also part of pakistan gdp.
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    what else can be compared to China, except your label of democracy. I know you have the freedom to let nearly 1/3 of your people under poverty line, and the freedom to let nearly a 40% in illiteracy. that's really super. Oh lots. 1/3 poverty line and 40% illiteracy rate. Just 15 years ago...
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    What revolutions are you talking about. we are not china or pakistan. And talking about poor people you have to live in India just to see. Let me give a great example. In India there is shortage of pilots (600-1000). Why do you think there is shortage of pilots because more people are...
  4. S

    RAW behind Asma Jehangir/Aitzaz Ahsan!

    So what you found one person that RAW is supporting. I can give numersious example of pakistan intell. agency in India and supporting. Real simple example Doud is living in pakistan these day, why don't you hand him over to India. Do not make a big deal and be childish.
  5. S

    Americans start asking about Predators in Pakistan

    I think you are so right. War cost money and disrepution to society. In this five or six years the growth of pakistan would be different, if it was not fighting the terroistic war. What I see in Pakistan is that the politician are more worried about us back war to terroism then actual growth...
  6. S

    China hits back at US on rights !

    human rights –noun fundamental rights, esp. those believed to belong to an individual and in whose exercise a government may not interfere, as the rights to speak, associate, work, etc Suppression of human rights is where a Chines gov't interfear with rights to speak, associate, and...
  7. S

    The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released

    I know that madrasas are good for poor kids, even in india hindu's have similar type of school where they take care poor kids for example swaminariyan (BAPS).. but the perception of madrasa in west has to be changed how do you go about doing this, like i said show the madrasa in good light.
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    CCTV--The one and only. Chinese Correct Television Version.
  9. S

    The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released

    If you look at this movie, the author has sited lots of mula's speaches, maybe to show a better light on islam, we need to show moderate mula or mula preaching true Islam.
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    i never said that there is small gap between the poor and the rich or indian cities are tidy and clean, you are saying that. But the poor can complain to the gov't, and if the gov't does not listen the poor has the power to put any party that will listen to them. And because the economic...
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    The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released

    and by the way if you asking me for specific madrasa, i do not no any, but by living in American i can tell you this is what the american people persive that hatred is started from madrasa. And if you want i can provide link to what i just said.
  12. S

    The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released

    Yes i do infact: The western cultures believes the all the hatred starts from the madrasas. So, if you show images of closing madrasas or show reforms on madrasas that would be persive to the western culture that moderate muslim is coming back.
  13. S

    Why they hate China

    Can you show any detail or how china is working towards democracy, and also how other western countries are imposing their agenda's. Far as i see it china is putting iron fist on any democractic systems beside economically, and western countries or any country will ofset any power gain by china.
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    Why they hate China

    i disagree, china is a communist country because there is no other party.
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    Why they hate China

    Americans do not hate china, but what they hate is communism. Just look at american history through 1900 and onwards, and you will find out they have spent more money and lives on trying to defeat communism.
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    you are suggesting the India gov't help start the riot. :crazy:
  17. S

    India’s economic miracle losing its lustre: analysts

    i a agree with. If today india had an infratructure like the united states, India would be unstopeable, even china could not compet (my opinion)
  18. S

    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    Read what is say at the end of your tibet myth: Finally, let it be said that if Tibet’s future is to be positioned somewhere within China’s emerging free-market paradise, then this does not bode well for the Tibetans. China boasts a dazzling 8 percent economic growth rate and is...
  19. S

    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    Here is another conspiracy theory, god you guy's just don't give up. Refute or prove what is the correlation between nazis and dalai lama. Tell me what website i need to go so i can look it up. And by the way Nazi believed in arian power, and everybody in the world were inferior, so why...
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    Can you prove what is saying is also true, no. Because it is own opinion, with no backing. I went to his web site, he says lots things without backing up. He is just venting.
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