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The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released

I'm pleased with this official statement by the Dutch Government and the fact that average Dutch too has condemned the movie as a pathetic attempt to redicule Islam and muslims.

Wilders demonstrates how easy it is to take verses out of context to create misconception. In my humble opinion he's as much a curse to the society as the radical fanats, both use the same tactics to mislead the weak of mind. He's a populist hoping to bank votes by creating controversy in cheapest fashion.

I will not take part in the planned demonstrations here nor will I attend puplic debates announced by several Muslim Organisation, its useless.
Infact I will boycot as many Dutch products as possible for a month, I will buy imported halal meet and other groceries and from Turkish, Egyptian, Moroccan and Pakistani shops, make sure my money is well spent on imported items from these countries.
Thank you very much for this info Asaad bhai.
believe me, it was a pleasure passing this info on. unfortunately our own jahali public has disgraced the Ulema to such an extent where "mullah" has become a word that is despised upon. The ulema are not looked upon with respect anymore and are thought of as antagonists who want to rid people of all their pleasures. Memorizing the Qur'an or becoming an Alim is not looked at as an intellectual activity, but as illiteracy.

when people don't seem to realize that it was these same "mullahs" that transformed the entire world and brought the Rennaisance into Europe. The Islamic Golden Age gave birth to intellectual activities like interpreting text, analytical sciences, debating with logic. it was the Ulema, who were the real politicians and lawmakers for the Khalifah(Note: they also lived in fear of Khalifa, if they didn't agree with his policies) Unfortunately, the Ulema are just a relic of the past, discarded as people who we listen to every Friday just for the sake of it.
This is just stupid and absurd. The madrasa is an educational facility, it is like a school actually it is a school. The one special feature about a madrasa is that it has many poor kids. These kids are fed and everything for free. Americans need to do research before believing what they hear on T.V. because half of the stuff in the American media is bias and frankly just not true.

I know that madrasas are good for poor kids, even in india hindu's have similar type of school where they take care poor kids for example swaminariyan (BAPS).. but the perception of madrasa in west has to be changed how do you go about doing this, like i said show the madrasa in good light.
This movie is just meant to offend, that is what the Dutch PM said while condemning it. Dutch TV has refused to air this "documentary". If you are a Muslim and you get pissed off and carry out protests etc, you will be giving Wilders exactly what he wants. Best thing to do with this is to simply ignore it.

As they say "kutay bhonktay hain to bhonknay do". During an interview with FOX news, Wilders was asked "won't your movie cause violent reaction in Muslim countries?" He replied "yes, it probably will but that will only prove my point that Islam is a religion of violence."

So just chill and ignore it, that is the only way to ensure idiots like him do not get rich and famous.
at least the dutch people and leaders are apologetic. they are trying to distance themselves from the crackheads. however, this stuff is unnacceptable. freedom of speech and expression always comes with limitations like in what we have here in America, alhamdulillah.

What limitations? This song is on sale in the US:

Be careful, extremely offensive to Muslims so only listen it if you want to verify my point that there are no restrictions on freedom of speech in the US. Here you can even deny the holocaust, unlike in Europe.
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Pakistan summons Dutch envoy over anti-Quran film

* Demands Dutch govt prosecute filmmaker
* Dutch envoy says film’s internet release ‘despicable’
* Europe, UN, Muslim countries condemn film
* Dutch Muslim leaders call for calm​

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Friday summoned the Dutch ambassador to the Foreign Affairs Ministry to lodge a formal protest against the release of a controversial film by Dutch member of parliament Geert Wilders.

A press release by the Foreign Ministry said the additional foreign affairs secretary for Europe told the ambassador that Pakistan “strongly condemned” the release of the film “which deeply offended the sentiments of Muslims all over the world” and is “expected to result in expressions of strong abhorrence and outrage”. He said the right to freedom of expression did not justify insulting other people’s religions. The film was “counter to the efforts of those individuals and countries that were building bridges between religions and civilisations”.

Prosecute: The Dutch government should now take necessary measures to minimise the impact of the incident and “prosecute Geert Wilders for defamation and deliberately hurting Muslims’ sentiments”, he said. He cited article 137 of the Dutch penal code, that prohibits defamation and incitement to hatred.

Despicable act: The Dutch ambassador said the release of the film on the internet was “extremely unfortunate” and “a despicable act” that the Dutch government had strongly condemned. He said the film had no other purpose but to cause offence. The Dutch government strongly rejected equating Islam with violence, the ambassador said. It had repeatedly negotiated with Geert Wilder to stop the release of the film, he said, and had barred it from running on television channels.

He said the release of the film was an individual act and the Dutch people should not be blamed for it. The Dutch government would initiate a criminal investigation into the affair, he added.

Muslims, Europe, UN condemn: The Iranian government was among the first to react against the film, saying that it showed some Westerners were waging a “vendetta” against Islam. A coalition of Jordanian media said they would take Wilders to court over the film, and launch a campaign to boycott Dutch products. The Bangladesh government also condemned the film, saying in a statement that it could have “grave consequences ... because it will offend millions of Muslims around the world”.

US Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the film as “offensively anti-Islamic”. The European Union’s Slovenian presidency attacked the film, saying it served “no other purpose than inflaming hatred”.

British Foreign Minister David Miliband stressed the importance of freedom of speech, but said it should be combined with “respect for religious and racial diversity”.

Europe’s top human rights authority, the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe, called the film “a distasteful manipulation which exploits ignorance, prejudice and fear”. “It is simply political propaganda and it plays into the hands of extremists who are given such a prominent role in his film,” the council’s secretary general, Terry Davis, said in a statement.

Muslims in Netherlands: Muslim leaders in The Netherlands called at a joint news conference for their co-religionists in other countries not to over-react. “We feel offended by the link between violence and Islam but we know this guy (Wilders); the best response is a response in a responsible manner.” agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I'm pleased with this official statement by the Dutch Government and the fact that average Dutch too has condemned the movie as a pathetic attempt to redicule Islam and muslims.

Wilders demonstrates how easy it is to take verses out of context to create misconception. In my humble opinion he's as much a curse to the society as the radical fanats, both use the same tactics to mislead the weak of mind. He's a populist hoping to bank votes by creating controversy in cheapest fashion.

I will not take part in the planned demonstrations here nor will I attend puplic debates announced by several Muslim Organisation, its useless.
Infact I will boycot as many Dutch products as possible for a month, I will buy imported halal meet and other groceries and from Turkish, Egyptian, Moroccan and Pakistani shops, make sure my money is well spent on imported items from these countries.

Why are you boycotting Dutch products just because of the actions of Mr. Wilder?
Why are you boycotting Dutch products just because of the actions of Mr. Wilder?

Dutch government could have banned the movie since Wilders is a MoP but she didn't, his actions can't be seen as an individual act so its my way of showing my discontent.
Dutch government could have banned the movie since Wilders is a MoP but she didn't, his actions can't be seen as an individual act so its my way of showing my discontent.

I dont know about the constitution of Netherlands, but i guess the right of freedom of speech is there. A government cannot ban a movie just because Wilder is MoP or the movie is incorrect (after all, Netherland is one of the most liberal countries in the world). It is a right he have, but using the freedom of speach in this manner is just shameful and wrong. That is what the muslim community should demonstrate about. Boycotting dutch products will only harm dutch producers and make them loose money.

After the cartoon incident in Norway and Denmark the same situation came up here, muslim community in Norway (and all over the world) demanded boycot of danish products which made danish producers loose a lot of money, but the publisher in Denmark did not loose anything. But there was also a group of muslims who came up in public debats on TV and told that these cartoon's "hurt" their feeling as muslims and they indeed respect the freedom of speech but not in the manner that it hurt other peoples feeling bee a muslim or homosexual, it is just wrong. That made people see why muslims "react" so violently over the world because of this. In the end the editor of the magazine who published the cartoons in Norway "apologized".

But then again you are the resident in your country and therefore you know the situation better than anyone else here.
i think that someone here recommended denying the holocaust. i don't think that's a good idea, this thing has nothing to do with jews.
Dutch government could have banned the movie since Wilders is a MoP but she didn't, his actions can't be seen as an individual act so its my way of showing my discontent.

Neo Dutch are simple people and I remember when i was in College some of my teachers use to during the month of Ramadan fast, which was unusual to me at first but later they told me that they respect Islam. I know this video does not reflect the views of the ductch:disagree:. Remember when Pim Fortuin views about Islam were widely criticized by the dutch and Muslim ethnic populace.
the perception of madrasa in west has to be changed how do you go about doing this, like i said show the madrasa in good light.
I think what the Western media shows is only one side of the arguement and we the people, as stupid as we are believe what we see with out looking at the whole picture.
Neo Dutch are simple people and I remember when i was in College some of my teachers use to during the month of Ramadan fast, which was unusual to me at first but later they told me that they respect Islam. I know this video does not reflect the views of the ductch:disagree:. Remember when Pim Fortuin views about Islam were widely criticized by the dutch and Muslim ethnic populace.

We must remember the man who made the movie is a right-wing extremist like Austria's notorious Jørg Haider. Every country have this type of people and we must not judge a whole country based on their behaviour and actions.
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