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The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released

Well I have to say that again the non-Muslims HAVE given their best to defame Islam and have FAILED yet again. I am pleased to know that there were not a lot of riots and loss of life and property.
Allah Ka Shukar hai.
I dont know about the constitution of Netherlands, but i guess the right of freedom of speech is there. A government cannot ban a movie just because Wilder is MoP or the movie is incorrect (after all, Netherland is one of the most liberal countries in the world). It is a right he have, but using the freedom of speach in this manner is just shameful and wrong. That is what the muslim community should demonstrate about. Boycotting dutch products will only harm dutch producers and make them loose money.
Freedom of Free Speach comes with reponsibilities and eventhough Holland is very liberal comared to most other countries in Europe there are double standards. Its also a very pro jewish country, freedom of speach doesn't apply against jewish affairs. :rolleyes:

After the cartoon incident in Norway and Denmark the same situation came up here, muslim community in Norway (and all over the world) demanded boycot of danish products which made danish producers loose a lot of money, but the publisher in Denmark did not loose anything. But there was also a group of muslims who came up in public debats on TV and told that these cartoon's "hurt" their feeling as muslims and they indeed respect the freedom of speech but not in the manner that it hurt other peoples feeling bee a muslim or homosexual, it is just wrong. That made people see why muslims "react" so violently over the world because of this. In the end the editor of the magazine who published the cartoons in Norway "apologized".

But then again you are the resident in your country and therefore you know the situation better than anyone else here.

I don't expect Wilders to apologise, he's a true hater of Islam and muslims in heart and soul. My temporary boycot is more symbolic, an act of solidarity and silent protest against the double standards that apply here for muslim affairs.
Neo Dutch are simple people and I remember when i was in College some of my teachers use to during the month of Ramadan fast, which was unusual to me at first but later they told me that they respect Islam. I know this video does not reflect the views of the ductch:disagree:. Remember when Pim Fortuin views about Islam were widely criticized by the dutch and Muslim ethnic populace.

I know that mate, I grew up in this country and I've seen the changes since 9/11.
First time my parents invited my teachers over for dinner they all asked if they should take off their shoes out of respect, things like that use to be normal...mutual respect and understanding. Its fading away...

When Pim Fortuin was assasinated the media rushed to condemn it and blamed the muslims for his killing since he too had very negative perception of Islam and this anti islam and anti muslims (migrants) agenda saw his party with the elections.
Lucky for us that the killer turned out to be a Dutch Christian activst.
Its very easy to cite a book and takethe phrase out of context. I've studied the Torah, the Bible and the Holy Qoran, I can post many verses from the Torah and the Bible and take it out of context to create misconception.

Jeremiah once brought back a kid from dead, its one of the 9 cases of resurrections mentioned in the Bible, a detailed ritual is reported in some cases.

Take 2 Kings 4:34 out of context and you have a perfect story of paedophilia:

2 Kings 4:34 :New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth and his eyes on his eyes and his hands on his hands, and he stretched himself on him; and the flesh of the child became warm."

King James Bible
And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.
Freedom of Free Speach comes with reponsibilities and eventhough Holland is very liberal comared to most other countries in Europe there are double standards. Its also a very pro jewish country, freedom of speach doesn't apply against jewish affairs. :rolleyes:

I don't expect Wilders to apologise, he's a true hater of Islam and muslims in heart and soul. My temporary boycot is more symbolic, an act of solidarity and silent protest against the double standards that apply here for muslim affairs.

I agree that freedom of speech comes with responisibilities and again what Wilder did is wrong. How come Nederland is a pro jewish country? Something to do with WWII?

It is hard for extremist like him to apoligize, they will use the freedom of speech for all it is worth to fire up islamophobia. This boycot, is it just you or a large group of people?
Holland provided safe heaven for many Jews who fled Hitler's torture and socalled Holocaust, its been jew friendly ever since. Could have to do something with the anti german sentiment we've always had here. Dutch people are not very fond of the Germans, they've never been.
Should have made a video too about drug and sex tourism. Who cares what the Dutch make anyway as it seems limited to provocative fiction and cheese production.
I saw in Norwegian news today that dutch producers wants to take legal actions against Wilder because they are threatened by boycott. The producers say Mr. Wilder will be responsible for their loss because he uploaded the movie on the internet even though Dutch authorities warned him.
I think nothing will happen ........

It is not the first time we are seeing such things... What Muslims did in the past against such things... NOTHING!
I personally do not support arresting him, if the British Mullahs can broadcast their very extreme Islamic views through the media than the Dutch MP too is allowed to voice his ignorant views..
I personally do not support arresting him, if the British Mullahs can broadcast their very extreme Islamic views through the media than the Dutch MP too is allowed to voice his ignorant views..

They have the right to express their views even how extreme they are, but when those opionions will harm other peoples business (just because they share same religion, culture or skincolor) and you still express those same views deliberately then I believe legal actions is justified.
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