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Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

Can you refute?

Can you prove what is saying is also true, no. Because it is own opinion, with no backing. I went to his web site, he says lots things without backing up. He is just venting.
You seem to have missed one thing: when 5 salesgirls were burnt to death in a shop by the Tibetan rioters, one of the victims was authentic tibetan.

and you may have to host a holy man like below:

the secret truth: Dalai Lama and Nazi



* He is the self-proclaimed political and religious leader of Tibet. He was never elected to these positions, but was appointed by a small group of ruthless Taliban like theocrats.

*The Dalai Lama says that wants peace and so being judged by his words and not his deeds(which will be shown clearly to be anything but peaceful) was given the Nobel Peace Prize and the Congressional Gold Medal by George W. Bush. He claims that he is a man of peace, but is he? Or is the Dalai Lama like his predecessor,Jim Jones who also was venerated as a "holy man" and "man of peace" until he poisoned all of his devotees in French Guyana. Recent exposes by respected German magazines and Salon and other media, have revealed a very different person than the Dalai Lama pretends to be.

*While the Dalai Lama purports to be a "spiritual leader", he seems to be drawn to having close friendships with Nazis,former Nazis, mass murderers, convicted terrorists and refuses to repudiate their actions and appears only to want to have more prominent photo ops with his Nazi and terrorist friends, especially those who have a lot cash to throw at the Dalai Lama.

*After the Dalai Lama's good friend, Heinrich Harrer joined Hitler's Death Squad or SS, he had his picture taken with his friend, Adolph Hitler. Hitler then sent SS officer Harrer with other SS officers on a mission to Tibet to enlist the aid of the Lamas in the Nazi cause. One of Hitler's goals was to induce the Lamas to go to war against the Chinese and against India.

*The Dalai Lama has implied that the Chinese taking over Tibet is an evil and that he is on a crusade to induce people to place him back on the throne in Tibet where the Lama priest class un-democratically placed him and where the Lamas ruled a slave and serf state, like the Taliban--repressively and with brutality for centuries. However, if we ignore what the Dalai Lama says and look at his actions, one must wonder just what kind of ruler the Dalai Lama would be.

Here is another conspiracy theory, god you guy's just don't give up. Refute or prove what is the correlation between nazis and dalai lama. Tell me what website i need to go so i can look it up.

And by the way Nazi believed in arian power, and everybody in the world were inferior, so why would nazi's talk to dalai lama, anyways please prove you conspiracy theory, and don't put empty statements, i can do that all day long.
Hi SA,

where did you find my assertion that Lalai Lama is a Nazi? any tiny of it?

laughing at the pic without cognition of his actual connection with Nazi, you're making a meaningless phiz, aren't you?

I dont think you've read,or ever read the article I linked up here, it's research findings by German scholars, not mine. Just pity not in Dalai's favor.

the sampling of Bhutan doesn't seem advisable, I suppose that you know Bhutan had been a constitutional monarchy since the 1900s, which is by no means the same with the Tibet's serf system trashed in 1951. many countries like England,Japan and the Netherlands are all constitutional monarchies but they are featured by parliamentarism, or namely parliamentary democracy which is what Bhutan recently heading for.

There ARE good feudalities and bad democracies in this world. but a Tibet story is far not what you've figured out and chronically believe, coz you people dont seem to reach what Michael Parenti has achieved in the category of Tibetology.

please do peruse it here when you're at leisure: Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth

Read what is say at the end of your tibet myth:

Finally, let it be said that if Tibet’s future is to be positioned somewhere within China’s emerging free-market paradise, then this does not bode well for the Tibetans. China boasts a dazzling 8 percent economic growth rate and is emerging as one of the world’s greatest industrial powers. But with economic growth has come an ever deepening gulf between rich and poor. Most Chinese live close to the poverty level or well under it, while a small group of newly brooded capitalists profit hugely in collusion with shady officials. Regional bureaucrats milk the country dry, extorting graft from the populace and looting local treasuries. Land grabbing in cities and countryside by avaricious developers and corrupt officials at the expense of the populace are almost everyday occurrences. Tens of thousands of grassroot protests and disturbances have erupted across the country, usually to be met with unforgiving police force. Corruption is so prevalent, reaching into so many places, that even the normally complacent national leadership was forced to take notice and began moving against it in late 2006.

Workers in China who try to organize labor unions in the corporate dominated “business zones” risk losing their jobs or getting beaten and imprisoned. Millions of business zone workers toil twelve-hour days at subsistence wages. With the health care system now being privatized, free or affordable medical treatment is no longer available for millions. Men have tramped into the cities in search of work, leaving an increasingly impoverished countryside populated by women, children, and the elderly. The suicide rate has increased dramatically, especially among women.66

China’s natural environment is sadly polluted. Most of its fabled rivers and many lakes are dead, producing massive fish die-offs from the billions of tons of industrial emissions and untreated human waste dumped into them. Toxic effluents, including pesticides and herbicides, seep into ground water or directly into irrigation canals. Cancer rates in villages situated along waterways have skyrocketed a thousand-fold. Hundreds of millions of urban residents breathe air rated as dangerously unhealthy, contaminated by industrial growth and the recent addition of millions of automobiles. An estimated 400,000 die prematurely every year from air pollution. Government environmental agencies have no enforcement power to stop polluters, and generally the government ignores or denies such problems, concentrating instead on industrial growth.67

China’s own scientific establishment reports that unless greenhouse gases are curbed, the nation will face massive crop failures along with catastrophic food and water shortages in the years ahead. In 2006-2007 severe drought was already afflicting southwest China.68

Now you see why there are riots, they are not happy with China. There conditions were no better then before. :azn:
I looked up some more articles by this guy, Ahmed Quraishi, and I must say that I have absolutely no respect for him.
His writing is mostly cheap hearsay with no background in political science or journalism.
Frankly, a high school kid could write better than he does.

23march, the Tibet situation is quite clear - The Tibetans don't like the Chinese.
It won't help your cause by claiming that the Chinese have built roads and railways. Even the Americans built highways in Afghanistan. They built them in Iraq as well.

It also won't help your cause by claiming that the Chinese government are angels and the Dalai Lama is an evil mastermind. It just makes you look silly.

kvlin I don't know how you deduced that Dalai Lama is a Nazi, but showing pictures of him with a Buddhist Swastika is making me laugh.

Also, arguing that Tibet was a feudal monarchy etc. etc. isn't going to help your case either. Bhutan was a monarchy till recently, and it was doing fine. It had the most peaceful elections a couple of days back.

The fact is, that you guys never gave Tibetan society to a chance to evolve/modernize on its own, but went and imposed your violent self-righteous communist ideology on a very spiritual people.

And you are surprised that they hate your guts. :disagree:

Cheetah786, The world cares more about Tibetans than Afghans, because it pricks their conscience more when Tibetans are killed than when Afghans are. I don't want to explain why, I think its obvious.

However you twist it, Tibetans are a peace-loving people who have been brutally colonized. There is just no other way to put it.

Obviously, the Pakistani members here feel compelled to defend their long-time ally, but being a little more honest about it, by admitting that "yeah, we know that communists are brutal but we don't care because they are our allies" would be a lot more honest imo.

Ahmed Qurashi is a very educated person.. he express in a very simple understandable tone so that non native english speaker understands the language.

talking of freedom.. look who is talking from which soil! the place called Hindustan has suppressed its own people since independence! Go ask Kasmiris not your propaganda media! they hate indians more then Sovers! 61 years of indian army brutality over its own people... just tell me how much of development has there ever been beside massive army and police posts?? tell me how many McDonalds or KFCs will you find or Addidas or Nike brands?? hell i bet 1/10 dont even have access to media or internet?
first talk of Kasmir's freedom then open your ****** mouth!

and yes, I am surprised some of the Tibetans (not sure how many of them,in what degree) should suddenly trun violent at han chinese.

in October of 2004 I made a long trip into Tibet, all the way to Mont.Everest and Ali for the vestige of the ancient Guge Kingdom. I lived with Tibetan people, traveled with them, we shared foods of each other's, singing,dancing and making jokes all together. they were so kind people and took very good care of me when I was suffering from altitude sickness. the tent hostel owner Zahi talked with me all night long when I failed to fall asleep at the foot of Mont.Everest.

If the enmity is deep rooted among Tibetans "under Han chinese oppression" for 57 years long, why had they been showing kindness to han chinese for decades calling us friend, but just when Beijing Olympic is drawing near some of them suddenly put on such a violent look and began to kill us bloodly,burn our shops and likely tried to destroy the entire city of Lahsa?

why several tibetan areas, along with countries like Nepal,India and even Switzerland all saw outbreaks of Tibetan protest all at the same time?

why violent attacks toward Han and Hui Chinese only happened inside China while Chinese people are all over the world?

Why a Muslim mosque had to be burnt down, while it was neither in the way of the pretest, nor of any business building own by Hui Muslims who are only 9000 totally in Tibet?

(hint: Hui is the biggest minority as well as the biggest Muslim group in China, also the most solidly united in their belief. killing randomly one of their brother might be taken as serious law breaking, but burning their mosque,in Muslim view, is apparently another matter )

Why Tibetan mobs were all loaded with same granite blocks (supplied amply
in big baskets) which could only be collected 20 kms away from Lahsa?

the violence arose on an impulse, or an elaborate havoc?
by all the Tibetans, or an organized hard core group linking up to the Free Tibet youth Association?

Thank you India, for the outstanding job of stopping the protest, or supporting the Tibetan government in exile.
and yes, I am surprised some of the Tibetans (not sure how many of them,in what degree) should suddenly trun violent at han chinese.

in October of 2004 I made a long trip into Tibet, all the way to Mont.Everest and Ali for the vestige of the ancient Guge Kingdom. I lived with Tibetan people, traveled with them, we shared foods of each other's, singing,dancing and making jokes all together. they were so kind people and took very good care of me when I was suffering from altitude sickness. the tent hostel owner Zahi talked with me all night long when I failed to fall asleep at the foot of Mont.Everest.

If the enmity is deep rooted among Tibetans "under Han chinese oppression" for 57 years long, why had they been showing kindness to han chinese for decades calling us friend, but just when Beijing Olympic is drawing near some of them suddenly put on such a violent look and began to kill us bloodly,burn our shops and likely tried to destroy the entire city of Lahsa?

why several tibetan areas, along with countries like Nepal,India and even Switzerland all saw outbreaks of Tibetan protest all at the same time?

why violent attacks toward Han and Hui Chinese only happened inside China while Chinese people are all over the world?

Why a Muslim mosque had to be burnt down, while it was neither in the way of the pretest, nor of any business building own by Hui Muslims who are only 9000 totally in Tibet?

(hint: Hui is the biggest minority as well as the biggest Muslim group in China, also the most solidly united in their belief. killing randomly one of their brother might be taken as serious law breaking, but burning their mosque,in Muslim view, is apparently another matter )

Why Tibetan mobs were all loaded with same granite blocks (supplied amply
in big baskets) which could only be collected 20 kms away from Lahsa?

the violence arose on an impulse, or an elaborate havoc?
by all the Tibetans, or an organized hard core group linking up to the Free Tibet youth Association?

Thank you India, for the outstanding job of stopping the protest, or supporting the Tibetan government in exile.

you are suggesting the India gov't help start the riot. :crazy:
Read what is say at the end of your tibet myth:

Finally, let it be said that if Tibet’s future is to be positioned somewhere within China’s emerging free-market paradise, then this does not bode well for the Tibetans. China boasts a dazzling 8 percent economic growth rate and is emerging as one of the world’s greatest industrial powers. But with economic growth has come an ever deepening gulf between rich and poor. Most Chinese live close to the poverty level or well under it, while a small group of newly brooded capitalists profit hugely in collusion with shady officials. Regional bureaucrats milk the country dry, extorting graft from the populace and looting local treasuries. Land grabbing in cities and countryside by avaricious developers and corrupt officials at the expense of the populace are almost everyday occurrences. Tens of thousands of grassroot protests and disturbances have erupted across the country, usually to be met with unforgiving police force. Corruption is so prevalent, reaching into so many places, that even the normally complacent national leadership was forced to take notice and began moving against it in late 2006.

Workers in China who try to organize labor unions in the corporate dominated “business zones” risk losing their jobs or getting beaten and imprisoned. Millions of business zone workers toil twelve-hour days at subsistence wages. With the health care system now being privatized, free or affordable medical treatment is no longer available for millions. Men have tramped into the cities in search of work, leaving an increasingly impoverished countryside populated by women, children, and the elderly. The suicide rate has increased dramatically, especially among women.66

China’s natural environment is sadly polluted. Most of its fabled rivers and many lakes are dead, producing massive fish die-offs from the billions of tons of industrial emissions and untreated human waste dumped into them. Toxic effluents, including pesticides and herbicides, seep into ground water or directly into irrigation canals. Cancer rates in villages situated along waterways have skyrocketed a thousand-fold. Hundreds of millions of urban residents breathe air rated as dangerously unhealthy, contaminated by industrial growth and the recent addition of millions of automobiles. An estimated 400,000 die prematurely every year from air pollution. Government environmental agencies have no enforcement power to stop polluters, and generally the government ignores or denies such problems, concentrating instead on industrial growth.67

China’s own scientific establishment reports that unless greenhouse gases are curbed, the nation will face massive crop failures along with catastrophic food and water shortages in the years ahead. In 2006-2007 severe drought was already afflicting southwest China.68

Now you see why there are riots, they are not happy with China. There conditions were no better then before. :azn:

1. I never distort adverse paragraphs when forwarding entire articles. coz I dont get a job at Rediff.

2. I accept the facts you just put bold, which are mostly incidental with national economic growth, indeed a problem to find better solutions for.

but are there anything related to "Chinese oppression upon Tibetans" or ethnological inconsistency? in this regard, when a riot has to take place some day, most of the rioters might be Han chinese, coz economically Han population dominates almost all stratas of China's society.

if these are all you can pick up to counter my point of view, take a look at your beloved India and let's have a good comparison. since it seems india maintains a very small gap between the poor and rich. seems india has a proud crowd beyond poverty line. and it seems india has all the super cities tidy and clean.

If Rediff is wrong and you are very upset. just buy it!

That is free economy!!

International journalists were allowed in with Chinese minders and to a monastery that is pro Chinese and yet there were monks crying and said that the Chinese govt is suppressive!

I saw it on BBC.
you are suggesting the India gov't help start the riot. :crazy:

you gimme a break.lol

btw, for most of the time your replies can hardly remind me of your US flag.

you know why?
1. I never distort adverse paragraphs when forwarding entire articles. coz I dont get a job at Rediff.

2. I accept the facts you just put bold, which are mostly incidental with national economic growth, indeed a problem to find better solutions for.

but are there anything related to "Chinese oppression upon Tibetans" or ethnological inconsistency? in this regard, when a riot has to take place some day, most of the rioters might be Han chinese, coz economically Han population dominates almost all stratas of China's society.

if these are all you can pick up to counter my point of view, take a look at your beloved India and let's have a good comparison. since it seems india maintains a very small gap between the poor and rich. seems india has a proud crowd beyond poverty line. and it seems india has all the super cities tidy and clean.

i never said that there is small gap between the poor and the rich or indian cities are tidy and clean, you are saying that. But the poor can complain to the gov't, and if the gov't does not listen the poor has the power to put any party that will listen to them. And because the economic growth of India is growing rapidly lots things from income distribution to basic human needs are changing rapidly, but because of the population being so large the pace seems slow to an outsider. To Indians they see changes and benefits that are coming with the indian growth.
*The Dalai Lama has implied that the Chinese taking over Tibet is an evil and that he is on a crusade to induce people to place him back on the throne in Tibet where the Lama priest class un-democratically placed him and where the Lamas ruled a slave and serf state, like the Taliban--repressively and with brutality for centuries. However, if we ignore what the Dalai Lama says and look at his actions, one must wonder just what kind of ruler the Dalai Lama would be.

Very undemocratic.

The Lamas decided it.

I presume the Chinese Prime Minister or even Mao was elected by votes of the Chinese people!

If Rediff is wrong and you are very upset. just buy it!

That is free economy!!

International journalists were allowed in with Chinese minders and to a monastery that is pro Chinese and yet there were monks crying and said that the Chinese govt is suppressive!

I saw it on BBC.

Salim, you only need to note one thing: BBC is NOT in the journalist list.

btw, you seen hundreds of casualties and their families' cry?
so now your are saying i am stupid. great.

nope, instead I think native American kids are commonly premature than you look like.

but a straight mindset is good, indeed.
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