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RAW behind Asma Jehangir/Aitzaz Ahsan!


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
Friday, 28 March 2008.
Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The newspapers of Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2008, in Pakistan carried a report wherein the Chief Justice of U.K. and Wales criticized President Pervez Musharraf while addressing the ‘Indo-British Legal Forum’ in New Delhi. He appreciated the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan in so many words.

Those who live in U.K. know that this forum is a creation of the Indian intelligence agency RAW and this event in New Delhi was funded and organized by RAW. All expenses for the travel of the British delegation headed was borne by the Forum. Such forums have been formed in the United States and Canada too. All these forums are funded by RAW.

The British delegation included Lady Justice Arden of the Court of Appeals and Sir Suma Chakarabarti, the permanent secretary in the British Ministry of Justice. This Indian Hindu member has very close relations with Aitzaz Ahsan and is used by RAW to arrange such visits.

Our mole has informed that Asma Jehangir [Read her rebuttal email to an earlier story Ahmed Quraishi.com] in her recent visit to India had finalized the details of this activity of this forum and also met people of the Indian legal fraternity. She has received instructions and funds to facilitate and coordinate Indian Legal Forums in other countries. RAW will provide all the funding.

Even now, if anybody has any doubt that there is no Indian connection in this so called lawyers’ movement in Pakistan, he or she is living in a fool's paradise. Aitzaz Ahsan is an Indian stooge who is befooling our Pakistani lawyer brothers. But Allah Almighty will save Pakistan from the anti-Pakistan agents. Insha Allah.

Wake Up all you soldiers of Pakistan everywhere.

our own failed and free media has failed to bring such people in talk shows..
All this human rights stuff that Asma stands for is bs. The only reason she is out on the streets is because President Musharraf can stand criticism, I bet if it was President Zia she would be in her house scared and terrified.
As far as Aitizaz is concerned he just wants power. I see him along with the lawyers establishing a new party after the judiciary is not restored.
I have no doubts about the correctness of the article.
That's why Aitizaz prefered to choose movement of restoration of Iftikhar over leadership of BB.
That's why Aitizaz prefered to choose movement of restoration of Iftikhar over leadership of BB.

Aitizaz has no desire for a free judiciary, he is just power hungry. He saw his opportunity and grabed it.
Asma Jehangir meets Bal Thackeray
Mumbai | March 11, 2008 10:45:15 PM IST

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray has said he respects all religions.

Talking to noted Pakistani civil rights activist and Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights Asma Jehangir at his Mumbai residence Tuesday, Thackeray said: "We only react when we are provoked. We never harbour intentions to attack or even make provocative statement that hurt others' religious sentiments."

Jehangir, on a visit, is engaged in an in-depth study of human rights violations in India.

As part of her study, which will be submitted to the United Nations, Jehangir is meeting various people, including bureaucrats, police officials, intellectuals and politicians.

The meeting with the Shiv Sena chief was also part of this study, which encompasses sectarian, ethnic and communal violence in the country.

Well no doubt about Asma Jehangir.

But Aitizaz Ehsan not so sure.He is still a quite respected man.

But time will tell whter he is an agent or not
She was the first one who talked about removing the death penalty and thus making pakistan a fully secular state.

One of my friend is closely linked to the women rights NGO that is close to Jehangir.

We know from where there fundings come from.

Last week an Australian citizen gave them 1.5 million $ for their OPERATIONS.
The point is all we hear is complaining and whining, Raw this, Raw that. The fact of the matter is what the **** are we doing about it. If majority of people decide its ok if they are made fools, no one can do a damn about it after all the majority is the authority. And by the way i have one doubt about this report. I remember india was actually more favour of President Prevaiz Musharraf then any other leader, why would they now want to do something that may futhure weaken his position. Seems strange to me however i donot have anu doubts in india's real ambitions to destroy pakistan.
The point is all we hear is complaining and whining, Raw this, Raw that. The fact of the matter is what the **** are we doing about it. If majority of people decide its ok if they are made fools, no one can do a damn about it after all the majority is the authority. And by the way i have one doubt about this report. I remember india was actually more favour of President Prevaiz Musharraf then any other leader, why would they now want to do something that may futhure weaken his position. Seems strange to me however i donot have anu doubts in india's real ambitions to destroy pakistan.

the GoP/mush cant do much but say yes to the americans because we dont wana be another battle field like iraq. where ever RAW is involved with dirty work in pakistan its backed up with Israel and pro-jewish American lobby.
so the point is that the GoP is avoiding the big fight by taking small punches...
the GoP/mush cant do much but say yes to the americans because we dont wana be another battle field like iraq. where ever RAW is involved with dirty work in pakistan its backed up with Israel and pro-jewish American lobby.
so the point is that the GoP is avoiding the big fight by taking small punches...

The point is that how long will we be able to take these small punches and not do something about it to avoid a big fight. If a big fight has to happen then it has to happen, you, me, we cant stop it, but we cannot allow them to destroy pakistan right infront of our damn eyes while we watch it.IMO the new government will not be that much in bed with the US as the previous one was, why because it is a colation government and everything has to go through the parliment, so in one way i think its better for pakistan that no one got the two third majority to become the Khalifiah of Pakistan and do whatever deems fit to him.
The point is all we hear is complaining and whining, Raw this, Raw that. The fact of the matter is what the **** are we doing about it. If majority of people decide its ok if they are made fools, no one can do a damn about it after all the majority is the authority. And by the way i have one doubt about this report. I remember india was actually more favour of President Prevaiz Musharraf then any other leader, why would they now want to do something that may futhure weaken his position. Seems strange to me however i donot have anu doubts in india's real ambitions to destroy pakistan.
you're right, we can only blame R&AW, but the truth of the matter is R&AW is not behind most of the problems in pakistan. there is a much more greater threat coming from "he whose name should not be said". check this out, i got it from dawn.com:

Two IB men trailing Al Qaeda shot dead
By Tahir Siddiqui

KARACHI, March 27: Two officers of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) believed to be involved in anti-Al Qaeda operations were gunned down on Thursday on a busy street near Regal Chowk, in Saddar, witnesses and police said.

They said Inspector Mohammed Ibrahim and Sub-inspector Fazalur Rahman, posted at the IB’s anti-terrorism section (ATS), were shot dead on Frere Road at around 7:20pm by two attackers who came on a motorbike Honda-125.

Witnesses said the assailants fled the scene after the attack during the evening rush hour.

The witnesses said the attackers intercepted the victims, who were also on a 125cc (IDD-1976), in front of a car showroom and shot them at point-blank range.

The officials were shifted to Civil Hospital, but were pronounced dead.

Tahir Naveed, a police officer, told Dawn that it was apparently a case of targeted killing.

Intelligence sources told Dawn that both slain officers had been active in anti-terrorist operation.

They said the two officers were also linked with the investigation and detection of a number of terrorism-related cases, including Allama Hasan Turrabi murder case, Marriot bomb blast case and Nishtar Park bomb blast case.

The sources said Inspector Ibrahim, resident of Jubilee, Ranchore Lanes, had been posted to Dubai a week ago. He was due to leave for the Gulf state in a couple of days.

The second victim, Fazal, hailed from the NWFP.

He was promoted as SI a few days ago.

An IB official told Dawn that the two officers had received a cash award of Rs500,000 each for their performance against Al Qaeda.

Constables killed

Two constables were shot dead by unknown occupants of a car near the headquarters of Airport Security Force.

Airport police said when constables Fazal Abbas and Mohammed Iqbal signalled a car to stop, they were met by a volley of bullets.

The victims were rushed to a private hospital near Kala Board, Malir, but died of their wounds.

Later, the bodies were shifted to the Jinnah Hospital for autopsy. Hospital sources said both the victims received multiple bullet wounds from a very close range.
-besides these guyz, a little while ago, three senior officials from the ISI were shot dead if anyone can remember.

such high-profile targetted killings cannot be carried out by RAW agents because of our counter-intelligence network. RAW simply does not have the capability to do this. bhutto, surgeon general, senior ISI officials, who's next?

truth is, i think our govt. officials know who is really behind this, but cannot say anything about it. our voice wouldn't even be heard, let alone our distress calls. we're just as helpless condemning drone attacks on pakistan tribal areas, we can't even protect our honour. on top of that, we have some members here who actually blame taliban for their problems. we are just a nation, waiting to be invaded by you know who.
Indeed, if they are RAW agents, as it is claimed, they should be immediately arrested and hung.

Why are they not being done so?

Could it be that what is being said is politically motivated and without substance?

After all, treachery cannot be condoned.
you're right, we can only blame R&AW, but the truth of the matter is R&AW is not behind most of the problems in pakistan. there is a much more greater threat coming from "he whose name should not be said". check this out, i got it from dawn.com:

-besides these guyz, a little while ago, three senior officials from the ISI were shot dead if anyone can remember.

such high-profile targetted killings cannot be carried out by RAW agents because of our counter-intelligence network. RAW simply does not have the capability to do this. bhutto, surgeon general, senior ISI officials, who's next?

truth is, i think our govt. officials know who is really behind this, but cannot say anything about it. our voice wouldn't even be heard, let alone our distress calls. we're just as helpless condemning drone attacks on pakistan tribal areas, we can't even protect our honour. on top of that, we have some members here who actually blame taliban for their problems. we are just a nation, waiting to be invaded by you know who.

ok first of all, the article that i provided is not entirely based on one side that only RAW is behind these attacks..
What i believe and the wrighter is that the funding is provided by RAW as indians can freely Rome around in Afghanistan and even Afghanistan GoP has better relationship with India then Pakistan... RAW is not practicly involved with bomb blasts in pakistan! though most of the bombings have india's master mind!

as the topic being RAW behind Asma Jehangir and Aitzaz Ahsan one must be living in paradise of fool who has failed to figure that out.
Asama her name her face haunts me day and night! what is she thinking?? does she not have a soul for the country?? why is she misusing her power? Matter of a fact that unfortunately when you show money$$$ fest hungry people hell they are even ready to sell their own dignity!
it was her who exploited the image of Pakistan when a illiterate village women got raped? of intensely? the illiterate women called "Mukhtaran Bibi" such a disgrace to our beloved country Pakistan.. she wanted justice from GoP of pakistan and she got it.. but how could she resist that fame and luxury over seas perhaps in New York? uhhh a dream come true for a blind sheep and her master Asama who just did fine to get her self a job of exploiting pakistan's image.. soo guess who is wants her?? Hmmm just who is after Pakistan..

NEW DELHI: Human rights activist and lawyer Asma Jehangir on Tuesday said the people of Pakistan would have to continue their “principled” struggle against the present military regime but must remain non-violent.
She was referring to the stand-off between the judiciary and the government.
“My mind is still back home for whatever is happening in my country now. While we have to continue our struggle, we must remain non-violent despite whatever we get from the other side,” she told a function organised to present the 7th Sarojini Naidu Prize for best reporting on “Women and Panchayati Raj.”
Seeking India’s help in restoring democracy in Pakistan, Ms. Jehangir said it was a long and tiring struggle. “When the dictators come here, India gives them a red-carpet welcome. We also need your help and want you to pray for us [people of Pakistan].”

Aitzaz Ahsen a wolf in black coat! Independent Judiciary means independence from Political Parties, no affiliation with the feudal lords/politicians, thats how the Law is maintained!!!! Law is for everyone and everyone is equal in the eyes of a True Justice System!!! Him being such a opportunists and a self fish of low esteem!! If Aitzaz Ahsen was such true honest and a fair person he would have never partied with PPP fest for $$$ party!
Why shouldn’t RAW support himm.. after all he is distorting Pakistan’s Military image, anti President Musharraf what else one must do to demoralize a country..?

Please don’t just believe on what the media feeds!

Hi 23March,

What happened to pakistan because of Mukhtar Mai---was not enough---according to the standards set by the muslims warriors in spain and at Deebal and to whom we always refer to as the standards justice set by Islam and its warriors---any christian nation had the right to ransack, loot plunder devouver and enslave pakistan for the next 1000 years. But incidently, they let us live in our own misery.

No pakistani died ( including me ) to protect the honour of the innocent---to what happened with Mukhtar Mai and her family---Mukhtar has yet to recieve justice---and it is a shame that the person I always have stood up for Gen Musharraf, made some derogatory comments about women who had been the rape victims in pakistan.

The misery that is Asma Jehangir----did not pop up on its own---we pakistanis are responsible for making her who she is today---we have not been able to cure that little sore that was formed on our skin---that little sore has turned into a massive cancerous growth---we would see vani and rape happening once in a while---now vani and gang rapes are a cultural thing--a pride and joy of the great state and nation---our 'beloved pakistan'---it has become fashionable in the society---Ya Allah---what has happened to my nation---these men were known as the protectors of women and children---now they are molesting them like there is no tomorrow.

Asma was ready to be recruited---it was casued by the insensitivities of the pakistani law and justice and pakistani men---raw picked her upat a convenient time. Aitzaz is a different story.
ok first of all, the article that i provided is not entirely based on one side that only RAW is behind these attacks..
What i believe and the wrighter is that the funding is provided by RAW as indians can freely Rome around in Afghanistan and even Afghanistan GoP has better relationship with India then Pakistan... RAW is not practicly involved with bomb blasts in pakistan! though most of the bombings have india's master mind!

as the topic being RAW behind Asma Jehangir and Aitzaz Ahsan one must be living in paradise of fool who has failed to figure that out.
Asama her name her face haunts me day and night! what is she thinking?? does she not have a soul for the country?? why is she misusing her power? Matter of a fact that unfortunately when you show money$$$ fest hungry people hell they are even ready to sell their own dignity!
it was her who exploited the image of Pakistan when a illiterate village women got raped? of intensely? the illiterate women called "Mukhtaran Bibi" such a disgrace to our beloved country Pakistan.. she wanted justice from GoP of pakistan and she got it.. but how could she resist that fame and luxury over seas perhaps in New York? uhhh a dream come true for a blind sheep and her master Asama who just did fine to get her self a job of exploiting pakistan's image.. soo guess who is wants her?? Hmmm just who is after Pakistan..

NEW DELHI: Human rights activist and lawyer Asma Jehangir on Tuesday said the people of Pakistan would have to continue their “principled” struggle against the present military regime but must remain non-violent.
She was referring to the stand-off between the judiciary and the government.
“My mind is still back home for whatever is happening in my country now. While we have to continue our struggle, we must remain non-violent despite whatever we get from the other side,” she told a function organised to present the 7th Sarojini Naidu Prize for best reporting on “Women and Panchayati Raj.”
Seeking India’s help in restoring democracy in Pakistan, Ms. Jehangir said it was a long and tiring struggle. “When the dictators come here, India gives them a red-carpet welcome. We also need your help and want you to pray for us [people of Pakistan].”

Aitzaz Ahsen a wolf in black coat! Independent Judiciary means independence from Political Parties, no affiliation with the feudal lords/politicians, thats how the Law is maintained!!!! Law is for everyone and everyone is equal in the eyes of a True Justice System!!! Him being such a opportunists and a self fish of low esteem!! If Aitzaz Ahsen was such true honest and a fair person he would have never partied with PPP fest for $$$ party!
Why shouldn’t RAW support himm.. after all he is distorting Pakistan’s Military image, anti President Musharraf what else one must do to demoralize a country..?

Please don’t just believe on what the media feeds!


So what you found one person that RAW is supporting. I can give numersious example of pakistan intell. agency in India and supporting. Real simple example Doud is living in pakistan these day, why don't you hand him over to India.

Do not make a big deal and be childish.
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