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  1. B

    ‘Pakistan has been playing us all for suckers’

    Honor and integrity are "strings". The only 'strings' attached to our aid was that you don't stab us in the back! Is that such a big consideration? For over half a century, the American taxpayer has given Pakistan but literally everything from cash to planes to missiles to food to medicines...
  2. B

    ‘Pakistan has been playing us all for suckers’

    Not sure if the people in Pakistan fully realize the ramifiations of OBL hiding out in a safe house in Abbotabad. Sections that were long pro-Pakistan (e. g., Dana Rorhbacher) have decidedly turned against Pakistan. On the TV (John Stewart) are openly mocking the naivety of anyone trusting...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Have the 'non-state' actors from Pakistan ever attacked an Indian military base or Indian military assets?
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Hardly. In Mumbai, Pakistanis attacked unarmed civilians at various public venues. The aim was to both slaughter civilians and strike fear into those wanting to business with and in India. The Indian first responders were local law enforcement. In Karachi, Pakistanis attacked a well...
  5. B

    Hoodbhoy the maniac : Pak Army Was Hiding Osama

    It is hard to believe that senior Army staff would not have known that OBL was living in a massive complex a few blocks from the military academy. Surely Pakistani Intelligence would also have known his whereabouts. Absolutey betrayl of the nation that has sustained you for over half a...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    I think Pearl Harbor was avenged shortly thereafter. You have no problem taking tax money ($20 billion since 9/11 and military hadrdware) from a bunch of ********?
  7. B

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Sort of what happened to Pakistan in the winter of 1971? How many of your troops surrendered that day?
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    You bet. We've given your country nearly $20 billion from our Treasury and we find that our most wanted criminal is enjoying the good life near your military academy! I just had to find a forum where Pakistanis would feign shock and surprise. Now I find that Pakistanis compare an attack by...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Again, Indian commandos were at a civilian hotel where Pakistanis had killed innoncents and where Pakistanis were holding civlians hostage. Surely, the length of time to control the situation stemmed from a desire to limit further bloodshed among civlians. PNS Mehran is an attack on a...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    The 'non-state' elements from Pakistan attacked unarmed civilians (including women and children) -- an offense against humanity.
  11. B

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    The attack on Mumbai was at a civilian hotel and the targets were unarmed civilians. This is an attack on a military installation and the targets were apparently military assets. Not sure where there is any similarity.
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