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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

All the strategic P3C Orions were parked at the same location- all close to each other- Biggest Planning Blunder-

and we should have pair of attack helicopters with night vision capability scattered at every important military installation/base for rapid deployment in such scenarios-
How many times you hear news of Indian premier running to Russin to get support whenver we have any problem with any of major world power. India is a not a client state of any country . If that was the case Americans would have attacked abottabad from Indian side not form Afghanistan side. No country keeps on bombing in our territory and so we dont need any godfather to voice moral support for us . :( wake up and accept the facts they way it is and get out of conspiracy theory mentality.

Well said.....
Firing has started again.

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Sort of what happened to Pakistan in the winter of 1971? How many of your troops surrendered that day?

No but sort of what happened to your pussies*** in pearl harbour. I liked the way they cried and begged for their lives. I really enjoy that moment still. Now go and fu*k your mama you bloody ignorant yank! *tards are on the loose here...
wow so many new indian **** holes registering just to derail this thread- where are the moderators when we need one-
is the operation is ended or still these is some resistance remains from terrorists? whats the actual report? can any body tell
But 4 is all P3C that Pakistan has... though I read somewhere they were all parked at PNS Mehran.

The PN has around a dozen P3C Orions in it's inventory, two from the original order while an other ten were subsequently supplied by the US.
No but sort of what happened to your pussies*** in pearl harbour. I liked the way they cried and begged for their lives. I really enjoy that moment still. Now go and fu*k your mama you bloody ignorant yank! *tards are on the loose here...

I think Pearl Harbor was avenged shortly thereafter.

You have no problem taking tax money ($20 billion since 9/11 and military hadrdware) from a bunch of ********?
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