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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

No but sort of what happened to your pussies*** in pearl harbour. I liked the way they cried and begged for their lives. I really enjoy that moment still. Now go and fu*k your mama you bloody ignorant yank! *tards are on the loose here...

uncalled for. keep it civil. besides, it doesn't take a genius to spot a troll.
salute to the brave men who are fighting with these a holes :pakistan:

The whole Pakistan has become a soft target and number of militants has too increased to many folds.Our intellegence agencies are tired they are following many different threats at a time.At this time we need to get united against Taliban.
hmm . dont worry I will come to support you people when xinxiang will burn by same religious fanatics that your province pakistan is harbouring now.

There is no need to mention any thing here on this thread mate. Chinese are here to flame Pakistanis against Indians and trust me many sane Pakistanis know this very well. Let them do what they are doing. Every thing has a consequence and at the end of the day the truth will prevail (सत्यमेव जयते, remember!). Its none of Indian poster's business to comment on every Pakistani thread.
They are a clever breed and will find the way out of this mess the way they want.

No but sort of what happened to your pussies*** in pearl harbour. I liked the way they cried and begged for their lives. I really enjoy that moment still. Now go and fu*k your mama you bloody ignorant yank! *tards are on the loose here...

Don't talk to Americans like that.
I think Pearl Harbor was avenged shortly thereafter.

You have no problem taking tax money ($20 billion since 9/11 and military hadrdware) from a bunch of ********?

Nobody takes your *ing money, you spend it for your own good. Go shove it up your as* somwhere!

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

Don't talk to Americans like that.

And who are you exactly?
Pathetic. Just give all Pakistani military bases to China. Pakistani military are just too incompetant to do anything right.
I think that your idea is good. Though it will be adverse for India but in the interest of the region you have a point. I think that pakistani people should vote to arrange a sort of lease agreement like hong kong for 99 years to give pakistan to china. Then when everything is okay they can request china to return pakistan and then everything will be okay. Otherwise it is really sad to see the loss of lives and the degeneration of a proud nation.
Relax guys, the SSG have the scum bags in a corner and are trying to take them alive, hence the delay in completing the operation.
In the next attack - we should see a even more complex attack --- notice what Pakistani troops ride to the fight in - thin skin - it would be a damn shame if troops on the way to the fight were targeted by small IED or even one or two individuals taking a couple of shots along the route - an Afghan style rolling ambush - yes, that would be a shame especially in a urban environment
I think it's time we realize who our real enemy is. If we take a look at who benefits most from this incident then it will be clear that our real enemy are USA-India-Israel. And that TTP is definitely created/funded by CIA/Raw/Mosad.

Let's see:

1. It is on record that there are hundreds of CIA contractors, Black Water agents and other staff working in Pakistan but I don't remember TTP ever attacked them. I wonder why? I mean if there enemy number 1 is USA and they attack Pakistan because they say Pakistan is supporting USA in WOT then why they have never attacked primary target!? Some of those Blackwater and CIA personnels are already known and their location is also somewhat known as we read in newspaper from time to time but why no attack on them by TTP in all these years?
And if I remember correctly they have killed some Chinese civilians too but not US civilians!?

2. Was PC-3 Orion being used for surveillance against TTP? Who gets most benefit from there destruction?

3. USA has been saying all along that Pakistan nukes are in danger. So an attack on Naval base with aircrafts destroyed, they will use it as an excuse to spew more venom against Pakistan. Isn't it so convenient that the TTP is there to help USA's stance by attacking a military base?

4. You have to understand that Pakistan is in great danger. People say that our nukes are pretty safe, there are codes and protocol to follow bla bla bla and they can't be stolen or used without permission. Well people also used to say that a military base is a high security zone where terrorists can't do anything but look what happened? Do you see where it is going? They are upping the stakes one step at a time.
First it was just civilians, then army personnels, suicide bombings, attack on forces buses and caravans, attack on GHQ and now attack on naval base with 2,3 aircrafts destroyed!
For all those who criticized Indian security forces for slow progress on Mumbai attacks, what would you be calling this? Mumbai attacks were carried out on civilian establishments. Our military has to be careful to avoid hostage situations. Also there were multiple locations which were attacked. But here a key military installation is attacked and your military is still fighting albeit slowly.
Nobody takes your *ing money, you spend it for your own good. Go shove it up your as* somwhere!

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

And who are you exactly?

I am going to US for a week.
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