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  1. M

    Which team are you supporting apart from your home team

    soory if u didnt understaood my wat i sad tel me if u don tudnerstand i wull tyre to xplan it agan
  2. M

    Which team are you supporting apart from your home team

    wat r ur meenings?
  3. M

    Which team are you supporting apart from your home team

    hahah soory i dont saw ur underliner in me post i want sad dat my 8 ear old small broder not maal broder hahahahah soory
  4. M

    Which team are you supporting apart from your home team

    maai da ooo hahhahhah
  5. M

    Which team are you supporting apart from your home team

    hahah i spourt evry 1 aftat pakistna expect bharath hahahaha becoz mendar sing dooni luks lik a horse hahah nd suchin tendulkakakakar is funy and i play betterer cricket than tenduklkar hahaha he play very bad my 8 ear old maal broder is betterer than suching tendulkkara
  6. M

    IAF to finalise 350 helicopter order in a month: IAF Chief

    u cum to pakistan and reed r english?hoow u claclutae 80% pakistani>hahah maybe ur cow cowwwwwwwwww telled u the survay hahah
  7. M

    IAF to finalise 350 helicopter order in a month: IAF Chief

    haha u shud larn to type i m tyre now nd cant do da rushkin bond agan bt u cn use ur moose in ur hand(choooha hahahahha) nd look up in da page becuz in my dickshionary der is no word louuuuuuuuulllllll hahaha
  8. M

    IAF to finalise 350 helicopter order in a month: IAF Chief

    hahah anoter bharathi wo cant speek egnlish rape is donefor woomans and not of languges haha maybe u shud go to rushkin bond googling rushkin bond says he is bharathi when luking rushkinbond he luksing foranar hahaha i m shoked but ur child teecher dont tell you dat rape is of womans and not...
  9. M

    IAF to finalise 350 helicopter order in a month: IAF Chief

    dud soory but da popolution u siad is xtra biger and dey dont have the poploation dis bigg i use google.com nd it sayis dat bharath populotion is not 44000000 millians pleez rite yor statimint
  10. M

    Shahid Afridi punishing indians.

    haha were ur luve for bharath?now u becum pakistan cricketer fan? haha funny peepal now dey leeve der contry nad all the besting pakistan team in the word cup hahaha funny peepel
  11. M

    IAF to finalise 350 helicopter order in a month: IAF Chief

    haha y u bharath want mroe hekicoperts > u ssacred of pakistan army and naby and airforve?> u buy plains and helikcoperts for yu are scared by d majar and genaral of pakistan army and airforcve and navy hahah cowwwwwww cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  12. M

    why am i unable to post new threads in india defence?

    haha someting rong with ur scool wen u was kid?dont lyk to chat in english?hahhaha maybe u shud larn english from rushkin bond he is bharati but luks foranar to me hahahah but is d betterer bharathi then u bharatiihis here hahah
  13. M

    Shahid Afridi punishing indians.

    booooooooom booooooooom afridi bhai and boom d cow cow cowwwwwwwwwww cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww of bharath hahahah
  14. M

    why am i unable to post new threads in india defence?

    becoze bharat defnse is under pakistani cuntrolmant hahahah
  15. M

    pakistan air show

    helo i want to say that y pakistan dont have a airt show?v shud make one air show and name pakistani aeroshow?do u spoort me?plz say yes and do aersoshows better than bharati aeroshow
  16. M

    Most beautiful actress/handome actor ;)

    haha u shud not told who is tha beutifuliast actors becoze you has a pagri on ur head and it is not beuitifular but only beutifular dan a duney
  17. M

    Somalian pirates moving towards India: Coast Guard

    haha i thought pakistan naby shud propvide supourt for somali pirate and capchar bharat coast gard and lines
  18. M

    Indian Navy to retire INS Virat by 2018

    retyre hahahah shops also retyre? bharath media also poorer in engilish and looking at retyre they need tire in theyr head haha
  19. M

    Pakistan’s Coke Studio to Rock India

    no wander you sacre bcoz engilish typign ist too tuf and out of yur thinksing
  20. M

    Pakistan’s Coke Studio to Rock India

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: funier song
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