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  1. Z

    China trusts Islamabad more than any other capital

    correct, North Korea is important to China (just like vietnam) but it does not mean the relationship is over China-Pakistan relationship. Pakistan is No.1 friend to China, the 2nd will be some African Countries. NK will be after them. ps. Not like western leaders, Chinese leaders are very...
  2. Z

    If Arab Oil Runs Out

    "If Arab Oil Runs Out"-------------------> Peace will finally come to Arab.
  3. Z

    What Has NOT Changed in China? An Analysis of the Chinese One-Party Dictatorship

    Too many posts about Chinese politics these days. Some countries cares about human rights of chinese people more than CHINESE people themselves.
  4. Z

    'US may attack Iran soon'

    Me too I can not remember how many times we have heard about this "nuke facility assault plan" We have the saying "the dog which barks a lot will not bite you" US == The Dog for your comment "Unless China, Russia and the US had already negotiated, and come to an agreement." I agree...
  5. Z

    India to send two astronauts into space in 2016

    I dont think the pic is incorrect. It is a space ship entering the atmosphere. not like a plane fly just 30000ft above the land. I think the pic shows "entering atmosphere" process but not "landing process", the "landing" process will be more like a normal plane.
  6. Z

    India to send two astronauts into space in 2016

    It will be a great progress in Indian history. There is no doubt that they will have it done but it is too fast. I doubt if people wrote the article realy know the space tech...or they are just too happy and cut down timeline? it seems that india will escape several steps. eg. send animal...
  7. Z

    India Pakistan Comparison 2010

    you'd better deny the conclusion but not the datas. I can believe most of the datas make sense. However I don't like the conclusion made a stupid foreign visitor. From the data given above I do not see anything shown "pakistan is better than Inida". plus it is only one-people's...
  8. Z

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Kashmir was never a core issue over the world. It is the core issue between Inida and Pakistan. Nowadays it is the sub-Core issue attached to the USA<->Iran-Pakistan-Krashmir-China line. In order to attack Iran -> need to block the land route between china and Iran, what is the...
  9. Z

    China and Taiwan tussle over Haiti

    According to your post, it is a one-side decision. I don't think china will cease any operation because of Taiwain. It is not a secret that Taiwain paid some caribbean islands for political recognition (they are small as big country are hard to buy). However Mainland China is a big coutry, I...
  10. Z

    Israel's War crimes exposed by a Turkish Film !!

    thanks for your history lesson. your post is informative
  11. Z

    For 20 million in China, email, international calls cut off for 6 months

    I am laughing. finally, it is Canada....it is not even comparable to inida. Canada is not Neutral as a puppet of USA. Their voice are against China too. Actually to a certain extent they just repeat what they know from their US father. it is Much worse than India, I am living in Canada...
  12. Z

    Who Won the Air War in 1971?

    I am thinking that most of the arguments here are related to PAF and IAF battles but not stick to the title "who win the war". Honestly India is the winner of the 1971 war because Eastern Pakistan was taken out from its own country. Any other arguments about shoot down/loss are not important...
  13. Z

    A Sincere Advise to Our Pakistan Friends

    oh good point. I will be careful about the title next time. I am new here, have no sense about the trolling posts. anyway, I don't like trolling but my post is totally irrelavent to trolling but just wish our friends pay attention to some other factors than techs of a jet.
  14. Z

    China buys Russian engines for JF-17 and J-10

    IT is true that russian engine is better than China's. The weak point of Chinese military technology is Jet engine and ship engine. (tank engine was just solved last year with 1500ptu same to the US one). No one actually knows the current progress of our new engine. perhaps Chinese military...
  15. Z

    A Sincere Advise to Our Pakistan Friends

    Hello all, I am new to this forum. I saw lots of threads comparing several jets that are option for PAF, F-16,J-10,JF-17,Typhoon...etc. My sincere advise to our pak friends is that JF-17(thunder) has has has has has to be the dominant jet of PAF. I am not a fan of Chinese weapon tech...
  16. Z

    Israel's War crimes exposed by a Turkish Film !!

    great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this world's voice is monopolized by Holywood, CNN, BBC...etc. very glad to see some different voice by the way, the last pic is good too, with all the facts.
  17. Z

    South Korea President Lee’s India Visit to Focus on Nuclear, IT Exchange

    Agree, I have to stand on the indian side. The S.Korean weapons are not even fully manufactured in their country (not all the parts). in terms of self development not imported arms, India is way better than S.Korea
  18. Z

    Taiwan wins respect through cooperation with China and Haiti

    it is good to see their cooperation. It is not the right time or place to raise any kind of political arguments while people are dying aside.
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