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China trusts Islamabad more than any other capital

One correspondent of Chinese newspaper just entitled his opinion about Sino Pak ties standing in Pakistan and people here started feeling great about the same.. This was intended for local audience and his work is over... Remember same has been said when David Cameroon commented aganst Pak by the same posters..
@ topic, Ofcourse China and Pak has long historical cooperation which is of 60 years almost but if it is said that is the best for China then we are taking it without proper reference.. What Pakistan has provided China to be trustworthy except some land in disputed region? All technological / dam thing is only business aspects. In the current scenario, Economy is the one thing which defines relationship for e.g. China is now biggest exporter to African Countries so it means African nations are best friends of China now leaving US behind...
Hmm. Interesting hypothesis, a source to back it up perhaps?

correct, North Korea is important to China (just like vietnam) but it does not mean the relationship is over China-Pakistan relationship.
Pakistan is No.1 friend to China, the 2nd will be some African Countries. NK will be after them.

ps. Not like western leaders, Chinese leaders are very careful saying every single word about other countries. when they describe a relationship you can rank the level from the words itself. Pakistan is valued as a "all weather friend" to China. North Korea is just "good friend".
yes ...Islamabad trusts china and china trusts Islamabad nomatter what...they r like two hearts with one body....and thats why they r existing in this world....Alhamdolillah

kind sir

may i ask why you call your khurasan
I truly hope that China (and even India for that matter) helps out Pakistanis as this is a very painful time. However, the point I am raising is that muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular are more swayed by rhetoric than rational thinking.

China is Pakistan's best friend or so it is said, yet when it comes to the crisis in balance of payments it is to the US dominated IMF that Pakistan has to go to for help and accept their unrealistic and strict conditions. Similarly while Western and Arab nations pour in millions of dollars of aid including military choppers, as much as I know China has probably provided around 2-3 million dollars worth. Its not like they can't afford it, afterall they are almost the second biggest economy.

Lets hope I am proved wrong.

America giving vast amount of money to pakistan becos so many pakistan people are dying fighting the war for america.but sadly only a tiny corrupt elite benefits from this. china did not use pakistan for any purpose whatever assistance they gave to Pakistan has benefited directly the people. They have built projects like the Karakoram Highway, which provides a linkage between Pakistan and China itself, but it has helped the people of Pakistan in terms of trade and interaction."
There is a long list of similar projects that combine a certain strategic value with tangible benefits for millions of Pakistanis - from nuclear power plants to the new deep-water sea port at Gwadar.
China does not beleive in Aid , they are more inclined in helping others with investment and technological support. Which i think is more better for pakistan than Aid. Give the all the construction work to chinese for all the destroyed bridges and other infrastructure they will be really helpful.

I hope other nations will do so too, These aid programs have never been of any significant benefit whether in India,Pakistan or Africa.Only created some temporary illusions.Foreign aid s should be given only in times the country is in real need of immediate help like calamities ,or post-war etc and most importantly they should be monitored closely.
One correspondent of Chinese newspaper just entitled his opinion about Sino Pak ties standing in Pakistan and people here started feeling great about the same.. This was intended for local audience and his work is over... Remember same has been said when David Cameroon commented aganst Pak by the same posters..
@ topic, Ofcourse China and Pak has long historical cooperation which is of 60 years almost but if it is said that is the best for China then we are taking it without proper reference.. What Pakistan has provided China to be trustworthy except some land in disputed region? All technological / dam thing is only business aspects. In the current scenario, Economy is the one thing which defines relationship for e.g. China is now biggest exporter to African Countries so it means African nations are best friends of China now leaving US behind...

Pakistan was the one secretly being the middle man between China and US when those two didn't have any diplomatic relationship at that time. Henry Kissinger's secret trip to China was through Pakistan.
China trusts ISB but ISB should not trust China.
I remember what happened with India,
Hindi Chini Bhai bhai(Indians and Chinese are brothers),but everyone knows how discretely China back stabbed us.
So never trust them!
China trusts ISB but ISB should not trust China.
I remember what happened with India,
Hindi Chini Bhai bhai(Indians and Chinese are brothers),but everyone knows how discretely China back stabbed us.
So never trust them!

takes one to know one, yeah i remember and every one knows we well and truely kick yr a$$$se in 1962
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