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Israel's War crimes exposed by a Turkish Film !!


May 3, 2009
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New Turkish film on Israeli war crimes
Sat, 16 Jan 2010 18:17:37 GMT


A damning Turkish motion picture, aimed at depicting the "Israeli crimes against humanity," is set to further alienate Ankara from Tel Aviv.

The movie would "depict Israel as it is - with bloody hands, merciless... flouting all human values," against a backdrop of the Palestinian suffering in the blockaded Gaza Strip, the national daily Vatan quoted Turkish scriptwriter Bahadir Ozdener as saying, according to an AFP report.

"What we do is fiction,” said Ozdener. “But what about what they do, their crimes against humanity? They are real."

Tel Aviv took issue with Ankara over the "Valley of the Wolves" - the TV series boasting Ozdener's contribution which, besides other patriotic depictions, featured the emancipation of a Turkish boy captured by the Israeli intelligence apparatus, Mossad.

Reacting to the series, Israel called Turkish ambassador Oguz Celikkol to account, seating him on a low couch and removing the Turkish flag from the table of discussion. Celikkol was later quoted by the Anatolia news agency as denouncing the humiliating treatment as one "that will go down in the books of diplomatic history," AFP added.

Downplaying the Israeli ire at the matter, Ozdener said, "It is Israel who must show remorse.... If they cannot see themselves in the mirror, we know how to hold the mirror to their face."

The bilateral relations took a mortal blow after Israel brought the Gaza Strip under heavy aerial, artillery and naval bombardments at the turn of the year.

In October, Ankara canceled a military exercise with Israel in denunciation of the raids which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan later criticized the international community for seeking to incriminate Islam while Israel was committing war crimes in Gaza.
What does turkey has to say about genocide of Armenians ?

i don't know much about middle east history, but i would say, nobody is less than anyone.

if one did something bad, another did more bad, and it just keep going.

stick to the topic...

It is indeed off topic, but if i may, the Turks are hypocrites. I can honestly say that the Palestinians have suffered. Likewise, i can also say the Israelis have suffered. However, some see it as a one sided coin. They will feel bad when Palestinians die but when Israeli die....they couldn't give a damn, and that is apauling.
It is indeed off topic, but if i may, the Turks are hypocrites. I can honestly say that the Palestinians have suffered. Likewise, i can also say the Israelis have suffered. However, some see it as a one sided coin. They will feel bad when Palestinians die but when Israeli die....they couldn't give a damn, and that is apauling.

You have killed 200,0000 Innocent afghan civilians so just shut up!!
You have killed 200,0000 Innocent afghan civilians so just shut up!!


Russia takes full responsibility for what it has done, we don't use double standards....i can't say the same for everyone.

For instance, Russia was helping both Lebonon and Palestine, yet the majority of Russians are none Muslim. If a disaster hits a Muslim country, other Muslim countries send aid. However, those same countries ignore none Muslims when they are in need. Same logic with Palestine and Israel, if a Palestinian dies it's a tragedy, if a Jew dies it's okay because Jews are scum.

And why are you telling me to shut up? Did i hit a nurve?

The Turks need to make a film about killing 1,000,000 Armanians before they start being critical of Israel.
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@ Everyone This thread is not about Russia or India , or yada yada so Just stick to the topic or go get yourself some sleep.
According to the history, Genocides happened many times. It is happening many times related to Native Americans(1490-1914), American Holocaust/Black slaves (1830, 1850-1890), Argentina (1870), Australia-aboriginal natives (1800), France (1796), Philippines-Americans War (1899-1902), German-SouthWest Africa, Russian Empire (1800s forgotten history, it was the largest genocide of the nineteenth century), Chinese dynasties (1755-1758), Ottoman Empire-Armenian (1914-1923), Soviet Union- Civil War (1919–1920, 1932-1933)-(estimated seven million died Soviet-wide, including five million in Ukraine, one million in the North Caucasus, and one million elsewhere. Ukraine is attempting to have the latter recognised as an act of genocide.), ......

Soviet Union-Chechyna (1944-1948)
, Soviet Union-Afghanisan (1979–1989), Croatia-Nazi invasion (1941-1945), Rwanda (1994 remember?), Bosnia (1992-1995), World World II (count it), Iraq Kurds, Japan atomic bombs,..............Palestine War Crimes (1949-present.....)


Today, there is International Criminal Court (ICC) established in 2002. Nothing progress. Only against Sudanese former Minister of State and other militia for small crimes against humanity and crimes, but not genocide.

Genocides maybe would happened to all of us if WWIII break out, think about it?

so Let's focus on this Turkey topics..!

thanks for your history lesson.
your post is informative
Isrealis......complete Bastards! :angry:

InshAllah, one days these Zionists will pay a heavy price of their deeds. May 1000ss of young Phalestine's stand up and take their revenge on these fu*kers. May they make them pay for each & every drop of innocent's blood.

What goes around, comes around. And soon their time will come, too.
Isrealis......complete Bastards! :angry:

InshAllah, one days these Zionists will pay a heavy price of their deeds. May 1000ss of young Phalestine's stand up and take their revenge on these fu*kers. May they make them pay for each & every drop of innocent's blood.

What goes around, comes around. And soon their time will come, too.
When? I suggest Pakistan take the lead from the Iranians and attack Israel now.
When? I suggest Pakistan take the lead from the Iranians and attack Israel now.

Thanks for your provocative and deeply analytical Suggestion.

No one wants to attack Israel but its them who are the warmongers and poking their nose into every other country's matters.

I do not know about Iranians much but i guess they have everything to give Treatment to this Regime of Vulture Zionists.

But if Israel did not stopped Supporting TTP and BLA and Indian terrorist groups then The treatment they will receive from Pakistan would not be forgotten till decades . BTW our ISI alone is enough for them!:pakistan:
No one wants to attack Israel but its them who are the warmongers and poking their nose into every other country's matters.
All the more reasons to attack Israel. I fail to understand all this talk but no walk. I understand that Pakistan is a bit hesitant since Israel kicked serious bums the last couple times there were combined Arab militaries. But Pakistan should let bygones be bygones. Learn from past mistakes, especially others' mistakes, and take the lead given how much hatred there is for the Jews. Pakistan is a nuclear weapons state. So what is the problem?
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