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  1. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Prabowo visit to Tesco, seem like they're building an USV
  2. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I heard $30 billion of them is for france.
  3. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Gw masih gk ngerti tentang maksud "nenangin masyarakat" , jadi maksudnya sebenarnya barangnya udh deal, tapi kemenhan belum mau buka ke masyarakat karena takut dikira "pemborosan" atau "tidak sensitif" di masa covid ini ?
  4. R

    US approves $7.5 billion in foreign weapon sales in one day

    @Indos Should've add this map as well.
  5. R

    Indonesia wants firms relocating from China. Why are so few coming?

    Yup Jakarta GDP alone already reach $200 billion with $19k GDP per capita.
  6. R

    Indonesia wants firms relocating from China. Why are so few coming?

    This analyst is shallow that it seems like a high school student who wrote this. This so call analyst forgot to state what the indonesian government have been doing. You have problem with red tape ? Don't worry the indonesian government will fix that with "Omnibus Law"...
  7. R

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    This a very great news in this dark time, bahlil manage to prove himself, thank God our government learning fast from our failure in 2019.
  8. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    For OPV's project i still hope it's tesco design that win. The design is really good and it even have VLS on it.
  9. R

    US bitcoin fugitive Russ Medlin arrested on child sex charges in Indonesia

    Yeah sure we are afraid and do nothing againts those white countries.... Oh wait the minute.. we does do something to them, we EXECUTED them to DEATH. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali_Nine
  10. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    No, i know very well that this kickback already a thing for like what 30-40 years? Sure you can't just fix that easily, but thanks for that article atleast i know that prabowo does do something. I have high expectation for him, if he still want to run in 2024, making a big impact in his time as...
  11. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Seems like TNI, MoD or whoever in charge of buying of alutsista need to get a purge sometime. And does Prabowo don't do anything to fix this problem ?
  12. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    News like this really hurt the most, our AF is already lacking in number already and with this crash it's only make it smaller. Hope the pilot is safe
  13. R

    Foreign investors eye moving production bases to Thailand

    Why you make "the Nissan out of indonesia " like indonesia is not "welcome" or sucks for investor ? The fact they're open in the first place should be an indication that indonesia is "welcome" to investor, either their product fail in the market or their marketing strategy sucks is a different...
  14. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Fishing industry is the last battlefield of modern slavery. The more you dig deeper the more horrifying it is.
  15. R

    Indonesian Muslim Scholar Says Stop Pretending That Orthodox Islam and Violence Aren't Linked - 2017

    Tbh, there is nothing special about Nationalist-islamist alliance after all it's just politics. As long everyone get their cake everyone is happy lol. But i think the 2014 and 2019 election show us that this is not just about Nationalist-secular vs islamist again but also modernist islamist vs...
  16. R

    Indonesian Muslim Scholar Says Stop Pretending That Orthodox Islam and Violence Aren't Linked - 2017

    To be fair, it's hard to explain our politics to foreigner, our culture and pragmatism is just something hard to swallow by foreigner. I mean look at 2019 election, how a progressive and pro-lgbt party like PSI manage to join hand with islamic party like PPP and PKB it's just something that you...
  17. R

    Indonesian Muslim Scholar Says Stop Pretending That Orthodox Islam and Violence Aren't Linked - 2017

    Indonesia held election 12 times NEVER EVER the islamist based part won, it's always the Nationalist-Secular that won in fact the closest thing the islamist almost won is back in 1955 where they place 2nd and 3rd. After that they never reach that kinda achievement. As long Pancasila still here...
  18. R

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Can we just use the "Natuna Card" whenever we try to get a good toy from the US ? I think it will work
  19. R

    After Indonesia election, new crop of leaders in focus for 2024 vote

    My bet is in Ganjar . He is really have jokowi charm also a very rational and tolerant leader. Also imo he is a better speaker than Jokowi. My dream candidate is Ganjar-Risma/RK. If it happening indonesia future is bright
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