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Indonesian Muslim Scholar Says Stop Pretending That Orthodox Islam and Violence Aren't Linked - 2017


Jul 4, 2019
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A Banser instructor announces an afternoon schedule during a rigorous three day induction course for Nahdatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, on July 23, 2017 in Kebumen, Indonesia. Claiming a membership of 50 million, the "militant moderates" from the Nahdlatul Ulama are dedicated to supporting Indonesia's national unity and multi-religious character while combating conservative Islamic organizations, which have recently become a more vocal force in Indonesian politics and culture.

2017 Article

Indonesia, the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country, has a constitution that recognizes other major religions, and practices a syncretic form of Islam that draws on not just the faith’s tenets but local spiritual and cultural traditions. As a result, the nation has long been a voice of, and for, moderation in the Islamic world.

Yet Indonesia is not without its radical elements. Though most are on the fringe, they can add up to a significant number given Indonesia’s 260-million population. In the early 2000s, the country was terrorized by Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a homegrown extremist organization allied with al-Qaeda. JI’s deadliest attack was the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people. While JI has been neutralized, ISIS has claimed responsibility for recent, smaller terrorist incidents in the country and has inspired some Indonesians to fight in Syria — Indonesians who could pose a threat when they return home. The country has also seen the rise of hate groups that preach intolerance and violence against local religious and ethnic minorities, which include Shia and Ahmadiya Muslims.

Among Indonesia’s most influential Islamic leaders is Yahya Cholil Staquf, 51,advocates a modern, moderate Islam. He is general secretary of the Nahdlatul Ulama, which, with about 50 million members, is the country’s biggest Muslim organization. Yahya. This interview, notable for Yahya’s candor, was first published on Aug. 19 in German in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Here are excerpts translated from the original Bahasa Indonesia into English.

Many Western politicians and intellectuals say that Islamist terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. What is your view?

Western politicians should stop pretending that extremism and terrorism have nothing to do with Islam. There is a clear relationship between fundamentalism, terrorism, and the basic assumptions of Islamic orthodoxy. So long as we lack consensus regarding this matter, we cannot gain victory over fundamentalist violence within Islam.

Radical Islamic movements are nothing new. They’ve appeared again and again throughout our own history in Indonesia. The West must stop ascribing any and all discussion of these issues to “Islamophobia.” Or do people want to accuse me — an Islamic scholar — of being an Islamophobe too?

What basic assumptions within traditional Islam are problematic?

The relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, the relationship of Muslims with the state, and Muslims’ relationship to the prevailing legal system wherever they live … Within the classical tradition, the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims is assumed to be one of segregation and enmity.

Perhaps there were reasons for this during the Middle Ages, when the tenets of Islamic orthodoxy were established, but in today’s world such a doctrine is unreasonable. To the extent that Muslims adhere to this view of Islam, it renders them incapable of living harmoniously and peacefully within the multi-cultural, multi-religious societies of the 21st century.

A Western politician would likely be accused of racism for saying what you just said.

I’m not saying that Islam is the only factor causing Muslim minorities in the West to lead a segregated existence, often isolated from society as a whole. There may be other factors on the part of the host nations, such as racism, which exists everywhere in the world. But traditional Islam — which fosters an attitude of segregation and enmity toward non-Muslims — is an important factor.

And Muslims and the state?

Within the Islamic tradition, the state is a single, universal entity that unites all Muslims under the rule of one man who leads them in opposition to, and conflict with, the non-Muslim world.

So the call by radicals to establish a caliphate, including by ISIS, is not un-Islamic?

No, it is not. [ISIS’s] goal of establishing a global caliphate stands squarely within the orthodox Islamic tradition. But we live in a world of nation-states. Any attempt to create a unified Islamic state in the 21st century can only lead to chaos and violence … Many Muslims assume there is an established and immutable set of Islamic laws, which are often described as shariah. This assumption is in line with Islamic tradition, but it of course leads to serious conflict with the legal system that exists in secular nation-states.

Any [fundamentalist] view of Islam positing the traditional norms of Islamic jurisprudence as absolute [should] be rejected out of hand as false. State laws [should] have precedence.

How can that be accomplished?

Generations ago, we achieved a de facto consensus in Indonesia that Islamic teachings must be contextualized to reflect the ever-changing circumstances of time and place. The majority of Indonesian Muslims were — and I think still are — of the opinion that the various assumptions embedded within Islamic tradition must be viewed within the historical, political and social context of their emergence in the Middle Ages [in the Middle East] and not as absolute injunctions that must dictate Muslims’ behavior in the present … Which ideological opinions are “correct” is not determined solely by reflection and debate. These are struggles [about who and what is recognized as religiously authoritative]. Political elites in Indonesia routinely employ Islam as a weapon to achieve their worldly objectives.

Is it so elsewhere too?

Too many Muslims view civilization, and the peaceful co-existence of people of different faiths, as something they must combat. Many Europeans can sense this attitude among Muslims.

There’s a growing dissatisfaction in the West with respect to Muslim minorities, a growing fear of Islam. In this sense, some Western friends of mine are “Islamophobic.” They’re afraid of Islam. To be honest, I understand their fear … The West cannot force Muslims to adopt a moderate interpretation of Islam. But Western politicians should stop telling us that fundamentalism and violence have nothing to do with traditional Islam. That is simply wrong.

They don’t want to foster division in their societies between Muslims and non-Muslims, nor contribute to intolerance against Muslims.

I share this desire — that’s a primary reason I’m speaking so frankly. But the approach you describe won’t work. If you refuse to acknowledge the existence of a problem, you can’t begin to solve it. One must identify the problem and explicitly state who and what are responsible for it.

Who and what are responsible?

Over the past 50 years, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states have spent massively to promote their ultra-conservative version of Islam worldwide. After allowing this to go unchallenged for so many decades, the West must finally exert decisive pressure upon the Saudis to cease this behavior … I admire Western, especially European, politicians. Their thoughts are so wonderfully humanitarian. But we live in a time when you have to think and act realistically.

The last time I was in Brussels I witnessed some Arab, perhaps North African, youth insult and harass a group of policemen. My Belgian friends remarked that such behavior has become an almost everyday occurrence in their country. Why do you allow such behavior? What kind if impression does that make? Europe, and Germany in particular, are accepting massive numbers of refugees. Don’t misunderstand me: of course you cannot close your eyes to those in need. But the fact remains that you’re taking in millions of refugees about whom you know virtually nothing, except that they come from extremely problematic regions of the world.

I would guess that you and I agree that there is a far right wing in Western societies that would reject even a moderate, contextualized Islam.

And there’s an extreme left wing whose adherents reflexively denounce any and all talk about the connections between traditional Islam, fundamentalism and violence as de facto proof of Islamophobia. This must end. A problem that is not acknowledged cannot be solved.

Nahdatul Ulama have become Liberal since Abdurrahnman Wahid took control of the organization since 80's until around 2008. It is wrong and an insult to say that Orthodox Islam has a link with terrorism.

Terrorism is caused by Khawarij movement. A kind of movement that is based on black and white thinking and also prevalence among people who dont have deep understanding about Quran verses and hadith. This kind of group has existed since early Islam and has killed Ali Bin Abi Thalib in the mosque when he was praying. This group has created disaster in early Muslim world and cause Democratic Caliphate system become Kingdom.

The members of Khawarij are clearly having low understanding about Quran and Hadith and I believe it is also because some group of people in this world have low analytical skills due to stubborn heart and fanatics mind set. It is why extremism have always been found in any religion or belief. Just an example of it is how swallow Karl Max thinking is on communism and you can see uneducated people from Russia and China can believe such thing and take the nations. Despite so since I believe Islam is quite superior as a religion in term of its teaching so AlhamduliLLAH we can prevent extreme group to take control of our Muslim society so far. They are minority among our Muslim group.

There is indeed some influence of Saudi educated Ulama in Indonesia Muslim society but the number of their follower are rather small. Mostly become Salafist that has more observing attitude toward current ruler policy.

For those who want to see more liberal Indonesia you can see on campaign of Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno in Jakarta a year ago. Despite loosing, they are number two in the society with around 45 % vote. One of the reason of their lost is also related to their unreasonable economic policy and Jokowi own success in reforming bureaucrat since becoming major and also better economic policy and proven track record.

The campaign was held in the morning but the supporter have already gathered at the night and pray Tahajud before dawn arises. If this group has better leader and policy, they could win in the next election.

Islamist Movement in Indonesia is rather run by Modernist group who have been created before even Saudi become a country. And it has reformist and modern kind of thinking despite being orthodox in nature (advocate pure Islam based on Quran and strong Hadith).

Muhammadiyah (Arabic: محمدية‎, followers of Muhammad. full name: Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) is a major Islamic non-governmental organization in Indonesia.[1] The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad - individual interpretation of Qur'an and sunnah, as opposed to taqlid - the acceptance of the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.[2] Since its establishment, Muhammadiyah has adopted a reformist platform mixing religious and secular education,[3] primarily as a way to promote the upward mobility of Muslims toward a 'modern' community and to purify Indonesian Islam of local syncretic practices.[3] It continues to support local culture and promote religious tolerance in Indonesia, while a few of its higher education institutions are attended mostly by non-Muslims, especially in East Nusa Tenggara and Papua provinces. The group also runs a large chain of charity hospitals,[1] and operated 128 universities as of the late 1990s.[4]

At the moment, Muhammadiyah is the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with 29 million members.[2] Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is not a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Nahdatul Ulama have become Liberal since Abdurrahnman Wahid took control of the organization since 80's until around 2008. It is wrong and an insult to say that Orthodox Islam has a link with terrorism.

Terrorism is caused by Khawarij movement. A kind of movement that is based on black and white thinking and also prevalence among people who dont have deep understanding about Quran verses and hadith. This kind of group has existed since early Islam and has killed Ali Bin Abi Thalib in the mosque when he was praying. This group has created disaster in early Muslim world and cause Democratic Caliphate system become Kingdom.

The members of Khawarij are clearly having low understanding about Quran and Hadith and I believe it is also because some group of people in this world have low analytical skills due to stubborn heart and fanatics mind set. It is why extremism have always been found in any religion or belief. Just an example of it is how swallow Karl Max thinking is on communism and you can see uneducated people from Russia and China can believe such thing and take the nations. Despite so since I believe Islam is quite superior as a religion in term of its teaching so AlhamduliLLAH we can prevent extreme group to take control of our Muslim society so far. They are minority among our Muslim group.

There is indeed some influence of Saudi educated Ulama in Indonesia Muslim society but the number of their follower are rather small. Mostly become Salafist that has more observing attitude toward current ruler policy.

For those who want to see more liberal Indonesia you can see on campaign of Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno in Jakarta a year ago. Despite loosing, they are number two in the society with around 45 % vote. One of the reason of their lost is also related to their unreasonable economic policy and Jokowi own success in reforming bureaucrat since becoming major and also better economic policy and proven track record.

The campaign was held in the morning but the supporter have already gathered at the night and pray Tahajud before dawn arises. If this group has better leader and policy, they could win in the next election.

Islamist Movement in Indonesia is rather run by Modernist group who have been created before even Saudi become a country. And it has reformist and modern kind of thinking despite being orthodox in nature (advocate pure Islam based on Quran and strong Hadith).

Muhammadiyah (Arabic: محمدية‎, followers of Muhammad. full name: Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) is a major Islamic non-governmental organization in Indonesia.[1] The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad - individual interpretation of Qur'an and sunnah, as opposed to taqlid - the acceptance of the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.[2] Since its establishment, Muhammadiyah has adopted a reformist platform mixing religious and secular education,[3] primarily as a way to promote the upward mobility of Muslims toward a 'modern' community and to purify Indonesian Islam of local syncretic practices.[3] It continues to support local culture and promote religious tolerance in Indonesia, while a few of its higher education institutions are attended mostly by non-Muslims, especially in East Nusa Tenggara and Papua provinces. The group also runs a large chain of charity hospitals,[1] and operated 128 universities as of the late 1990s.[4]

At the moment, Muhammadiyah is the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with 29 million members.[2] Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is not a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Islamist Movement will win election soon. If they fail on next election, they can wait. An one man one vote system, has given enough room for Islamist in Indonesia. The secular will lose anyway.
Islamist Movement will win election soon. If they fail on next election, they can wait. An one man one vote system, has given enough room for Islamist in Indonesia. The secular will lose anyway.

Secular or Islamist? why bother to chose a clerics who run political party and struggle for earthly thingy like power and politics , it was clear he chose duniawi compared to his faith. So why chose a people who clearly betray his faith before duniawi? This mindset is bode well within Indonesia people, clearly pictured why not even one, a religion based party won the election in Indonesia.

Insult or not orthodox Islam got a saying in spreading the terrorism ideology is up to you @Indos
Secular or Islamist? why bother to chose a clerics who run political party and struggle for earthly thingy like power and politics , it was clear he chose duniawi compared to his faith. So why chose a people who clearly betray his faith before duniawi? This mindset is bode well within Indonesia people, clearly pictured why not even one, a religion based party won the election in Indonesia.

Insult or not orthodox Islam got a saying in spreading the terrorism ideology is up to you @Indos
It doesn't matter. You choose one man one vote system, accept the result, which is who can play the politics game better, who win. No matter how good or bad he is, as long as he get enough vote, there is little you can do about it.
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It doesn't matter. You choose one man one vote system, accept the result, which is how can play the politics game better, who win. No matter how good or bad he is, as long as he get enough vote, there is little you can do about it.

At the end of day history stated Indonesia Religion based party never win the election till this day. It will always economy and National agenda who win over the masses not the religion agenda in which very sensitive issue over here and better left at home for the many
Nahdatul Ulama have become Liberal since Abdurrahnman Wahid took control of the organization since 80's until around 2008. It is wrong and an insult to say that Orthodox Islam has a link with terrorism.

Terrorism is caused by Khawarij movement. A kind of movement that is based on black and white thinking and also prevalence among people who dont have deep understanding about Quran verses and hadith. This kind of group has existed since early Islam and has killed Ali Bin Abi Thalib in the mosque when he was praying. This group has created disaster in early Muslim world and cause Democratic Caliphate system become Kingdom.

The members of Khawarij are clearly having low understanding about Quran and Hadith and I believe it is also because some group of people in this world have low analytical skills due to stubborn heart and fanatics mind set. It is why extremism have always been found in any religion or belief. Just an example of it is how swallow Karl Max thinking is on communism and you can see uneducated people from Russia and China can believe such thing and take the nations. Despite so since I believe Islam is quite superior as a religion in term of its teaching so AlhamduliLLAH we can prevent extreme group to take control of our Muslim society so far. They are minority among our Muslim group.

There is indeed some influence of Saudi educated Ulama in Indonesia Muslim society but the number of their follower are rather small. Mostly become Salafist that has more observing attitude toward current ruler policy.

For those who want to see more liberal Indonesia you can see on campaign of Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno in Jakarta a year ago. Despite loosing, they are number two in the society with around 45 % vote. One of the reason of their lost is also related to their unreasonable economic policy and Jokowi own success in reforming bureaucrat since becoming major and also better economic policy and proven track record.

The campaign was held in the morning but the supporter have already gathered at the night and pray Tahajud before dawn arises. If this group has better leader and policy, they could win in the next election.

Islamist Movement in Indonesia is rather run by Modernist group who have been created before even Saudi become a country. And it has reformist and modern kind of thinking despite being orthodox in nature (advocate pure Islam based on Quran and strong Hadith).

Muhammadiyah (Arabic: محمدية‎, followers of Muhammad. full name: Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) is a major Islamic non-governmental organization in Indonesia.[1] The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad - individual interpretation of Qur'an and sunnah, as opposed to taqlid - the acceptance of the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.[2] Since its establishment, Muhammadiyah has adopted a reformist platform mixing religious and secular education,[3] primarily as a way to promote the upward mobility of Muslims toward a 'modern' community and to purify Indonesian Islam of local syncretic practices.[3] It continues to support local culture and promote religious tolerance in Indonesia, while a few of its higher education institutions are attended mostly by non-Muslims, especially in East Nusa Tenggara and Papua provinces. The group also runs a large chain of charity hospitals,[1] and operated 128 universities as of the late 1990s.[4]

At the moment, Muhammadiyah is the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with 29 million members.[2] Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is not a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Muhammadiyah is preparing, from social and education. Just like Gülen movement.

At the end of day history stated Indonesia Religion based party never win the election till this day. It will always economy and National agenda who win over the masses not the religion agenda in which very sensitive issue over here and better left at home for the many
I hope so too. But I am a pragmatic man, I only believe logic and facts. The thing is internet, propaganda, twitter, social movement is out of control, no one in Indonesia has final say. The Islamist has gain enough momentum, they are just cultivating voters and accumulating power.
You are liberal, right? What specific liberal are you?
Muhammadiyah is preparing, from social and education. Just like Gülen movement.

I hope so too. But I am a pragmatic man, I only believe logic and facts. The thing is internet, propaganda, twitter, social movement is out of control, no one in Indonesia has final say. The Islamist has gain enough momentum, they are just cultivating voters and accumulating power.
You are liberal, right? What specific liberal are you?

Which Islamist group had gain the momentum when even the Saudi, Qatar, Iran cant continue their lavish spending due to war in Yaman and Syria and oil prices collapse not to mention Covid 19 outbreak had made large gathering groups is more difficult ? No one can bankrolled their activity anymore, influencing social media need massive money, if anything in this kind of situation only Nationalist, Socialist and left wing movements will gain prominence.
Which Islamist group had gain the momentum when even the Saudi, Qatar, Iran cant continue their lavish spending due to war in Yaman and Syria and oil prices collapse not to mention Covid 19 outbreak had made large gathering groups is more difficult ? No one can bankrolled their activity anymore, influencing social media need massive money, if anything in this kind of situation only Nationalist, Socialist and left wing movements will gain prominence.
There were countries sponsoring Islamist. But even without those foreign support, they can raise enough fund from their believers.
It's not all about money, it's about ideology, belief, religion.
You can reason with reasonable people, you can NOT reason with unreasonable people.
I foresee Indonesia to be a Islam countries, secular either fight for it, or convert. I don't see third road.
The problem is when such scholars have created politics out of religion. Allah and prophet Mohammad sent 1 single Islam, these mullas have divided it into orthodox, Sunni, Shia, sufi, ahl hadees, deobandi, ahl sunnat, ismaili, wahabi, hanfi and what not.

I'm Muslim and Islam is my religion to me all these divides are just mulla politics.
It doesn't matter. You choose one man one vote system, accept the result, which is who can play the politics game better, who win. No matter how good or bad he is, as long as he get enough vote, there is little you can do about it.

Indonesia held election 12 times NEVER EVER the islamist based part won, it's always the Nationalist-Secular that won in fact the closest thing the islamist almost won is back in 1955 where they place 2nd and 3rd. After that they never reach that kinda achievement.

As long Pancasila still here and as long the Military and Police still maintaning their strong secular root. Never expect indonesia to become islamic country.

And i find it funny you compare Muhammadiyah with Gulen in turkey.
Nadhlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah althought with some of their difference are heavely embrace the Pancasila ideology. And they're proving themself that they willing to protect that ideology since the war of independence, series of rebellion and the communist coup .
Islamist Movement will win election soon. If they fail on next election, they can wait. An one man one vote system, has given enough room for Islamist in Indonesia. The secular will lose anyway.

Islamist in Indonesia is always joining hand with religious nationalist party like Democrat party since the first presidential election and many big nationalist party also dont have any issue with Islamist agenda like Golkar and Gerindra, thats why they can make a coalition between them. Golkar as second biggest party can change side base on which side is the winner but there are many Islamist element in Golkar elite as well which comes from HMI alumni background. They have tendency to side with Islamist more than to secular nationalist coalition.

Although Islamist party never win any election but it is clear that many Indonesian who voted for Nationalist party dont have any issue with this group and their agenda. So many Indonesian Nationalist also support their Islamist brother.

On the other spectrum, secular Nationalist party like PDIP is close with Nahdatul Ulama (NU) political party (PKB). So Muslim group is split as well. The tendency of NU to side with PDIP is more on influence of Abdurrahman Wahid since 1980's-2008 but NU in the beginning of history join hand with Islamist.
Islam isn't a passive religion...
There are limits and rulings after those limits! Obviously we have to stop assuming that Islam is some sort of passive religion, that will be far away from reality.
But being active and having verses on jihad and shedding blood doesn't relate it to terrorism, we have to preach that!
Like you have to kill the terrorist, you have also to kill that thought and system behind that mindset who are heftlt handpicking our Quranic verses for their demonic reasons because we muslims don't explain those verses and try to run away from them whithout realizing the context and pre applied conditions for any such act.
Islamist in Indonesia is always joining hand with religious nationalist party like Democrat party since the first presidential election and many big nationalist party also dont have any issue with Islamist agenda like Golkar and Gerindra, thats why they can make a coalition between them. Golkar as second biggest party can change side base on which side is the winner but there are many Islamist element in Golkar elite as well which comes from HMI alumni background. They have tendency to side with Islamist more than to secular nationalist coalition.

Although Islamist party never win any election but it is clear that many Indonesian who voted for Nationalist party dont have any issue with this group and their agenda. So many Indonesian Nationalist also support their Islamist brother.

On the other spectrum, secular Nationalist party like PDIP is close with Nahdatul Ulama (NU) political party (PKB). So Muslim group is split as well. The tendency of NU to side with PDIP is more on influence of Abdurrahman Wahid since 1980's-2008 but NU in the beginning of history join hand with Islamist.

To be fair, it's hard to explain our politics to foreigner, our culture and pragmatism is just something hard to swallow by foreigner.

I mean look at 2019 election, how a progressive and pro-lgbt party like PSI manage to join hand with islamic party like PPP and PKB it's just something that you will not see in other country.
To be fair, it's hard to explain our politics to foreigner, our culture and pragmatism is just something hard to swallow by foreigner.

I mean look at 2019 election, how a progressive and pro-lgbt party like PSI manage to join hand with islamic party like PPP and PKB it's just something that you will not see in other country.
which is good side. But I see danger coming. The danger is not because religion, it's because people are more and more divided and can fight to death for their belief. Just like Americans today.

Islamist in Indonesia is always joining hand with religious nationalist party like Democrat party since the first presidential election and many big nationalist party also dont have any issue with Islamist agenda like Golkar and Gerindra, thats why they can make a coalition between them. Golkar as second biggest party can change side base on which side is the winner but there are many Islamist element in Golkar elite as well which comes from HMI alumni background. They have tendency to side with Islamist more than to secular nationalist coalition.

Although Islamist party never win any election but it is clear that many Indonesian who voted for Nationalist party dont have any issue with this group and their agenda. So many Indonesian Nationalist also support their Islamist brother.

On the other spectrum, secular Nationalist party like PDIP is close with Nahdatul Ulama (NU) political party (PKB). So Muslim group is split as well. The tendency of NU to side with PDIP is more on influence of Abdurrahman Wahid since 1980's-2008 but NU in the beginning of history join hand with Islamist.
I hope Indonesia can keep being inclusive and prospers, East Asian and South East Asians are not as violent as some other places.

But history repeat itself, if you look at what happened in history, it's not as bright as it looks right now.
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