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  1. P

    If Nawaz Sharif won’t invest his own money in Pakistan, why should foreigners?

    Unfortunately the whole nation is baighairat The people tolerate these haramis looting, plundering and pillaging and do nothing about it except complain. If the people expect change then take some responsibility and stand up for your rights and do something about it. Unfortunately our public...
  2. P

    Qazi Faiz Essa in National assembly: Mockery of justice

    All the chors together under one roof to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the constitution they violate and follow selectively. Bunch of munafiqs...they all need to be locked away permanently...starting with Judge Isa who clearly sold his soul to the devil sometime ago!
  3. P

    Will fix the military if came into power again :Imran khan

    When it comes to certain things Imran Khan needs to shut the F*** up and keep some plans to himself. I don't doubt his sincerity and desire to do good for Pakistan but he has always had a problem controlling his mouth and saying things perhaps he shouldn't or be more diplomatic. Anyways...he is...
  4. P

    Saudi Arabia invites ‘Nawaz Sharif, PM Shehbaz for Umrah’

    I hope MBS tells the not so Sharif brothers that it's time to go silently into the night and extends their stay in the Kindom for an indefinite period as permanent royal guests. The Saudis are mending fences with the Iranians and Russians. The Chinese are buying Saudi oil in yuan rather than...
  5. P

    Some judges want to provide relief to Imran Khan: Maulana Fazl

    May Allah grant Maulana Diesel the deepest holes of hell where he may rot for eternity.
  6. P

    The Pakistani State is Collapsing at a Very Fast Pace!

    It comes down to maintaining life style. On one hand you have the corrupt politician/ establishment alliance that want to maintain the current system and status quo that is their bread and butter. On the other you have Imran Khan and the public that is sick and tired of these harami chores and...
  7. P

    Special bench orders putting off all Supreme Court suo motu cases

    Unfortunately the whole system has become so corrupt and dysfunctional that it cannot work and has to be gutted and completely replaced. Corruption has permeated each and every institution. To take an example from Star Trek...all institutions have been assimilated by Corruption and resistance...
  8. P

    Major breakdown of electricity in different areas of Pakistan

    Every member of the PDM and those who support them should be hanged publicly.
  9. P

    Pakistan raised $8.57 Billion so far to rebuild from last year's flood: Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb

    Any of the money they get will just end up in the bank accounts of these Harami politicians. Pakistan needs a bloody revolution, that's the only option left.
  10. P

    The Great purge within Pakistan and Pakistan Army by Bajwa and Co

    No love lost here for Bajwa but what you are suggesting is mutiny within the army. A very dangerous road to go down so think before you make such suggestions.
  11. P

    PDM National Assembly snatches overseas voting rights and electronic machines

    I am not sending a dime to Pakistan so long as these Jokers are in power...spread the word and don't send any remittances.
  12. P

    They want to kill me, I’ve recorded a video message & kept it in a secret place. : IK

    I suggest you go to India...they will welcome you with open arms.
  13. P

    Why Pakistan could not be reformed / fixed so far?

    Also South Korea was run directly and indirectly by the military until recently.
  14. P

    Nawaz agreed to appoint Bilawal foreign minister of Pakistan

    We need a revolution....asap...these haramis need to go
  15. P

    The message from Pak military top brass to PDM straight up

    You are talking like Bajwa makes every decision and runs every department in the country. The judiciary is corrupt to the core and known to be on the payroll of the PML and PPP. You are quoting Shehbaz Sharif...lol...a criminal. I will give you IK's quote on the COAS asking him not to call Fazl...
  16. P

    The message from Pak military top brass to PDM straight up

    Omg people please STOP talking trash about the army and Bajwa. Some of the posts here are just ignorant and stupid to put it mildly. People are making ridiculous assumptions. Let me be clear neither the army nor Bajwa want to have the PPP,PML or any combination of these thieves back in power...
  17. P

    PTI Karachi Jalsa - Discussion.

    Wow...can't tell if your ignorance outweighs your arrogance. Either way, best of luck to you and your ill-informed views.
  18. P

    Concern MPA of PMLN in punjab assembly today

    This is just unfortunate....the son of the lotera is now CM. The whole system needs to go and these chors locked up forever.
  19. P

    PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

    Lol...Sounds like you are the enemy and the idiot and can't see the conspiracy to drag the army into this and turn the people against it. Even Imran Khan has said to stop maligning the army.
  20. P

    PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

    People stop blaming the army....I am no fan of Bajwa but this anti-army propaganda needs to STOP now. Anyone engaging in such is part of the problem and the foreign conspiracy to create divisions in Pakistani society. Without our defenders Pakistan would not last. That's what our enemies want...
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