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Saudi Arabia invites ‘Nawaz Sharif, PM Shehbaz for Umrah’

They are in a embarrassing situation due to the usurper being “technically” in PM position.
Very hopeless situation on the ground and everyone has its hope on imran khan and election , lets hope good sense previls which is lacking in our establishment.

I hope it's all on camera so they don't make a fuking martyr out of him.
just like jigsaw
"Sounds like a message will be delivered to the Shariff's - stop this nonsense - hold elections and let Pakistan become stable and until that happens - Saudia Arabia will not be giving a dinar ..."
I think a message will be delivered but whether its that one is yet to be seen. One would think with all the turmoil the Saudi's would prefer elections to happen sooner but who knows if they have or are aligning themselves to the Sharifs. If they are this spells big trouble.
The Sharifs have always been Saudi puppets. They're likely going to go, get new orders, and come back suddenly with more loans for Pakistan's near-nonexistent Forex.
In any case he is 74. He will go senile and dysfunctional soon… Or if we are lucky, might just….😁

Mr. Sharif relies heavily on his close aides in his advanced age. He had problems keeping up with rigours of the Prime Minister's post last time around where he would constantly forget or need reminding on most developments.

Sharif Jr. is not far behind.
It seriously hurts when I think of politics in Pakistan. Saudis should grant him the citizenship and appoint both brothers as their advisers. We will pay you if Saudis can guarantee they will not return to Pakistan
I hope MBS tells the not so Sharif brothers that it's time to go silently into the night and extends their stay in the Kindom for an indefinite period as permanent royal guests.

The Saudis are mending fences with the Iranians and Russians. The Chinese are buying Saudi oil in yuan rather than dollars. Things are changing and the Saudis need a stable Pakistan on their side.
They, the Sharif crooks begged the Saudis to invite them for some face saving, to be relevant to the Estab. who are abondoning them, the PDM and Nawaz S.

The Estab. thought Sharifs will bring in billions of USD's from Saudia, Qatar, UAE but they failed, brought zilch. The Estab. was fooled by Sharif cabal, now they realised it.

Now since they have lost relevance in politics, in power corridors, they are playing gimmickry to make them look important and viable, by aligning with the powerful Saudis.

Not invited by MBS, not by the elder monarch either, they invited themselves for Umra, as was trying to go to China, declined.

The servile crooks, the scoundrels time is up.
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I hope MBS tells the not so Sharif brothers that it's time to go silently into the night and extends their stay in the Kindom for an indefinite period as permanent royal guests.

The Saudis are mending fences with the Iranians and Russians. The Chinese are buying Saudi oil in yuan rather than dollars. Things are changing and the Saudis need a stable Pakistan on their side.

Agree - the recent thaw between Iran and Saudia Arabia at the behest of China tells you that things are changing, of course third grade matriculate failures in GHQ cannot see that and they are more interested in handouts from Uncle Sam to fund their property portfolios than making the correct strategic decisions for Pakistan.
Haram's money is seen not only in accents, but also the face ...

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