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Will fix the military if came into power again :Imran khan

Doubt any of these civilians will be able to truly bring the army under the control of parliament and executive, reign in the elite capture and military nexus, etc.

At least, please wish him good luck in him achieving his dreams.
did anyone tried to fix nazi military after WW2 ? no they did not because it was unfixable . pak army is as cult as NAZIs

I think it should be from PAF or PN this time.. why always army,,, they have MI
army took over also joint cheif of staff seat also since ages . even in military army is cult they can not shear with other services let alone civilians .
Is he the type to ask his fans to die for him?
He didn't and he won't.. but people just follow his constitutional instructions.. but sometimes get beaten, jailed, stripped, and even died.. So, one should have the guts likes of Azhar Mashwani, Gill, Zille Shah, Swati,, Ganda Pue,, the person who stopped Naveed, or who died during that, or the one who was pushed from bridge by Police, etc etc,
At least the goal as stated is noble, and thus deserves good wishes.
Context is important. If in his view, fixing the army means bringing back the one page formula of 2018 to Nov 2021, I wouldn’t describe it as noble.

His narrative is that the army began interfering only to remove him and that they now back the PDM. And that before these events, they were functioning properly. Big difference between this and what the words he’s saying nominally imply.
It’s been done before. Both Faiz and Bajwa phobia are valid, but the political narratives need to be examined.

I think that's hullabaloo from PML-N who need to be a victim but also can't target bajwa.
I am not saying IK didn't have their blessing once but I don't think faiz was running a shadow establishment under the nose of bajwa. Some might believe that but I for one believe in the revered chain of command

Also, I would think after doing away with hafiz and/or anjum, IK would want loyalists from the current crop rather than a spent cartridge like faiz.
I think that's hullabaloo from PML-N who need to be a victim but also can't target bajwa.
I am not saying IK didn't have their blessing once but I don't think faiz was running a shadow establishment under the nose of bajwa. Some might believe that but I for one believe in the revered chain of command

Also, I would think after doing away with hafiz and/or anjum, IK would want loyalists from the current crop rather than a spent cartridge like faiz.
I agree with you, Bajwa’s lying to save his skin and excuse himself. Faiz was allowed to act and Bajwa was at the least complicit - either that of Bajwa was grossly incompetent himself.

And yes, it’s possible that IK finds someone from the currently serving generals. Perhaps it may even be easier than getting someone as controversial as Faiz, that’s a good point.
Context is important. If in his view, fixing the army means bringing back the one page formula of 2018 to Nov 2021, I wouldn’t describe it as noble.

His narrative is that the army began interfering only to remove him and that they now back the PDM. And that before these events, they were functioning properly. Big difference between this and what the words he’s saying nominally imply.

That is the beauty of it, dare I say. People will believe what they want to believe without him needing to specify the means to achieve the goal any further. Crowd Psychology 101.
That is why I will promise to become his biggest fan. Need I specify what that would entail? It would be up to me to declare success, now wouldn't it? :D
He didn't and he won't.

Excellent. Please see above too.
When it comes to certain things Imran Khan needs to shut the F*** up and keep some plans to himself. I don't doubt his sincerity and desire to do good for Pakistan but he has always had a problem controlling his mouth and saying things perhaps he shouldn't or be more diplomatic. Anyways...he is right the system needs to change and what we are seeing is the benefactors of this corrupt system fighting tooth and nail to save it. I pray for Imrans success so we can bury this rotten decomposing system for once and for all.
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