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Will fix the military if came into power again :Imran khan

Doubt it..he will make a deal like he did before

There is no way he will be allowed in power
then u dont know imran khan.. he does not need a deal. fauj needs a deal so they can avoid jail time for corruption and destroying pakistan
No despicable is your reasoning and racist statement you made above.
I'm done engaging you, your going on ignore list. You have no coherent argument just conspiracy theory and racism.

It is weird that you are accusing me of rascism when Pustuns and Jews themselves are claiming this.

Israeli rabbi calls pashtuns my cousins from lost tribe

Please note that PTI and IK will never say that they will eliminate TTP and terrorism.

All their effort is towards maligning and destroying our Military.

wish there was a middle finger for people who spew hatred and put it on IK... and your sir, the most honorable one, deserve that middle finger
as he fixed police last time ?
this rouge military will kill him but not to be fixed .

Are you suggesting that PTI hired government machinery is effectively running a shadow government in Pakistan?
Pushtuns are lost jewish tribe and IK married a Jew.

Now don't bring prophet (PBUH) into this discussion.

Terrible racist statement. This was the same language used by the jahil Sharifs in the 90s when they were hounding IK and his family and attacked his cancer hospital with a bomb blast.

I would prefer a jewish person over a jahil backwater corrupt family like the Sharifs. Not long to go now when the Sharifs and Zardaris will be be finished from politics and your software will be updated to the latest release.
If he comes back, he should not be making deals with military inc like last time.

Ofcourse they both need to learn to coexist but the equilibrium should heavily be towards the political leadership and no compromises on rule of law.
Doubt it..he will make a deal like he did before

There is no way he will be allowed in power
Then he should bow out.

Doubt it..he will make a deal like he did before

There is no way he will be allowed in power
Bro, I almost always agree with you. But damn you's a boner killer.

then u dont know imran khan.. he does not need a deal. fauj needs a deal so they can avoid jail time for corruption and destroying pakistan
That maybe so. But the guy does make compromises.
Nope, why would plot takers do a mutiny? If anything all ranks of the military are wary of IK cause they know he's coming after their influence, hence their livelihood...

Who is in the Jewish lobby and out of the who supports IK, can you please tell us names so we can be cautious?

The soldiers and lower ranking officers aren’t fond of GHQ. No military in the world is devoid of hierarchical rivalries. They can see what we can see…how the Generals/CC live luxurious lives while the rest live off scraps.

It is weird that you are accusing me of rascism when Pustuns and Jews themselves are claiming this.

Israeli rabbi calls pashtuns my cousins from lost tribe

An Isreali Rabbi is not geneticist. Pashtuns aren’t Semitic so that claims goes out the door. Pashtuns are a merger of ancient Vedic tribes the Pakthas coming into contact with the White Huns. Open a book and educate yourself before writing you filth.

You Amritsari monkeys cause a problem everywhere you go. Lie, cheat and steal….this is the three morals of an Amritsari.

I wish one day we would round all you up in Punjab and kick you back to East Punjab. Go rot in Jati Umra.

A Pashtun is 1000000x more loyal and closer to me culturally than any of you Amritsari scum.
The soldiers and lower ranking officers aren’t fond of GHQ. No military in the world is devoid of hierarchical rivalries. They can see what we can see…how the Generals/CC live luxurious lives while the rest live off scraps.

An Isreali Rabbi is not geneticist. Pashtuns aren’t Semitic so that claims goes out the door. Pashtuns are a merger of ancient Vedic tribes the Pakthas coming into contact with the White Huns. Open a book and educate yourself before writing you filth.

You Amritsari monkeys cause a problem everywhere you go. Lie, cheat and steal….this is the three morals of an Amritsari.

I wish one day we would round all you up in Punjab and kick you back to East Punjab. Go rot in Jati Umra.

A Pashtun is 1000000x more loyal and closer to me culturally than any of you Amritsari scum.
Lower ranks especially given our subservient DNA will never bring about a mutiny. Mid-level perhaps but those are adequately fed with enough plots and perks to stave off any potential rebellion.
He’ll remove the current DG ISI and bring back Faiz Hameed. Remove the COAS and install another, ideally via citing his retirement before appointment. And then it’s back to the same page era of 2018 to Nov 2021. This is mostly what he means we mean by fix, I reckon.

Doubt any of these civilians will be able to truly bring the army under the control of parliament and executive, reign in the elite capture and military nexus, etc.
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