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  1. H

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    How many anka/bayraktar tb2 does the turkish army have ? I keep reading different numbers like 10/15/50 anka and something like 60/100/150 bayraktar. It's confusing.
  2. H

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    How many commando brigades does Turkey have ?
  3. H

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    True. It seems that turkish army is modernised like some of its cities : Fast but without rigor. There is a lot of flood accident in some turkish cities and urban planning aberrations are numerous. While the turkish army got a lot of new gears and vehicules, its infrastructures are poor ...
  4. H

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    https://www.dha.com.tr/yurt/tskya-dort-yeni-komando-tugayi/haber-1594294 4 more commando brigades of the turkish army will be created.
  5. H

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    2 hours ago it was 6.54 TL for 1 USD...
  6. H

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    According to the International Crisis Group, if you count a ratio of death per day since 2015, yes. It was more than 1 soldier/policeman/village guard killed in 2016 but less than 0,5 in 2017. And less than 1 in 2018 (counting the Afrin fatalities). : http://crisisgroup.be/interactives/turkey/...
  7. H

    Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

    So it's around 160 tanks. What about the upgrades for the m60a3s?
  8. H

    Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

    Still no cage armor ?
  9. H

    Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

    It says 100kJ for the railgun. Kinetic energy for a 140 gram projectile at 900 m/s is 56kJ. Weird... But it's nothing comparable with a m16 fire. A m16 fires a 4 gram 5.56mm bullet with a muzzle energy of around 2kJ.
  10. H

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    I thought it would have a 1500 kg external payload.
  11. H

    Tigris Shield Peace Operation Updates & Discussions

    Why isn't Turkey completing a buffer zone along its border ? It would be safer than trying to attack Qandil directly.
  12. H

    Turkish Naval Programs

    htt ps://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/var/toulon/toulon-florence-parly-ministre-armees-fregate-qui-participe-aux-frappes-syrie-1462325.html (can't post links for now) France won't lease FREMM to Greece.
  13. H

    Turkish Special Operations Forces

    What are the differences between JÖH and JOAK ? It looks like a small unit.
  14. H

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Anyway, the operation need a bigger frontline, more men power and defenses lines and more air support from planes. And stop sending tanks, you have nothing that can save them from atgm at the moment.
  15. H

    T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

    So it was shot down by an manpad ? I only see a video from FSA POV and it doesn't look like it.
  16. H

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    I still don't understand turkish strategy. Focus on the valleys south and north of Afrin and capture the moutains around them before, then cross the valleys until it reaches the city. Battle in the western moutains are the hardest because they are the highest and the most defended and fortified.
  17. H

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    So, what will make the Altay better than the Leo2 in a battle like Afrin ?
  18. H

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Of course you need to capture the mountains first, but why not quickly pushing through the northern area and capture the highest mountains of Afrin's region ? Bubul should be captured already, as well as the top north-west corner. And why turkish army don't use its aircraft for direct fire...
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