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  1. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    To know how many hindi speaking guys visit Chennai I would request you to take a walk on OMR road.
  2. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    You are just a trash . Okay let me know what you know about Telugu !!
  3. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    Now I am pretty much sure this kvpak and manoli both are one and the same guy. Similar kind of response and all similar threads on hindi imperlism. Damn !! This is so weird that after a post this guy starts say Chennai should be a free country Karnataka should be a free country All Dravidian...
  4. P

    Hizbul Mujahideen designated as foreign terrorist org by U.S.

    Man naxals are surrendering and leaving the arms. My uncle was a Naxalite and got murdered by the same Naxalite group nayeem. My town used to be den of Naxalite and I hardly hear any Naxalite name now. Whereas movoos are still there but not for long time. It's better to earn 10k per month than...
  5. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    In hyderabad we are using Telugu and English from decades. We ever had any problem and it shouldn't be a problem now. This is not even considered as a news.
  6. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    Haha man ... So desperate in propagating the false agenda . Kochi is 100 percent literates they know how to read hindi ... I am from a Dravidian states and proud to be Indian .. Thanks for your concern on us , we know how to solve our problems ..
  7. P

    Indian troops foil China’s incursion attempt in Ladakh, minor injuries on both sides after stone-pe

    L Let your global times and Chinese diplomates deny the news. :popcorn: global times warning will start again , this time it will be a blockbuster count.
  8. P

    Indian troops foil China’s incursion attempt in Ladakh, minor injuries on both sides after stone-pe

    Why don't pak start a war and settle Kashmir issue forever. Don't cry for war , stakes will be high now and you and me won't there discussing.
  9. P

    India must find a face-saving pretext and withdraw from Doklam

    No country will back down putting their people's faith down on the military. It won't be a face saving it will be called a loser. China to move 300 meters safe zone , Bhutan to replace Indian army in the front line blah blaah. God knows what happens in coming days. Neither of us don't need a...
  10. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    Lol .. Tamil independence man they are patriot to the core of their heart. I have lived in Chennai for a year. They make you shit in your pants. If you don't respect them or their faith.
  11. P

    India to install Israel-made barbwire at Bangladesh, Pakistan border

    Every post you do, will have one abusive content this pretty shows how you are brought. Don't speak about rape again. It's the most disgusting topic to discuss not in defence forum.
  12. P

    After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

    Chennai people will have difficultly in reading the hindi sign boards, guess same will happen to all metros across all states next in pipeline will be hyderabad. Common people can't read hindi in South Indian states. That would be wise decision to have regional language signs boards. This is no...
  13. P

    Indian police order Muslim man to prove his patriotism by leading partition celebrations

    Haha someone is poor at history. It's even more disgusting for us the state divided from India is becoming a mess and creating a mess around us.
  14. P

    Indian police order Muslim man to prove his patriotism by leading partition celebrations

    Hmmmm... Same as you chimpanzees after all we were brothers and now enemies.
  15. P

    Indian police order Muslim man to prove his patriotism by leading partition celebrations

    No one asks you to be patriot in India similarly no one asks you to love your mother. Police in India has all right to counsel or ask the culprit to prove his change. This is no way different from drunk and drive cases , where police ask the culprits to hold placards with no drink and drive...
  16. P

    No interest in Kashmir of celebrating Pakistan Independence Day

    Okay fan boy !! Neither you or me know the sufferings . Let the future decide Kashmiri fate. But your rats will be sent to hell as they come !!
  17. P

    Sales of Oppo, Vivo drop 30% in July

    Man I live here and not you !! I have not heard of any news in my city of attack on oppo and vivo . Might have happened in two or three places across the country. Does this 2 or 3 attacks bring the entire sales of oppo or vivo by 30 ?!
  18. P

    Terrorists now on the run as security forces dominating in Kashmir : Arun Jaitley

    Finally rats are getting holed up !!! Someone is feeling the pain.
  19. P

    Sales of Oppo, Vivo drop 30% in July

    It's not because Indian gov put embargo on oppo and vivo. People itself are not interested in the two brands. Why do you think Xiaomi is doing good after all it's also a Chinese's made. Cheap rates man. Chinese's product are brought because they are cheap. Xiaomi is carrying that lost cost rate...
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