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After Bengaluru metro row, Chennai metro clarifies no Hindi on sign boards

here I disagree - the groups in tamilnadu and karnataka against hindi are formidable

why would you discourage tourism from North India ?

Not common people.

They don't really care since many of them don't need to speak Hindi in their home state.

Been to TN a few times as a visitor and asked people; they are indifferent towards the position on Hindi speaking. Chennai-ites want to know it because Chennai is cosmopolitan city and is a national and international gateway. As long as they can convey their message across, they are okay.

Usually these divisive parties who have no agenda except have a fiefdom.
Those who reside in Chennai MUST learn Tamil. Knowledge of Tamil should be made requirement for jobs in Tamil Nadu

Then they should hire Hindi knowing local guides to show them places. Or bring a Hindi-English travelers dictionary.

even if they know English, these cow belt Hindi walas will insist in using (imposing) Hindi on locals - its just their sense of entitlement and domination over Tamils ....

irony in Gujarat these cow belt Hindi truck drivers, tourists, etcc know English or Gujarati not in TN

their old propaganda was - Learn Hindi for job opportunities, new propaganda - Learn Hindi for cosmopolitanism
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It is English which the biggest threat to regional languages , not hindi.
All these people
even if they know English, these cow belt Hindi walas will insist in using (imposing) Hindi on locals - its just their sense of entitlement and domination over Tamils ....

irony in Gujarat these cow belt Hindi truck drivers, tourists, etcc know English or Gujarati not in TN

their old propaganda was - Learn Hindi for job opportunities, new propaganda - Learn Hindi for cosmopolitanism
All big and vibrant cities are cosmopolitan in nature,

Cosmopolitan does not mean Hindi-an!!

All public signboards in India are in the following order:

1- Regional language (wherever applicable)
2- Hindi
3- English

I do not see a need for Hindi. English is supposedly taught in every school. So no need for Hindi. Bye bye Hindi!

The fuss made by parochial people is use only Local language and English and omit Hindi. Now how is that forcing Hindi on someone, it's just for convenience of North Indian in Southern states (I believe there would be lakhs).

What about convenience of Malayalis visiting Tamil Nasu? What about Bengalis? Telugus??? All we need is English plus state language., Bye bye Hindi and Hin-dians

why would you discourage tourism from North India ?

Are we discouraging tourism frm Bengal by not putting bengali signs? What about Chinese? All we need is state language and Hindi

One look at the title and I knew this must be from you.

Does his name scare you! Once Thanjai Nalankilli wrote, "The name Prabhakaran sends in the nerves of Indian Generals"

You don't want to move around India? You want to stay in Tamil Nadu all your life?

Why do I need Hindi to go to Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka? With English I can go anywhere in the world. So all we neec is mother tongue and English. Down with Hindi.

It is English which the biggest threat to regional languages , not hindi.

I agree English is a threat to my mother tongue in India and its occupied terreitories, State gov should make state language compulsory and business and gov offices forced to do all transactions in state language to those want in stare language. But learning English is a MUST in addition to state language. Get rid of Hindi from our schools
People who stick to their primitive cultures tend to be the most backward. Education and prosperity is the only cure.
Now I am pretty much sure this kvpak and manoli both are one and the same guy. Similar kind of response and all similar threads on hindi imperlism. Damn !! This is so weird that after a post this guy starts say

Chennai should be a free country
Karnataka should be a free country
All Dravidian states as one. Damn you get paid for posting such kind of threads or what ?!
Guys it's waste of responding to this lunatics useless and trash posts.
You fool, cosmopolitan is something that is common to most parts of the world.

You fool, What has Hindi signboards to do with it.

I am ready and willing to accept payment for my posts.
You fool, cosmopolitan is something that is common to most parts of the world.

You fool, What has Hindi signboards to do with it.

I am ready and willing to accept payment for my posts.
You are just a trash . Okay let me know what you know about Telugu !!
Does his name scare you! Once Thanjai Nalankilli wrote, "The name Prabhakaran sends in the nerves of Indian Generals"
Why would it do that. Prabhakaran was a Tamil afterall, killed in a civil war by his own country men.
What about convenience of Malayalis visiting Tamil Nasu? What about Bengalis? Telugus??? All we need is English plus state language., Bye bye Hindi and Hin-dians

It really boils down to numbers. How many Hindi speaking people are visitng Chennai ? compare to Malayalee or Telugu speakers.

FYI Hindi speaking people who do not know other languages will lose in the long run.
"The name Prabhakaran sends in the nerves of Indian Generals" Why would it do that. Prabhakaran was a Tamil afterall, killed in a civil war by his own country men.

Didn't you know that Indian Army occupied Tamil eelam from 1987-1990? The Tamil forces (LTTE) under Commander Prabhakaran was the only military force that opposed it but entered intodialog with India. Didn't you know that Indian High Commissioner Dixit asked Major General Harkirat Singh to shhot Prabakaran when he came for friendly conversation? Did you know that great Sikh warrior Major General Harkirat Singh refused saying I am not a assassin? (it is in Major General Harkirat Singh's biography). India feared Prbakaran becaui he was uncorrupt, honest, corageous and true Tamil patriot. That is why India gov hated him and Indian gov and army feared him.
It really boils down to numbers. How many Hindi speaking people are visitng Chennai ? compare to Malayalee or Telugu speakers.

FYI Hindi speaking people who do not know other languages will lose in the long run.

It really boils down to numbers. How many Hindi speaking people are visitng Chennai ? compare to Malayalee or Telugu speakers.
FYI Hindi speaking people who do not know other languages will lose in the long run.
To know how many hindi speaking guys visit Chennai I would request you to take a walk on OMR road.
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