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  1. F

    ****Be Prepared: Next US President May NOT Recognize One-China Policy Anymore****

    :rofl: top fing kek ,right... all the countries that have "disputes" with tiwan will just roll over & let them take chunks of their country :lol: man if that's not delusion , I do t think you know the definition of the word :wave:
  2. F

    ****Be Prepared: Next US President May NOT Recognize One-China Policy Anymore****

    Sounds more like your delusion than how international politics works , in no scenario is even the combined armies of China & Taiwan capable of countering the countries with disputes in the region . Russia , India , Japan , n,sKorea ,Vietnam , Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines etc Logically...
  3. F

    ****Be Prepared: Next US President May NOT Recognize One-China Policy Anymore****

    So if USA puppets Taiwan & USA states officially that arunanchal Pradesh is part of India , why would Tibet ruin its closest diplomatic relations & risk conflict with every single country in the region .
  4. F

    Minor Kashmiri Girl molested by Indian Army

    Lol deamoncrat Pakistan lecturing about democracy http://m.indiatimes.com/news/sports/virat-kohli-fan-in-pakistan-arrested-for-hoisting-indian-flag-on-his-rooftop-249897.html
  5. F

    ****Be Prepared: Next US President May NOT Recognize One-China Policy Anymore****

    Taiwan will never be a part of China , especially not with U.S. support .Chinese wet dreams never end .
  6. F

    Congolese national beaten to death in Delhi

    :o::o: are you saying Mobin Azad Saifi. Is a Pakistani spy?
  7. F

    Coming to avenge Babri, Kashmir, Gujarat, Muzaffarnagar: ISIS video

    ISIS , kek what next the KKK ? ISIS are no-one in India.
  8. F

    China to build 500 more airports by 2020

    Bubble economies. Won't last , look at your steel & other exports desperately struggling to survive , without fake economic bubbles like these airport they will crash . But what China is doing is just adding more burden on itself , sooner or later like last time , the Chinese bubble will burst ...
  9. F

    ‘India might not be able to defend itself from Pakistani missiles’

    You have nothing to gloat about in kargil , your terrorist & army occupied a empty territory when the Indian forces left at winter & systematically lost all control . Date (1999) Event May 3 Pakistani intrusion in Kargil reported by local shepherds May 5 Indian Army patrol sent up; Five...
  10. F

    China to build 500 more airports by 2020

    Ghost cities & now ghost airport , man things are going to get sour for a while when that unsustainable artificial economy meets a dead end .
  11. F

    why are people afraid to visit pakistan ?

    ...India didn't create the international fragile state index , all I did was state a fact , Pakistan is a red zone as far as tourism in concerned . Its not just your terror index , its more than that, south Asia isnt a popular destination ,compared to the tourism numbers of south east & EU ...
  12. F

    why are people afraid to visit pakistan ?

    Pakistan is among the most fragile states ,every nation red flags Pakistan as a destination , FSI shows pak currently 2 spots below Afghanistan . http://fsi.fundforpeace.org/rankings-2015
  13. F

    ‘India might not be able to defend itself from Pakistani missiles’

    :disagree:typical pak media chest thumping over nothing , There isn't a single country that can intercept every nuke thrown at them within the respond time , you are talking about hundreds warheads .
  14. F

    Pakistan minister admits state backing anti-India terror groups, EU to ban landing rights for Pakist

    EU should carryout the sanctions & bans , before 1993 Pakistan was officially recognised as country that sponsored terrorism, according to USA . The stance only changed in 2002 when they needed pak for Afghanistan insurgencies control. Apparently anyone who speaks the truth are "indian...
  15. F

    Arms Race in South Asia

    Really , so in those propaganda textbooks of yours , do they teach you about Russia & China ? Kek spinning B.S. doesn't make it into facts , 45% of the Indian army are already at your doorstep and here you are chest thumping theories about fictional capabilities . :blah: modi :blah: RSS :blah...
  16. F

    Arms Race in South Asia

    You do realize 45% of the army are placed in the Pakistani & loc border. Logically India can mobilise or respond way faster than Pakistan can. If India wanted to invade it would have done it long ago , the reason for the simla agreement in 71 was to prevent a another war . The closest thing...
  17. F

    Arms Race in South Asia

    any act of war is in the same dimension as provoking , in which case India will retaliate with 3x the military size of the Pakistani military. With both better tech and resources . The indian military has built up its capabilities to deal with China , while Pakistan has already 3 strikes ...
  18. F

    Arms Race in South Asia

    India is the regional power of south Asia , nothing has changed that status quo .
  19. F

    Army resumes laying barbed wire along Afghan border

    It's pointless , that's like taking a bucket of water from the sea . Unless there are drastically increased number of outposts nothing changes. Also for a country that's supposed to be in war in Afghanistan for the past 15 years , why is the border so weak ?
  20. F

    Double standards': Erdogan blasts Europe's silence on Bangladesh leader's execution

    Erdagon thinks he's the fictional leader of all muslim states
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