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China to build 500 more airports by 2020


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China to build more than 500 airports by 2020

China Daily/Asia News Network

Wed, May 18 2016


China saw a rapid development in its general aviation industry. The latest data show that as of the end of 2015, China had more than 300 airports, 281 enterprises, and 1,874 aircrafts.(Shutterstock/-)

The government plans to build more than 500 airports and create a market worth more thanone trillion yuan ( US$153.8 billion ) for its general aviation industry by 2020.

According to a guideline issued by the State Council, by 2020, the country will have more than 500 general aviation airports in a number of places, including major agricultural areas, major forest regions and over 50 percent of 5A tourist scenic spots.

It also plans to increase the number of general aircraft, including helicopters and private jets,to more than 5,000 by 2020. Total annual flying time is estimated to rise to 2 million hours, it added.

Meanwhile, the country will move toward further opening up lower altitude airspace for civilian use and promote research and manufacturing in the sector.

The State Council said the country will encourage private investment in the general aviation sector, boost pilot training and expand the use of general aircraft in disaster relief, emergency medical services and environmental monitoring, as well as national land and resources exploration.

To encourage aviation consumption, general aviation is encouraged to integrate with theinternet, creative economy and tourism, the guideline said.

China saw a rapid development in its general aviation industry. The latest data show that asof the end of 2015, China had more than 300 airports, 281 enterprises, and 1,874 aircrafts.Total annual flying time reached 732,000 hours last year.

Xinhua contributed to this story.

China to Build 500 More Airports by 2020

Vittorio Hernandez | May 18, 2016 11:00 AM EDT

Along with the rise in airports is the number of aircraft to over 5,000 within the same year. It includes private planes and choppers. With the boost in number of aircraft and gateways, total yearly flying time is expected to rise to 2 million hours.

As of December 2015, China has about 300 airports, 281 enterprises and 1,874 aircraft. For the same period, total flying time reached 732,000 hours.

The building of new airports is part of a $723.8 billion spending plan over the next three years to boost China’s infrastructure, including new railways, highways, waterways and urban rail transits. Of the 303 infrastructure projects, 131 would begin this 2016, 92 in 2017 and 80 in 2018.:agree:

The rise in number of airports and aircraft should also be accompanied by training of 500,000 civil pilots to meet market demands by 2035, reported GB Times.
That much??
Why not use this to improve medical security?

I know of a way to boost revenue for medical security - increase tax on tobacco and alcohol 500%.

Less public health burden as a result of less smoking and drinking and more money to go around. Its happening here in Australia - the price of cigarettes will reach 40 Asutralian dollars a packet of 25 by 2020.
Ghost cities & now ghost airport , man things are going to get sour for a while when that unsustainable artificial economy meets a dead end .
Ghost cities & now ghost airport , man things are going to get sour for a while when that unsustainable artificial economy meets a dead end .

you are full of wishful thinking and schadenfreude. Indian comrade, you win the race by trying your best and working harder than everyone else. Not by hoping your competitors fall over or suffer some injury. That is loser attitude.

China is already far ahead. Only in fairy tales do a tortoise beat a hare. In fact, the Chinese hare can go to sleep for 2 decades and still be ahead of the Indian tortoise ( who appears to be flipped on its back and unable to get back on its feet).
I know of a way to boost revenue for medical security - increase tax on tobacco and alcohol 500%.

Less public health burden as a result of less smoking and drinking and more money to go around. Its happening here in Australia - the price of cigarettes will reach 40 Asutralian dollars a packet of 25 by 2020.

That's a recipe for disaster. On topic, isn't 500 new airports to much specially since China has a very vast network of HSR ?
That's a recipe for disaster. On topic, isn't 500 new airports to much specially since China has a very vast network of HSR ?

Not all the airports are going to be big one like Beijing. Most of them will be smaller airports in smaller cities. That is what I think.

@TaiShang can you confirm?
you are full of wishful thinking and schadenfreude. Indian comrade, you win the race by trying your best and working harder than everyone else. Not by hoping your competitors fall over or suffer some injury. That is loser attitude.

China is already far ahead. Only in fairy tales do a tortoise beat a hare.

Bubble economies. Won't last , look at your steel & other exports desperately struggling to survive , without fake economic bubbles like these airport they will crash . But what China is doing is just adding more burden on itself , sooner or later like last time , the Chinese bubble will burst , that's not going to be a prety right for anyone .

At least they have proper cities.



Typical butt hurt **** user , dragging India into threads with $hitposts.
Bubble economies. Won't last , look at your steel & other exports desperately struggling to survive , without fake economic bubbles like these airport they will crash . But what China is doing is just adding more burden on itself , sooner or later like last time , the Chinese bubble will burst , that's not going to be a prety right for anyone .

Perhaps, but when the bubble busts China will have 500 more airports. The U.S. has 15000 airports, including 5000 paved ones. China has about 400 right now. Add 500 and China will still only have less than 1/5 the number in the U.S., surely you can't think that this number is "wasteful" for a country with the size and population of China?
Bubble economies. Won't last , look at your steel & other exports desperately struggling to survive , without fake economic bubbles like these airport they will crash .

Bubble economies won't create solid numbers.

Relatively speaking, China's share of global export has increased because the overall global economy is suffering from shoddy economic growth.

Major Exporters in 2015.jpg

China Global Share of Export by Product Group.jpg

. But what China is doing is just adding more burden on itself , sooner or later like last time , the Chinese bubble will burst , that's not going to be a prety right for anyone .

India is smart not to so far invest in infrastructure. Now you have lots of money (positive trade balance and foreign reserves) to spend on the brighter aspects of Indian economy while China is suffering from trade imbalance and (call centers) services based economy that does not really make anything tangible for global consumption.

So much irony here.
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