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Minor Kashmiri Girl molested by Indian Army

Hasnat Sheikh


New Recruit

Oct 14, 2014
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The Indian Army vs a 16-year old Kashmiri girl
Handwara rape case: clearing the air

Over the past month, the ‘world's most beautiful prison’ has seen turmoil once again, with some media houses and government mouth pieces in the occupied territory shedding different shades of light on the horrific ordeal that the Kashmiri people had to face. It all began in the after-noon of 12th April, when a 16 year old school-girl was molested by an Indian army officer, while she was going to a toilet next to her school. It was located in close vicinity of a bunker of the 21 Rashtriya Rifles, placed in the centre of the street. The desperate screams of the minor girl alerted the people in the surrounding market and very soon, an infuriated crowd of locals had gathered, the gathered unarmed civilians protested the molestation of the minor girl and demanded the arrest of the army man, but the forces from the bunker started indiscriminate firing, resultantly, killing two young men and a woman and injuring at least two dozen other unarmed civilians.


[Army Bunker Set on Fire by protestors, Photo: Zulkarnain Bandey, JKCCS]
The Handwara Police took the girl away, as soon as the people started gathering, and placed her under custody at the Handwara police station. Later that day, after the deaths of three innocent people, a video of the girl filmed by the Jammu and Kashmir police surfaced online in which she exculpates the army of all blame. The video, that received thousands of views online, was extensively propagated by the Indian army and the J&K police, also through television channels. However, the other side was not presented until the Jammu Kashmir Coalation of Civil Society (JKCCS) was approached for legal assistance. The minor girl was taken in to custody, without any elder and she was allowed no legal counsel before they took her statement for propagation without any sort of legal proceeding, neither did they attempt to properly conceal the identity of the girl for protection purposes. The statement of the girl, obviously filmed under undue influence and threat was coerced in addition to which it was legally unjustifiable also. The girl was kept in police custody, and her father was summoned at 1 am of 13th of April to the Police station to take his daughter back, and he was asked to bring an extra ‘pheran’ along with him. The father later told how his daughter was coerced, harassed and even spat on, and that he was not allowed to accompany his daughter to the magistrate for her statement.


[A protestor climbing to remove the Indian flag, Photo: Zulkarnain Bandey]
On 15th, the government barred the JKCCS legal team from meeting the mother of the detained minor, who expressed her concern for the safety of her husband, sister and daughter in Police custody, she feared the use of influence and force on her family. The government denying them their legal rights, barred the movement of the JKCCS legal team beyond Ganapora village. Though, on 16th they finally arranged a press conference for the mother of the Handwara victim to talk to the press, at the JKCCS office. On that date, internet in Kashmir was shut down, and the security agencies barred them from carrying on their press conference and restricting the media online. But the JKCCS recorded a video of the mother explaining her point of view over the matter, and Programme Coordinator JKCCS Khurram Parvez, writer of the report ‘Structures of Violence’ which documents more than a thousand extra judicial killings in Indian occupied Kashmir, shared the video on his facebook account.The legal battle between the Indian security forces and the minor girl along with her family continued over a month through which they were kept under ‘protective custody’ against their will, they were shifted to isolated locations and their movement was restricted. They had reiterated several times and given in writing on different platforms that they did not require any sort of protective custody. Finally, on 12th of May, their illegal detention ended through high court orders as the parents of the minor girl had to deposit affidavits where they mentioned that they were all kept under custody wrongful, against their will.In one of their press releases, the JKCCS also mentioned a similar incident from 2004, in Handwara where another Army officer was reported to have raped a mother and her daughter, he was not trialed in a civil court even though the then Chief Minister Mufti Sayeed assured that the guilty officer would be punished, the officer was later reinstated in the Army.
Their battle to vindicate the stance of the minor girl and her family still continues, with the JKCCS on their side against the security forces which have a history of several heinous and inhumane crimes against the Kashmiri people. They have received support from activists around the globe and also from inside India. The death of at least 5 unarmed protesters, the removal of the Indian flag by protesters and the charring down of the Rashtriya Rifles bunker in Handwara, has echoed the strain in the relations of the people and the forces once again, this issue has become more than a case between an individual and an offender, but it is a battle between the people for their rights, safety and sanctity and the Indian forces.

What else can be expected from 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists. They think it's their territory where they can perform their indian sports. Shame and spit on their disgusting faces for resorting to such measures after failing to silence Kashmiris at gunpoint.
Just like the same fake story of ArmyMen Molesting a girl which turned out to be false when the girl herself said about it.
You Pakistani Muslims blood boils for Kashmiri Muslims, but it won't boil for Muslims in Xinkiang Province of China, where China makes your Ummah dance and force feed Muslims on Ramzaan month.
Yeah we know where your ideology is.... :))
Just like the same fake story of ArmyMen Molesting a girl which turned out to be false when the girl herself said about it.
You Pakistani Muslims blood boils for Kashmiri Muslims, but it won't boil for Muslims in Xinkiang Province of China, where China makes your Ummah dance and force feed Muslims on Ramzaan month.
Yeah we know where your ideology is.... :))

Not sure if Chinese are raping & mass murdering people who we claim to be our own.

Just like the same fake story of ArmyMen Molesting a girl which turned out to be false when the girl herself said about it.
You Pakistani Muslims blood boils for Kashmiri Muslims, but it won't boil for Muslims in Xinkiang Province of China, where China makes your Ummah dance and force feed Muslims on Ramzaan month.
Yeah we know where your ideology is.... :))

What else can be expected from 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists. They think it's their territory where they can perform their indian sports. Shame and spit on their disgusting faces for resorting to such measures after failing to silence Kashmiris at gunpoint.

Rape is used as a weapon by indian state occupational forces.
pakistanis say," The IA officer molested the 16 year old girl"
two kashmiris were killed while protesting this.
indians say ," the girl rejected all allegations against the officer".

i have never been to kashmir or mingled with its people, however, from my limited knowledge i daresay one thing," Kashmiris and Indians are in the same hell hole, the former get screwed by the army (arguable) and the latter get screwed by political leaders and their goons (also arguable)"

it seems that like "shopian" and "konan puspura" this is also some elaborate "conspiracy" to defame the armed forces.
how is it possible ? i mean, we all know a good no. of indians are "tharkis". but i was under impression that , once these (few) tharkis join the army , they become cleaner than the water provided by RO.
pakistanis say," The IA officer molested the 16 year old girl"
two kashmiris were killed while protesting this.
indians say ," the girl rejected all allegations against the officer".

i have never been to kashmir or mingled with its people, however, from my limited knowledge i daresay one thing," Kashmiris and Indians are in the same hell hole, the former get screwed by the army (arguable) and the latter get screwed by political leaders and their goons (also arguable)"

it seems that like "shopian" and "konan puspura" this is also some elaborate "conspiracy" to defame the armed forces.
how is it possible ? i mean, we all know a good no. of indians are "tharkis". but i was under impression that , once these (few) tharkis join the army , they become cleaner than the water provided by RO.

It is the Para Military that is there in Kashmir you moron, not the Indian Army. (BSF and CRPF)

It is one thing for pakistanis to do propaganda, it is quit another for foolish Indians to open their mouth supporting those lies.

Its not a sin to be stupid and ignorant, but at least have the decency to keep your trap shut.
Kashmiri boys molest their own girls and put the blame on IA, After 2 deaths and so much drama over this whole issue once the girl returned back to home she was bound to change her statement under pressure from "Freedom fighters".
Just like the same fake story of ArmyMen Molesting a girl which turned out to be false when the girl herself said about it.
You Pakistani Muslims blood boils for Kashmiri Muslims, but it won't boil for Muslims in Xinkiang Province of China, where China makes your Ummah dance and force feed Muslims on Ramzaan month.
Yeah we know where your ideology is.... :))
I have followed this story from the first day to the last until I wrote the article. I am well aware of the atrocities India is inflicting on our Kashmiri brethren on the other side, in the worlds MOST militarized occupation, that it ironically claims to be its part. And please stop consuming western propaganda a friend journalist of mine was in China when these reports started to spread, I had it confirmed, it was nothing more than conjecture spread by ppl like you.

Kashmiri boys molest their own girls and put the blame on IA, After 2 deaths and so much drama over this whole issue once the girl returned back to home she was bound to change her statement under pressure from "Freedom fighters".
Seriously? It looks like you didn't even read the whole thing!
I have followed this story from the first day to the last until I wrote the article. I am well aware of the atrocities India is inflicting on our Kashmiri brethren on the other side, in the worlds MOST militarized occupation, that it ironically claims to be its part. And please stop consuming western propaganda a friend journalist of mine was in China when these reports started to spread, I had it confirmed, it was nothing more than conjecture spread by ppl like you.

And get down from your high horse of morality, there are lot of lies and shit that gets thrown around on Kashmir issue, one of the biggest shit was that around 80,000 to 100,000 killed in Kashmir, but all those who claimed these numbers, never could verify or could produce any sort of credible evidence from where they got these numbers. The lies was spread by some, and it was repeated so often and again and again that it became a slogan, until a group of journalists actually made an attempt to investigate the issue, and suddenly, all those claims of 80,00 killed were blown as myth.


"Here's what the data says. In the last 21 years, 43,460 people have been killed in the Kashmir insurgency. Of these, 21,323 are militants, 13,226 civilians killed by militants, 3,642 civilians killed by security forces, and 5,369 policemen killed by militants. The 21,323 militants were killed in operations by security forces and include both Kashmiri and foreign militants. And of the 5,369 members of the security forces, around 1,500 are Kashmiri policemen."

only around 3642 civilians have been victims of security forces, yet the bastards from your side and all, claimed a figure of tens of thousands killed, the figure of 3642 is nonetheless a greater number and unfortunate, but it is not even half of what was claimed by many.

And don't even get me started on "atrocities", over the past few weeks I have seen horrendous images coming from Baluchistan of little girls being killed along with teenage boys bodies riddled with bullet holes. You talking about "atrocities" on your brethren, i would rather believe in the crocodile tears than words of you on human rights abuses, Pakistan itself is a hell hole for human rights abuses; and just the other day a pakistani member here on PDF said that he knew of a incident where a few bodies were dumped in the farm and law enforcement agencies claimed it to be "encounter".

And just FYI, here is the map of freedom house for 2016(freedom house is one of the most reputed organisations dedicated to expansion of freedom and democracy around the world).


The parts of Kashmir that Pakistan controls was found to be less free that the part of Kashmir in India. Of course, you will pass it around as "western propaganda", while Pakistani media is ultimate truth!

Capture freedom house.JPG
Not sure if Chinese are raping & mass murdering people who we claim to be our own.

I am not sure whether you know how the Uyghurs in Xinjiang get routinely picked off from homes and never return/simply vanish.
No reporter or tourist is allowed to go there.
While the public statements regarding ban on fasting is evident by chinese interior ministry,
also asking them to dance and not wear burkhas or grow long beards.
Well when it comes to China you can go selectively blind fo the problems of Muslims in Chinaf anything can be done for the welfare of t stronger than mountains and deeper than oceans friend isn't it, but when it comes to India it is your Muslim ummah??

What it tells me is that you are only interested in Material/Money gains that's all.

I have followed this story from the first day to the last until I wrote the article. I am well aware of the atrocities India is inflicting on our Kashmiri brethren on the other side, in the worlds MOST militarized occupation, that it ironically claims to be its part. And please stop consuming western propaganda a friend journalist of mine was in China when these reports started to spread, I had it confirmed, it was nothing more than conjecture spread by ppl like you.

Your friend journalist might have been in China,but i was in China ,so i know what happens there. having a friend there and been there in real life makes a lot of difference.
That is not some western propaganda but Chinese laws in real life.
What Kahsmiris are facing now is the result of Pakistans belligerence and their own doing, by committing ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Pandits of Kashmir, they invited trouble upon themselves, now enjoy your karma.
They shouldn't have killed Hindus of Kahsmir, and this would have never happened to them.
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