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  1. T

    Army colonel gunned down in Peshawar

    Same can be said about Pakistan , there are Nemours terrorist organizations & drug networks in Pakistan that regularly target its neibhours . Does that give a free pass for Indians/Iran to invade Pakistan ? Afghanistan's sovereign territory is not Pakistan's personal battle field . If they...
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    Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

    Those numbers represents progress of a country , you are contradicting yourself. Better than Pakistan at least .
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    Army colonel gunned down in Peshawar

    It is hypocrisy in the highest standards . India is the 4th most powerful military in the world , its nothing less than idiotic to claim that India can't handle bunch of terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir . Further more this blunt assumptions of yours that you could take on the...
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    Army colonel gunned down in Peshawar

    What gives Pakistan any right to abuse the sovereignty of Afghanistan , your army have no right to step a single foot into their territory without their permission. And this is absurd level of hypocrisy , your ministers threatened nuclear Armageddon when Indian implied to perform surgical...
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    China Seeks to Dominate, but Can’t Even Make Milk Powder

    China is developing country , most of its population are still poor . It's only natural to have such flaws .it would be illogical to be comparing it to develop countries like USA , Japan or Taiwan
  6. T

    ‘Restricting military aid to Pakistan will hurt critical US interests’

    Its more effective to stabilize Afghanistan than waste money on Pakistan to keep American interests . Even a crappy government is better than a broken down regime. Afghanistan needs massive economical stimulation.
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    Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

    Even if Pakistan magically tripled its GDP it would still not be in the top 10 economies in the world .
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    Russia's Military Success in Syria Has NATO Scared

    Russian military are better trained than most NATO members , they are strategies for results better than even the U.S.
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    Pakistan opposes new permanent members to UNSC

    Your example fails to prove the point you are trying to make . Israel is not only a smaller country its also a non NGO benefactor , the money was funneled as military aid . if anything you are supporting his statement . India was never on any sides , go brush up on the non alignment...
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    Kanhaiya Kumar attacked on JNU campus

    The guy pissed off 1.25 billion people on national tv , what did you expect ?
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    A perfect time for China-Pakistan defence pact

    Let the kid dream ,he actually thinks Bangladeshi government would turn its back on one of their biggest trade partners & longest allies . its amusing , apparently according to him Sikhs, will betray their country , this guy is so misinformed about India its like he's reading out of memes ,
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    Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

    Do you comment for the sake of replying ?:what: there is a genuine question in that post . at least try to troll harder , there is no reason for you to fail in that too .
  13. T

    Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

    If India is as successful enough to be alongside Israel then that's a good thing , they are more stable & influential than most Midwestern countries . Also there is a huge difference between being the bottom 13 than the bottom 69th . Also its funny because you are implying Russia is a failed...
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    Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

    So posting concrete facts with its source is trolling these days ?:crazy:
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    Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

    Isn't Pakistan categorised as a failed state ? Last I checked they were placed along the same category as Syria
  16. T

    Pakistanis can now apply to Indian tech universities

    Hmm....the only reason anyone would want to take a part of this program is because of IIT. Its ranked among the top universities in the world . I'm sure many Sri Lankans would take this offer , not sure about the others .
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