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Russia's Military Success in Syria Has NATO Scared

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Russia's Military Success in Syria Has NATO Scared

NATO analysts were completely surprised by the effectiveness of the Russian air campaign

Western media has raised hue and cry blaming Russia for great collateral damage in Syria. Much has been said about the Russian air strikes not being accurate enough to minimize the damage to civilian infrastructure and death toll among civilians.

For decades, Western military leaders viewed Russia’s military capabilities with condescension pointing at «obsolete» equipment and many drawbacks. They used to say that Russia was no match for NATO.

But the demonstration of Russia’s military capabilities in Syria has come as a shock.

A just published confidential NATO analytical report on the issue has admitted Russia’s superiority over the Alliance’s forces and has praised Moscow for the «accuracy and efficiency» of its air strikes.

According to the information obtained by German Focus magazine, the Russian Aerospace Forces operations are much more effective than NATO air strikes, despite the Alliance’s numerical superiority.

The article written by Josef Hufelschulte published by Focus on March 5 refers to a classified NATO report, which informs that 40 Russian combat aircraft fly 75 sorties daily to deliver precision strikes against Islamic State targets. In comparison, NATO aviation flies 180 sorties a day to strike only 20 targets.

NATO experts believe Russian SU-35 aircraft to be superior to anything the Alliance has in its inventory.

The paper emphasizes the fact that Russian crews are better trained.

Russia’s combat capabilities are enhanced due to the intelligence data provided by Syrian military.

According to the document, the Russian military operation made terrorists retreat from previously taken positions. What is especially important – the report mentions no Russian aircraft-inflicted civilian casualties at all.

It’s not the first time, when Russia’s military operation is described as a big success.

«The Russian reinforcement has changed the calculus completely», Lt. Gen. Vincent R. Stewart, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said in Senate testimony. Assad is «in a much stronger negotiating position than he was just six months ago», Stewart noted.«I’m more inclined to believe that he is a player on the stage longer term than he was six months to a year ago».

In an attempt to match Russia’s achievements, the United States is sending nuclear-capable B-52 aircraft to drop bombs on the Islamic State terror group, defense officials confirmed to Fox News on March 4.

The B-52 Stratofortress will start its first bombing campaign against Islamic State in April, the Air Force Time reports.

It's not clear how many B-52s or airmen will be involved.

An Atlantic Council report issued in late February warns of a grave «lack of progress» in the Alliance’s plans to reinforce itself.

Former Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Deputy Supreme Commander Sir Richard Shirreff and former Italian defence minister and NATO military committee chair Giampaolo di Paola are among the authors. The paper reads «Many of the alliance’s key members are still dogged by «critical deficiencies» in their «hollowed out» militaries».

A RAND Corporation paper modelling dozens of war game scenarios in consultation with the Pentagon, found that Russia’s forces would overrun NATO in the Baltic, and capture Tallinn and Riga, in a maximum of 60 hours, with a «catastrophic» defeat for defending alliance forces.

The European Leadership network published a report on February 8 warning of many weak points and drawbacks of NATO’s defense posture.

«I think Russia has gained the upper hand in the region and this is by historical measures a novelty. And they have done so by the use of armed force», said Norbert Röttgen, head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the German parliament and a member of Merkel's conservative party.

Thanks to continuous modernization, the Russian Armed Forces have gained a clear advantage, said one of the key NATO General Hans-Lothar Domröse. This became possible thanks to the Russian electronics and engineering skills, he said.

Russian military jets have, at times, been carrying out more sorties in a day in Syria than the US-led coalition has done in a month. The Russian navy has launched cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea 900 miles away, and kept supply lines going to Syria. The air defense systems installed by the Russian military in Syria are the most capable long-range weapons in the world to keep any potential enemy away. They have array radars that continuously monitor the skies. A missile can shoot down targets at the distance of 250 miles. There are about 40 fixed-wing aircraft based at Latakia: 12 Su-25s and four Su-30SM fighter-bombers; 12 ageing Su-24M2s and six Su-34s. More of the most advanced of these, the Su-34, codenamed Fullback by NATO, have been replacing older aircraft. There are also helicopters and an unspecified number of drones.

The deployment of Russian electronic warfare equipment in Syria, such as the Krasukha-4 which can jam AWACS and satellite radar systems, has been another sobering experience for NATO. Ronald Pontius, deputy to the US Army head of cyber command, stated: «You cannot but come to the conclusion that we are not making progress at the pace the threat demands».

Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the commander of the US army in Europe, has described Russian advances in electronic warfare in Syria as «eye watering».

It would stand NATO in good stead to know the reality its intelligence has failed to see.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin said pointing out the significance of the West seeing«for the first time that these weapons do exist, that they are of high quality, and that we have well-trained people who can put them to effective use. They have now seen, too, that Russia is ready to use them if this is in the interest of our country and our people».

The events in Syria happened to be an eye opener for the West to make it realize it had seriously underestimated Russia’s military capabilities. Its intelligence has failed again. The events in Syria rectified the omission.

Russia's Military Success in Syria Has NATO Scared


Putin’s electoral rating hits 4-year high
Published time: 3 Mar, 2016 10:35
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Russian President Vladimir Putin. © Alexei Druzhinin / Sputnik
READ MORE: Most Russians want Putin to remain president after 2018 – poll

VTSIOM also noted in the letter that the support for Putin’s candidacy was very high even among those who thought that the president has not yet fulfilled all promises made at the last elections campaign. At the same time, 37 percent of responders hold that the Russian leader has already fulfilled the major part of these promises. The share of those who think that Putin was true to only a part of his promises was 47 percent.

According to the poll conducted by VTSIOM in December last year 57 percent of Russians wanted to see Putin reelected as president in 2018. A further 11 percent said the incumbent president should be replaced by someone he himself proposes as his successor. Eighteen percent said that they would prefer another person as president who would suggest a different political course, while 14 percent of responders said it was too difficult for them to answer the question at the moment.

In the same poll, 48 percent of Russians said that currently no politician in the country could effectively replace Putin, while 33 percent said that the replacement could be found once the need arises and 6 percent answered that they already know a perfect candidate. Twelve percent of respondents said they found the question too complex to answer.

READ MORE: Putin's approval rating hits new historic high of almost 90%

In late October 2015, Putin’s approval rating hit a historic high of 89.9 percent, beating the previous high set in June 2015, when the average monthly rating was 89.1 percent.

In late June 2015, independent Russian pollster the Levada Center reported that according to its data, the share of Russians who are happy with Vladimir Putin’s work as president had reached 89 percent. Sixty-four percent think the current policies of the Russian authorities are correct – also the highest in history. The proportion of Russians who expressed dissatisfaction with Putin’s work was 10 percent.
"no Russian aircraft-inflicted civilian casualties at all."

Hey they must be using the same recon picture analyzers we used in Iraq and Afghanistan!
Russian military are better trained than most NATO members , they are strategies for results better than even the U.S.
Russia is a military superpower, let us not forget that.
That's right up there in "beloved president for life" scores! :P


I knew you gonna think of him as a dictator, I don't blame ya, whoever goes against the US interests is considered traitor and if he or she stands against them firmly and help other Nations who are either directly or indirectly facing hardships from US dictatorship i-e CIA than most certainly called a dictator.
I knew you gonna think of him as a dictator, I don't blame ya, whoever goes against the US interests is considered traitor and if he or she stands against them firmly and help other Nations who are either directly or indirectly facing hardships from US dictatorship i-e CIA than most certainly called a dictator.
Why would I consider Putin a...traitor? o_O Traitor to what? And by help other nations, I assume you mean........the Ukraine? Georgia? Chechnya? Let me guess, you don't mean those countries, do you? :lol:

No, my original comment was strictly limited to the reality that Putin will never leave power unless removed by a coup, (very unlikely), or carried out of the Kremlin, dead. I think only the unbelievably naive, could think otherwise.
Why would I consider Putin a...traitor? o_O Traitor to what?

Well to explain you about what I meant by being a traitor in simple words is that whoever stands against the wills and wishes of your so called CIA is considered either a traitor or a threat. Their are lots of lots of example, but let me give you few of them, Edward Snowden, John Kiriakou and so on.....

nd by help other nations, I assume you mean........the Ukraine? Georgia? Chechnya? Let me guess, you don't mean those countries, do you? :lol:

And why have you skipped Syria? or Syria doesn't interest Americans at all? When Russia was influencing North America US had its own concerns about it, a good example is the Cuban Missile crisis. US responded it with force and whatever help it needed from International community. But when US tried and succeeded in toppling the Ukrainian legit Government and a US backed puppet Government took a charge and started hostile actions against Russia since its first day in Government and Russia tried to retaliate the situation, US suddenly started to realize that no Nations Sovereignty do exist in this world. Same goes to Georgia and everyone knows the Chechnya Story that who was funding those separatists.
If you really want to know the truth, you will have to set aside your American Patriotic Brain. The problem with you guys is that you have been told that you are living in the democratic Country where everyone's rights are protected. You grow up with the news channels that tells you that you are the good guys and People who oppose your ideas are the bad ones. You think US is a democratic Country, no its not, you don't even know that how much does CIA controls your Government policies. You Politicians even run their campaigns with the help and support of CIA. And whoever goes against them either die like John Kennedy or have to face ruthless accountability. What happened to Gary Webb the reporter who reported that the CIA and the US Gov was involved in paramilitary operations against Nicaragua Government. But Gary Webb lead of the first article set out the series' basic claims: "For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency." This drug ring "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles" and, as a result, "The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America.
So your own Government was and still is poisoning your own People, or should I say African American lives aint matter to you.
Well to explain you about what I meant by being a traitor in simple words is that whoever stands against the wills and wishes of your so called CIA is considered either a traitor or a threat. Their are lots of lots of example, but let me give you few of them, Edward Snowden, John Kiriakou and so on.....

And why have you skipped Syria? or Syria doesn't interest Americans at all? When Russia was influencing North America US had its own concerns about it, a good example is the Cuban Missile crisis. US responded it with force and whatever help it needed from International community. But when US tried and succeeded in toppling the Ukrainian legit Government and a US backed puppet Government took a charge and started hostile actions against Russia since its first day in Government and Russia tried to retaliate the situation, US suddenly started to realize that no Nations Sovereignty do exist in this world. Same goes to Georgia and everyone knows the Chechnya Story that who was funding those separatists.
If you really want to know the truth, you will have to set aside your American Patriotic Brain. The problem with you guys is that you have been told that you are living in the democratic Country where everyone's rights are protected. You grow up with the news channels that tells you that you are the good guys and People who oppose your ideas are the bad ones. You think US is a democratic Country, no its not, you don't even know that how much does CIA controls your Government policies. You Politicians even run their campaigns with the help and support of CIA. And whoever goes against them either die like John Kennedy or have to face ruthless accountability. What happened to Gary Webb the reporter who reported that the CIA and the US Gov was involved in paramilitary operations against Nicaragua Government. But Gary Webb lead of the first article set out the series' basic claims: "For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency." This drug ring "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles" and, as a result, "The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America.
So your own Government was and still is poisoning your own People, or should I say African American lives aint matter to you.
I think you left out how America hates puppies and ruins children's birthday parties. :rofl:
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