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‘Restricting military aid to Pakistan will hurt critical US interests’

Who said anything about India? Your rant was toward US. I'm talking about Pakistan's failure to deliver Taliban to negotiating table.
And my answer was Pakistan will no one else in the world can
Pakistan created the Taliban, provides the oxygen it breathes, gives it sanctuary and yet it is helpless. One wonders if it's the Taliban calling the shots or Pakistan.

No wonder the US is skeptical.

No wonder you know very little about the political dynamics of Afghanistan, Taliban were and are a political reality even US has acknowledge it. The very reason they want to bring Taliban on table and help them become part of main political group is the testament of it. You can call them W.E you like, neither they nor Pakistan cares what you think. As mentioned earlier, you are insignificant only Pak-Afghan-USA-China will work this deal out.
No wonder you know very little about the political dynamics of Afghanistan, Taliban were and are a political reality even US has acknowledge it. The very reason they want to bring Taliban on table and help them become part of main political group is the testament of it. You can call them W.E you like, neither they nor Pakistan cares what you think. As mentioned earlier, you are insignificant only Pak-Afghan-USA-China will work this deal out.

Did you read what I wrote? I didn't ask why Taliban is being brought to the negotiating table, but why can't Pakistan bring Taliban to it?

And why are you raising the issue of India? What does this have to do with anything?
Did you read what I wrote? I didn't ask why Taliban is being brought to the negotiating table, but why can't Pakistan bring Taliban to it?

And why are you raising the issue of India? What does this have to do with anything?

Pakistan can and will bring taliban to the table, but it will take time as mentioned we don't have total control over them but have certain level of leverage and we can use it to bring them to the table but it will be done on right time.
Pakistan can and will bring taliban to the table, but it will take time as mentioned we don't have total control over them but have certain level of leverage and we can use it to bring them to the table but it will be done on right time.

Right time? How long do you think Afghanistan, China, and US will wait? Each year Pakistan fails to deliver, the more doubts are raised in US and elsewhere.

I agree, it's Pakistan's call but the clock is ticking.
@my2cents Whose stopping right?

Pakistan is still in top 5 in foreign aid which US gives out to different countries and has continued to do so in spite of setbacks and disappointments. It is unlikely that US is going to stop the aid and the accompanying arm sales for the simple reason it does not want Pakistan to fail. Let me also add that no one in India want Pakistan to fail because Pakistan is too big to fail.

Has Pakistan turned around to eliminate all kinds of terrorists as promised by Musharraf. Simple answer is no. Initially it looked like that Pakistan was doing all it can to deal with terrorists, only to find few years later that you are still supporting Haqqani and some faction of Afghani taliban which in effect is detrimental to US war on terror. One reason is that your national interest dictates your policy and make you choose who is a good terrorist and who is bad.

Is that going to change in near future?

Regarding the arm sales to Pakistan, specifically F16's, it is unlikely going to be a game changer in your strategic calculus.

During cold war, US being your ally, you had the upper hand to all kinds of US armaments and military equipment which gave you a parity with India and gave you the delusion that you can compete with India. But now that advantage is not there anymore because of close ties between India and US.

What they are offering you is also available to India. India being India with its obsession with Pakistan will try to scuttle this deal but it is not end of the world if it goes through.
Because striking at base camps and logistical support with precision airpower, has proven to be highly effective. The F-16 Block-52's excell at that mission.

Hello sir, is there any chance of PAF getting F16 Viper? F16 blk 52+ and F16V are poles apart in performance, right? whats your opinion in this regard?
It's still not clear to me how providing F-16s to Pakistan will help Pakistan "take decisive action against the Haqqani network."

Don't be so naive. The F-16s are meant as a bribe and you know this too. Of course, Pakistan isn't going to use these F-16s to target the Haqqani's. The truth is that the Americans have nothing much left to persuade Pakistan with. The F-16 is their last card in the deck.

"Top US generals told a congressional panel on Thursday that restricting military aid to Pakistan could hurt critical US interests."

The Americans need much more from Pakistan than just Haqqani's. Your views are too narrow to fully understand what really is driving this relationship. Whether you like it or not, the Americans are forced to play along nicely with Pakistan for their own interests. Don't think we are stupid and don't understand this. Ideally, both peoples would rather have this foul relationship end ASAP. I guess, in the end both deserve each other.

Right time? How long do you think Afghanistan, China, and US will wait? Each year Pakistan fails to deliver, the more doubts are raised in US and elsewhere.

I agree, it's Pakistan's call but the clock is ticking.

The answer to your question is very simple. Pakistan isn't going to deliver on anything. The Americans miserably failed their war in Afghanistan and even Iraq. They are looking for cannon fodder all over the place to clean their Jihadi mess, but it is too late for that now. From ISIS in Iraq and the rest of Middle East to a resurgent Taliban, everyone understands the dire picture. It is so messy for the Americans that a lunatic entertainer like Trump is wining sympathy among the masses.

The Americans think they can milk Pakistan by offering F-16s. They are gravely mistaken about that. Whether you like it or not, Pakistan will do as it pleases and the Americans know it too. The Americans aren't in the mood of totally losing a rebellious Pakistan because this is what could happen in the long run. Also, remember that these F-16s were directly offered by the Obama administration. That should be very telling about the American position.
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Don't be so naive. The F-16s are meant as a bribe and you know this too. Of course, Pakistan isn't going to use these F-16s to target the Haqqani's. The truth is that the Americans have nothing much left to persuade Pakistan with. The F-16 is their last card in the deck.
Except even without the F-16s the U.S. provides billions in military and economic aid, so the F-16 isn't a "last card" at all.

The Americans need much more from Pakistan than just Haqqani's. Your views are too narrow to fully understand what really is driving this relationship.
Oh, do tell.

Whether you like it or not, the Americans are forced to play along nicely with Pakistan for their own interests. Don't think we are stupid and don't understand this.
It does indeed appear to me that Pakistan, not the U.S., is in the driver's seat and is the party wielding power over the other.

The answer to your question is very simple. Pakistan isn't going to deliver on anything. The Americans miserably failed their war in Afghanistan and even Iraq. They are looking for cannon fodder all over the place to clean their Jihadi mess -
Don't insult my intelligence. I am aware, and you should be too, that Jihadis in Pakistan and Afghanistan and Kashmir are Pakistan's creation, predating the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, tracing all the way back to 1965 and beyond that to the first days of independence, when Jinnah sent irregulars out to ignite war that the nascent, British-staffed Pakistani Army would not. America supplied weapons and some funds after 1979, but Pakistan was always in the driver's seat. Pakistan's leaders wouldn't have it any other way.
I don't think Pakistan drives this relationship as much as some people are making out. We all know what happens to countries who get onto the wrong side of US.
Its more effective to stabilize Afghanistan than waste money on Pakistan to keep American interests .

Even a crappy government is better than a broken down regime. Afghanistan needs massive economical stimulation.
Hello sir, is there any chance of PAF getting F16 Viper? F16 blk 52+ and F16V are poles apart in performance, right? whats your opinion in this regard?
It's not that they just "poles apart in performance", it's that they are designed for two different missions. The block 52 series is really a multi-role fighter that can fight air-to-air, deep strike, even anti-shipping missions with it's Harpoon missile launch capability. The F-16'V' is optimized for air defence. It started as an upgrade for Taiwan’s F-16A/B fleet but it's market niche is to fill out a fighter role for those countries that the F-35 is just to expensive to buy in large numbers. The 'V' model will have the latest in radar SABR + SNIPER infrared detection, new glass cockpit, etc.

As to PAF getting it, honestly, I think the biggest single factor in that equation is the outcome of the US presidential election. If Mr. Trump wins, then I doubt any modern fighters will be sold to Pakistan. If any other candidate wins, then I think there is a very good chance for sales. It is really sad that such is the case as Pakistan is so important, but that is my honest opinion.
Except even without the F-16s the U.S. provides billions in military and economic aid, so the F-16 isn't a "last card" at all.

Oh, do tell.

It does indeed appear to me that Pakistan, not the U.S., is in the driver's seat and is the party wielding power over the other.

Don't insult my intelligence. I am aware, and you should be too, that Jihadis in Pakistan and Afghanistan and Kashmir are Pakistan's creation, predating the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, tracing all the way back to 1965 and beyond that to the first days of independence, when Jinnah sent irregulars out to ignite war that the nascent, British-staffed Pakistani Army would not. America supplied weapons and some funds after 1979, but Pakistan was always in the driver's seat. Pakistan's leaders wouldn't have it any other way.

LOL The American aid amounts to peanuts and has throughout the years decreased so much that nothing much has remained. Besides, the economic aid plays no significant role and even the Americans acknowledge this. The American aid doesn't even reach its recipients. I find it very odd that an Israeli American would talk about economic and military aid. Isn't your native country the biggest recipient of military and economic aid from the US?

The Americans are extremely desperate. It takes some doing to displease your ally and arm a supposedly enemy. Just think about that before spewing nonsense.

The Americans don't have any say at all over Pakistan post OBL. The Chinese have clearly demonstrated that by taking over the role as a unifying force within the region. The relationship between the US and Pakistan has frankly come to a standstill and the American bribe for F-16s is meant to halt the freeze in relationship. To no avail I'm afraid.

What is there to insult? Your source of information is Fox news. I don't expect anything better from you. If anything, the Americans are the architect and mastermind of Cold War Jihad against Russia. The Americans have a habit of sponsoring and arming "good" rebel and Jihadi groups to do their bidding all over the world. From Syria to Iraq and Afghanistan. The footprints of "good" American sponsored Jihadi rebels is for everyone to see. Today, even a man like Trump stands up and says that the Iraqi war was a blatant lie and the American people agree with him. What else is there left to say.
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As to PAF getting it, honestly, I think the biggest single factor in that equation is the outcome of the US presidential election. If Mr. Trump wins, then I doubt any modern fighters will be sold to Pakistan. If any other candidate wins, then I think there is a very good chance for sales. It is really sad that such is the case as Pakistan is so important, but that is my honest opinion.
So Obama is doing this to make trouble for his successor?
Also, remember that these F-16s were directly offered by the Obama administration. That should be very telling about the American position.

This is incorrect. Initially reports indicated this was the case, but facts have emerged it was Pakistan who made the request for the F16s, all 18 of them, in fact.

Sartaj Aziz admitted as much. He talked about 'financing' issues that shortened the request to eight.
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