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‘Restricting military aid to Pakistan will hurt critical US interests’

but a very probable outcome.
Then you have some sort of secret insight that has eluded virtually every single poll taken to date. Where Trump has won, the polls generally said he would win. The only exceptions to that have been where they say he would win, as in my state, but instead he lost. So why is it that now, the same polls that predicted his victories are all wrong when they have consistently predicted his loss in the General Election?

What past polls tell us about Trump vs. Clinton - MarketWatch
Then you have some sort of secret insight that has eluded virtually every single poll taken to date. Where Trump has won, the polls generally said he would win. The only exceptions to that have been where they say he would win, as in my state, but instead he lost. So why is it that now, the same polls that predicted his victories are all wrong when they have consistently predicted his loss in the General Election?

So what happened to all those pundits that were laughing off Trump as some joke at the beginning of the primaries? Don't tell me that in your wildest dreams could you ever predict Trump to tear apart the Republicans and almost secure the spot as a GOP candidate. It is sour grapes now.

Believe it or not, he has a very good chance of winning and the momentum is on his side. It is no mean feat to keep winning despite the entire Republican machinery unified against Trump.
So what happened to all those pundits that were laughing off Trump as some joke at the beginning of the primaries? Don't tell me that in your wildest dreams could you ever predict Trump to tear apart the Republicans and almost secure the spot as a GOP candidate. It is sour grapes now.
Or maybe it's sour grapes that the polls don't say what you want...so deflection to pundits. What pundits have said have nothing to do with what the polls say. What about answering my actual post that you quoted?

What past polls tell us about Trump vs. Clinton - MarketWatch
Or maybe it's sour grapes that the polls don't say what you want...so deflection to pundits. What pundits have said have nothing to do with what the polls say. What about answering my actual post that you quoted?

What past polls tell us about Trump vs. Clinton - MarketWatch

LOL So you have already admitted that Trump is going to win the primaries? Not so fast bro. You seem in a state of panic and shock. First, let the primaries finish. Hillary isn't mother Teresa. She has her weak spots and don't think she'll get an easy ride. Trump has proved to be a cunning master. Just wait and see.
Why not India try wait India is not even Four nation Dialogue ,so proof if any one who will be able to deliver is Pakistan .

Mind your language Sir ! .This is a free forum for every one to express what he/she thinks so .If his post his so important and non public i suggest you make your Whatsapp group .I am reporting your post as well

Go ahead.. But before ranting -- try reading posts... Specially when it comes from proffessionals of senior members... Had you read @Desertfalcon post you would see him advocating the fighters for Pak.. Pak-US are allies... No matter how much we (both) Fuk up... It's a partnership in place since the 50s... What is needed is more people to people contact and spreading peace instead of nonsense/venom...
LOL So you have already admitted that Trump is going to win the primaries?


You seem in a state of panic and shock.

:rofl: Is that more of your "mystical" insight?

Hillary isn't mother Teresa. She has her weak spots and don't think she'll get an easy ride. Trump has proved to be a cunning master. Just wait and see.

You're right, she isn't. She also is highly controversial with very high negatives.....which makes the numerous polls saying she trounces him all the more convincing.

:rofl: Is that more of your "mystical" insight?

You're right, she isn't. She also is highly controversial with very high negatives.....which makes the numerous polls saying she trounces him all the more convincing.

If that makes you sleep comfy at night so be it. Trump is going to be the divider, anarchist and I endorse him. Time to introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order...
If that makes you sleep comfy at night so be it. Trump is going to be the divider, anarchist and I endorse him.
Oh, I know you do which is why I don't ever actually take you seriously. :azn: I just enjoy reading your anti-American ravings about how afraid we Yanks all are and how it's all going bad for us, etc., etc., in thread after thread. :lol: I just wonder if you realize how desperate it all sounds?
Oh, I know you do which is why I don't ever actually take you seriously. :azn: I just enjoy reading your anti-American ravings about how afraid we Yanks all are and how it's all going bad for us, etc., etc., in thread after thread. :lol: I just wonder if you realize how desperate it all sounds?

I don't go to American forums... You came here to plead your case. Now you tell me who sounds desperate.

Hey, I'm just exercising my right of free speech just like you. Don't like it, don't read it.

As for my anti-American ravings... Your own countrymen acknowledge how bad your country has become. They want to build a wall and keep Muslims and Mexicans out of the country. They want to steal Iraqi oil and arm India to the teeth. This is not me saying it. This is what Americans think and say on live national TV. You need a reality check. Don't try to convince me that this is something insignificant.
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I don't go to American forums... You came here to plead your case. Now you tell me who sounds desperate.
You do. :agree:

Don't like it, don't read it.

Learn to take a compliment; I already said I like it. It amuses me.

They want to build a wall and keep Muslims out of the country.

Nope. They actually overwhelmingly oppose Mr. Trump's call to ban Muslims. Perhaps you were thinking of the border with Mexico?

They want to steal Iraqi oil and arm India to the teeth. This is not me saying it. This is what Americans think and say on live national TV.

Then I'm sure you can avail yourself of Google and post that evidence, yes? ........or is that more "mystical" knowledge you have without any supporting facts? :azn:
You do. :agree:

Learn to take a compliment; I already said I like it. It amuses me.

Nope. They actually overwhelmingly oppose Mr. Trump's call to ban Muslims. Perhaps you were thinking of the border with Mexico?

Then I'm sure you can avail yourself of Google and post that evidence, yes? ........or is that more "mystical" knowledge you have without any supporting facts? :azn:

No, I don't go to American forums to make myself heard. I don't have to because it is a futile exercise.

You are not amused. We wouldn't be having this discussion.

That's a myth. Many Americans actually support Trump's call for banning mosques, banning Muslims, registering Muslims etc. That includes Trump's supporters and also others. They also support a border with Mexico. You know it, but it is difficult to acknowledge.

LOL Are you telling me that Trump isn't an American? Doesn't he say such despicable things in front of the world?
No, I don't go to American forums to make myself heard. I don't have to because it is a futile exercise.

You are not amused. We wouldn't be having this discussion.

That's a myth. Many Americans actually support Trump's call for banning mosques, Muslims etc. That includes Trump's supporters and also other voters. They also support a border with Mexico.

LOL Are you telling me that Trump isn't an American?
At this point I have to assume that you have had an aneurysm as your response here bears no resemblance to anything I've said, as in going on about your not posting on American forums? And when did I say anything about that? o_O

Then you go on to say, many Americans support... or Trump supporters think..., which of course, are both two completely different things than saying, "Americans support banning Muslims from US entry." (....despite every poll saying exactly the opposite. :partay:). Math 101.

And as for me being amused...you have no idea! :rofl:
At this point I have to assume that you have had an aneurysm as your response here bears no resemblance to anything I've said, as in going on about your not posting on American forums? And when did I say anything about that? o_O

Then you go on to say, many Americans support... or Trump supporters think..., which of course, are both two completely different things than saying, "Americans support keeping Muslims out"(....despite every poll saying exactly the opposite. :partay:). Math 101.

And as for me being amused...you have no idea! :rofl:

Go back and read your response to my question. Your short lived memory will perhaps serve you better.

I said many Americans including Trump supporters and others. LOL @ the polls. You just keep comforting yourself about those polls... You better start praying that Trump don't win the presidency.

Admit it. Many Americans hate Muslims and Mexicans and these elections have exposed the nasty side of your country.

I know when someone is amused. You are not amused.
Go back and read your response to my question. Your short lived memory will perhaps serve you better.

I said many Americans including Trump supporters and others. LOL

No, you actually said,

They {the American people} want to build a wall and keep Muslims and Mexicans out of the country.

So, maybe you should read your own posts. I struck out Mexicans, btw, because you went back and inserted that with an edit when I called you on "the wall."

They want to build a wall, btw, to keep out illegal immigrants, not "Mexicans". Latinos are already the largest single minority group in the country, (about 43% of the town I live in!) so not really, not to mention that the two guys right behind Trump in that racist Republican Party are both.............Latinos. :lol:

Admit it. Many Americans hate Muslims and Mexicans and these elections have exposed the nasty side of your country.

Again, "many". "Many" American believe they have been probed by aliens from space, to which you would translate, "A majority of Americans think they have been probed." I'm telling you, it's that Math 101 problem you are having!

I know when someone is amused. You are not amused.

Well, you are the holder of "mystical" knowledge of "fears" and "panic" and "not being amused", so I guess you're right. :rofl:
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No, you actually said,

So, maybe you should read your own posts. I struck out Mexicans, btw, because you went back and inserted that with an edit when I called you on "the wall."

They want to build a wall, btw, to keep out illegal immigrants, not "Mexicans". Latinos are already the largest single minority group in the country, (about 43% of the town I live in!) so not really, not to mention that the two guys right behind Trump in that racist Republican Party are both.............Latinos. :lol:

Again, "many". "Many" American believe they have been probed by aliens from space, to which you would translate, "A majority of Americans think they have been probed." I'm telling you, it's that Math 101 problem you are having!

Well, you are the holder of "mystical" knowledge of "fears" and "panic" and "not being amused", so I guess you're right. :rofl:

I think you are hallucinating...

WHOA! This Map Proves Just How Much America LOVES Donald TRUMP (Must See) - The Political Insider

Why I support Trump — and resent the elites trying to destroy him | New York Post

Dude, you are in denial.
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