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  1. C

    Difference between India and North Korea, seeing from train from their capitals, is enourmous.

    Where are people in North Korean Video. Did they hide them all???
  2. C

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Kia Motors in India - Ananthapur
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    KIA Motors India factory
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    Blackout in Lahore as more than 50 feeders trip

    you have no idea what you are talking about - you are mixing generation - transmission and distribution systems all together........... - no one designs generating stations with back up generators. My guess is you are stuck at distributions gen stations like hospitals etc that would have back up...
  5. C

    Kia Motors Launched its Pakistani Subsite.

    This is what KIA is building in India
  6. C

    PHOTOS: This Saudi Arabian rice is world's most expensive

    In India this work is largely done by women. This definitely needs loads of patience....
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    Govt. to go ahead with 1856-MW hydel project in J&K and reduce flow of water to Pakistan

    This will be a double win win for both.. With my twisted brain I am thinking. If we have such a Mega dam close to the neighbors it will prevent them from going to war and trying to blow things up on the Indian side which in turn could cause massive floods and destruction. So no more wars... keep...
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    Bangladesh to receive 1,100 MW of power from India from January

    Here are the latest details on power trading done by India with neighbors. (+ve values are India buying, -ve values are India selling) I wish we can extend the power grid and connect SE Asia. May be China can join the interconnection too. I heard a presentation from China power grid's big...
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    ISRO launches record 104 satellites into space

    How long before daadi gang destroys this fun culture????
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    Here are the world's largest weapons exporters

    I think yes. These are special ones made with carbon molecules.
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    Wind Power Plants

    pretty old data Here is the data for India. It is about 28GW now with a target of 60GW by 2022
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    Energy crisis in Pakistan might end soon, says Wall Street Journal

    I always find it amusing when they say Pakistan will have huge surplus power in few years.. Lets see .. In today's news (https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/174606-Power-generation-up) it says for the month of November power consumption of Pakistan is 6840 Million Units. In the same time Andhra...
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    India powers past 6,000MW mark in nuclear energy

    You my sir are an idiot of gigantic proportions. You understand nothing of how power is produced and what it takes to produce nuclear power.
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    SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?

    Why are bottles and plates kept round the table when it is hardly occupied?????? Are people absconding from the meeting?
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    Pakistan Railway Projects.

    wow seriously they are constructing pillars right on the surface of the earth :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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    On Indian building site, parents tether toddler to rock while they work

    like in US? so you end up working to be able to put your kid in care facility :cheesy:
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    T20 World Cup 2016

    Can Ireland play instead??
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    Pakistan Sees Growth Surging to 7% as China Invests Billions

    How come both the graphs don't match? The first said up to 2007 that means 2006 had 7.02 and 2007 had 5.78. The second graph shows 2006 as 5.82 and 2007 as 5.54. Why is that deviation in data?
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    Making history : Parliament session held using solar energy

    Journalists should learn science or at least hire few science grads to proof read their articles. Pathetic use of units
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    How a teenage girl from Lahore ended up in Syria

    "Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha, Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'. ------ May be we are going through that period now??????
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