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  1. Nadi

    Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

    Yeah, the 'elected' government of Yanukovych who ran off to Russia along with stealing billions of dollars of Ukrainian assets. wow! Must be such a lovely democratic leader.. one look at his mansion and his car collection would put him in the same catagory as Libya's Gaddafi. The West must be...
  2. Nadi

    Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

    No it is not. Ukrainians chose self determination in their form of government, a government free from Moscow's blackmail and control. Yanokovych sold Ukraine out to Putin. Russia has NO business to annex Crimea or foment unrest in other eastern Ukrainian regions. Russia will pay a hefty price...
  3. Nadi

    Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

    No, its because they were not anticipating the advanced anti-air weaponry that Russia has supplied to pro-Moscow militants along with embedding elite Russian army units into the gangs occuping parts of eastern Ukraine. Russians don't even have the balls to respect the Geneva Conventions and keep...
  4. Nadi

    The Wrong Kind of Pakistani

    The entire Pakistani mindset along with the priorities of the state need changing. Here is an insightful article on Fatima Jinnah arguing how badly she was treated in addition to Jinnah.. the bureaucrats & the feudals discarded Jinnah once they got Pakistan & treated him like a loose end in...
  5. Nadi

    Pakistan Army Future Infantry?

    With the world entering the 21st century, great strides have been made in technology, from civilian to military tech. Modern tanks, fighter jets, naval vessels all make the news from time to time but what remains somewhat secretive is the modern technology embedded with today's infantry. Below...
  6. Nadi

    Wanted: a strong liberal voice

    So maybe we should deport you to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Somalia because Pakistan was not built for intolerant fools like you. Your Emirati and Saudi funding agencies can have you; and if you like to meet Allah, Pakistan Army or CIA can arrange that for you by means of a 'bug splat' - as...
  7. Nadi

    Wanted: a strong liberal voice

    WOW! Thats a whole lot of nonsense to be honest. When the West characterizes Muslims as 'moderate Muslims', 'fundamentalists', 'extremists' because of the brand of Islam these different folks are following (do 'moderate Islam', 'fundamentalist Islam' terms ring a bell?) - we tell the West, there...
  8. Nadi

    Wanted: a strong liberal voice

    Haahaha! and how do you know? There are many like me and there are many like the satirical picture I posted. This is Canada, you wanna dress up like a mullah, thats OK but the whole 'I'm better than you cuz I have a beard and talk Islam 24/7' crap doesn't work here. I'd be the first one to ship...
  9. Nadi

    Wanted: a strong liberal voice

    These folks like Zarvan survive from the largesse they get from Saudis and Emiratis while having the gaul to accuse NGOs n others of taking money from others. What a sad joke!
  10. Nadi

    Wanted: a strong liberal voice

    Thats the best response you could come up with? lmao! Tsk Tsk, now crawl back under the rock from whence you came forth fitna spreading twerp.
  11. Nadi

    Wanted: a strong liberal voice

    So you must be the bearded caveman terrorist hiding under some rock in Waziristan, using the internet created by infidels to shower us with your hypocrisy. Tsk Tsk... Picture Courtesy: Pakistan Votes (can be found on Facebook)
  12. Nadi

    Hagel to tour China's new aircraft carrier

    People here need to calm down and stop hurling childish insults at each other. China's first Aircraft Carrier, Liaoning, is essentially a test-bed and a training platform. You know what they say, 'before you run, you need to learn how to walk'. China already has a second aircraft carrier under...
  13. Nadi

    Pakistan's Afghan Burden

    There is plenty of flat-land too on the Afghan-Pakistan border, that can easily be fenced off. Pakistan actually proposed fencing to Karzai regime on more than one occasion, only to be met by diplomatic hostility. This means that it 'is' fencible which is why it was put forth as an option. And...
  14. Nadi

    Pakistan's Afghan Burden

    Bottomeline is, our successive Pakistani governments have no political spine to do what must be done. WHO CARES if Afghanistan accepts the Durand Line or not?!?! Afghanistan neither has the military muscle, nor the political clout internationally to do anything about the Durand Line. Our...
  15. Nadi

    Searching New Home for 13,000 MRAPs

    Yes, the fat lady continues to sing, what's awaited is the encore Read article, "Islamabad's Charm Offensive" on ForeignPolicy website Islamabad’s (Charm) Offensive
  16. Nadi

    Searching New Home for 13,000 MRAPs

    Pakistan to get leftover Afghan war equipment: Defence Secretary - DAWN.COM Pretty sure, Pakistan will fight tooth-n-nail to get those MRAPs; it would make absolutely NO sense for the Americans to leave them in Afghanistan for the Taliban to see the countryside around in. Fat Lady continues to...
  17. Nadi

    US proposal to donate MRAPs to Pakistan exposes Kabul rift

    One wonders what you have been smoking. Google something called the Coalition Support Fund; from which the United States pays Pakistan upto $1bil every year in addition to what the Americans pay for their own fuel and Pakistani truck drivers to take that fuel to Afghanistan. Why the hell would...
  18. Nadi

    Searching New Home for 13,000 MRAPs

    And since when do we take such statements on face value? It would be naive to believe this now since the person who gave the statement rejecting MRAP transfer to Pakistan from Afghanistan is the same guy who told the Senate Armed Services Committee of the United States just 15 days ago that they...
  19. Nadi

    Searching New Home for 13,000 MRAPs

    Yes they can handle an IED attack, thats what they're designed for. The American MRAPs being offered to Pakistan actually had an IED attack where the IED was 250lbs of explosives, now thats a MASSIVE explosion. The MRAP took the full force of the explosion and all occupants escaped alive with...
  20. Nadi

    Nadeem F Paracha insults Allama Iqbal.

    More assumptions. Just because NFP and I agree that a Caliphate is a utopian dream doesn't mean we are necessarily 'against' a Caliphate. If a Caliph rises in the Muslim world who can fix the problems plaguing it today, I'd be the first person to pledge allegiance to him. However, the fact of...
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