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Wanted: a strong liberal voice

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That being said, Pakistanis and even Pakistani "liberals" have difficulty identifying what liberalism means. They seem to equate it with dress codes and accented English language. Abusing the ideals of liberal thought to disturb society and pass themselves off under the guise of "enlightened" to sell out the nation.

That is pretty much the problem with rest of the Muslims. After the fall of Islamic empires, Muslims quickly started to look into the reasons of their downfall. Some thought by copying the way Europeans dress, speak and rule their countries they will be able to rise up once again.

The other group was confirmed that the reason of Muslim Nation's downfall was their lack of piety and their moving away from Islam. The battle continues between different mindsets within the Muslim World.

One group wants Western style education, culture and laws the other want more ''purer' version of Islam. What the ''Islamic'' group doesn't understand is that by having Secular laws it doesn't make you a kafir. There is nothing wrong with borrowing positive attitudes of different cultures.

The strong grip of Mullahs in Pakistan has produced mentally unstable dwarfs that cannot go beyond the reasoning of their leaders. These foot soldiers are ready to serve Islam no matter what it takes.Slitting throats of their fellow countrymen and playing football with them is considered normal because that is what they think Islam is.

Now the self proclaimed Pakistani liberals mostly belong to the upper middle class and the elite. These people are liberal because it sounds cool. It makes them feel equal to their western counterparts. Western Secularism and Liberalism cannot work on a poorly educated population. To them Liberals are heavy drinkers and they morally corrupt the nation.

So the war continues. Lets wait and see which side wins.
The issue is not with the mindset of liberal or secular. These are ideals that are adopted and essentially ethos to live by. The issue is with the class of people who identify themselves with these ideals and yet do not live up to them and the atheists or otherwise within them cause damage to the interests of the nation. To say, be more western than the west itself is their cause... to the extent that they are ready to sell out, much as the Mullahs are.. the nations interests for bits of gold.

There are certainly hypocritical liberals out there just like hypocritical mullahs. All types of people lie, but to do it under the guise of religion i feel is far more lethal. Isn't it a greater crime to exploit religion than to exploit liberalism for gain?

In this sense liberals are just average people with a particular point of view, perhaps some are trying to make a quick buck at the same time. But mullah extremists are a different breed altogether, they are playing games of life, death and eternity and in my view the 2 cannot be compared.

Re; the more West than West outlook, it's just a counter balance to the whole taliban shariah state position of the mullahs. You need the liberals for just that, otherwise Pakistan like so many others in our region will carry on sleepwalking into oblivion. If we wait and watch the war, i'm afraid there will only be one winner..

Honestly, in an extreme case, i'd rather live in a country populated by corrupt, immoral liberals, who will let me live and practice my religion my way, than one populated by pious Mullahs who will measure and regiment my every action (including my religious observance).
I agree with you...But I say its not my problem if one has a beard or not...it is however my problem if I accidentally judge a good guy with a beard based on my bad experience....Hence whatever one does...its his/ her business ...In the Quran Allah tells us repeated to ponder ...to use our brain and hence before judging based on prior experience one should watch the actions of one, learn what is good and what is bad, fix themselves and then he or she may think to himself or herself what the other maybe ....but even then we have no rights to say our thoughts out loud we may be 100% wrong ....In fact ALLAH said even if we do 1 grain of sand more bad we are automatically the bad one...Always keeping this in mind I keep my judgement until someone pushes me overboard even then I only yell back you appear to be so and so...I try to avoid saying you are!

Aysa banda duniyea mein nai hai Pakistan mein uska ana tou door ki baat hai...what we need is a strong person telling everyone to mind their own business and ensuring the country is doing the same! So basically everyone from individual to National level needs to mind their own

Yehi tou kaha :undecided: . .

People are not heartless nor they don't care, they have been engaged in so many things that they can't even think about the actual problem.
Following are their Traits.

1.Young in age

2.Foolish minds
Everyone isnt born smart...foolish minds doesnt make one a liberal!
3 Speak with best speech
How is this bad?! :unsure:
4.Emaan does'nt pass through throats.
I beg your pardon
5.They come out of religion as arrow comes out[ex-they reject these capital punishments, for-adultery=100 lashes & stoning,fornication=100 lashes & exile

for one year,Murder=death[but they dont have problem if its compensation],Rape=death,cutting of hand from wrist for stealing,etc.]
All these punishments are fine if we have a just person...So far even our justice system is corrupt fix that until then such punishment are dangerous as those who get them almost never seem to have done the crime
6.Weakenees in understanding.[ex-they reject sunnah,by claiming that they follow only Quran]
There is nothing wrong with rejecting some of the Sunnah as long as they dont go against the Quran...if you do not know then you should know that ALLAH did not say HE will protect the Hadith HE only said HE will protect the Quran...Besides the Quran is a full book and if the Hadith is according to the Quran then no one has problem accepting it however if it is confusing then rejecting it is better than being ignorant! If I do rafadain and you dont do rafadain fighting over that is pointless because by doing or not doing so will not affect my path to Jannah and hence should not be used as a means to call another any name! This is 1 small example but it is these small differences which become big due to ignorance....
7.Excessive in performing acts of worship,and u'll look down upon you'r worship.
This is stupid! Are you worshiping ALLAH or the person? Why are you interested what someone cares or thinks?! Its their business or loss if they look down..do what you want!
8.Worst of creatures.

9.They permit oppression against the prophet.[ex:he was astray]

10.Kill muslims and leave kuffar.

11.Deeply absorb in religion and leave it.

12.They disparage their rulers & claim them misguided.
Who?! :unsure:
13.They call people to Quran but have nothing to do with it.
That is why one needs to get their basics cleared so that no one can make them believe anything wrong! If their basics are screwed and they want to talk about other topics that is plain stupidity!
14.They do not believe people with knowledge[scholars/mullahs] hold postition,like they rejected the knowledge of Ali r.a
Sadly some people "claiming to have knowledge" have none...you question them and they charge you with blasphemy! :blink: If prophet SAW did that no one would have come to Islam....When a Mullah doesnt know something he should have the balls to say he doesnt know or it is not stated instead of creating a story of his own just so that he can "show-off" he knows everything...This is biddah and also Haraaam!!

15.They go to extremes in worship
Warned in the Quran but no one listens
16.They take Quranic verses which were revealed concerning kuffar and apply them to muslims.

17.Fight with best people.
I dont get this
18.Their sect leader accused prophet so this was revealed.9:58 And among them are men who slander thee in the matter of (the distribution of) the alms. If they are given part thereof they are pleased but if not behold! they are indignant!

19.Their prayer does not pass through their throats.

20.There is reward in killing them[under law]

21.They shed unlawful blood.

22.They will speak the truth with their tonuges,but it will not go through their throat.[ex-they say they learned salat method from station of Ibrahim

alai salaam and not from hadith][also zakat,hajj are from learned by ancestors and not from hadith where as hadith is the source of verification.]
Have you met these people you talk about?! What are you talking about?
23.They are the first ones to split

24.They beautify their speech but produce vile actions.

25.Every time a new generation springs up ,they cut off from jamah.

26.Dajjal will emit from amist them.

27.They are those in whose hearts is deviation.
Ok this is from the Quran for something...but what is your purpose of putting it here?
28.They declare muslims to be disbelievers due to every sin.
You talking about Christians?
29.They say Muslims who comit major sins will go to hell forever.
Am yet to know of this cult!
30.Its obligatory duty to rebel if a rules oppress sunnah[priority should be given for reformation & not rebellian]

31.They are worst in deriving rules from analogy.[ex:they reject
32.If a leader comits disbelief,they think all his people are kuffar.whether present or absent.
This is mindset of Jahal people!
33.Whoever disagrees with their views r kuffar for them,they think killing them is lawful ,be it women and children.

34.Among them is he who disparages the companions and rejects their statements.
Isnt this the case everywhere!
35.Fight alone with ruler whom they disagree with,fight with the one who supports him.dont fight with one who dont support them.
Dont understand this 1
36.Every sin done by a person makes him disbeliever,since he is ignorant of Allah

37.They will be with dajjal.

38.They do not respect sancity of places or times.

39.They do not hold an oppresive ruler has a right to rule.[priority should

be given for reformation & not rebellian]

40.They cling to the apparant meaning of Quranic texts.They understanmd that which the text do not

indicate.They say prophet comited major and minor sins.
There are soo many people with soo many misconceptions...
41.They reject sunnah if there is not some explicit text in Quran in the Quran that supports it.they do not take anything form sunnah except for that
Something wrong with taking stuff from the Quran?! :unsure:
which can be interpreted in general sense,not including those texts that contradict which is apparently stated in the Quran acording

to them. so They do not believe in stoning the adulteror.nor do they believe there is minimum [stolen] amount,which constitutes stealing.[They reject punishmnet

in grave]
Whose they again?!
42.They lie in wait on roads for the purpose of attacking passers by and spilling their blood without any justification from Allah subhanawatala.

43.Not one from among the companions of messenger of Allah could be found amongst them[supporting them]

44.There are many among them that differ with one another.they are divided into many sects.

45.They are dogs of inhabitants of hell.

46.They outwardly manifest the attributes of calling to good and forbidding evil.redirecting the religious concerning that towards disputing with rulers

,rebelling against them and fighting with those who oppose them.

47.They speak using the speech and the words of the people of knowledge.Tirelessly fight against muslims.

48.They kill themselves in sucide operations basing that on false arguments.

49.They use as evidence verses form Quran that deal with wa'eed[Allah's threat of punishment] while abandoning the verses concerning the

wa'ad[Allah's promise for forgiveness]

50.They are hastly in applying rulings.

51.They make rulings and accusations against the hearts . This includes rulings on one's decisions and notions.

52.They have doubts concerning well established historical events.

53.They call to illiteracy and make war against education,claiming that it is not possible to combine between the religious sciences and the practical secular sciences.

54.They call to splitting away from the muslim community.so they boycott the schools ,institutions,universities,government positions and residing with muslims.

55.They believe that a person who holds that the concesus[ijmaa] of the scholars is proof is a disbeliever.[shirk etc]

56.They oppose those scholars taht make blind following permissible for the common person and the beginner student ,claiming that bling following

[taqleed] is a cause for disbelief and the destruction of the nation of Islaam.

57 Bad manners towards scholars,defaming them,belittling them,kindling the with hatred for them,and having the audaicity to disparage and criticize

them. many of them resort to using caution and carefulness in secretiveness,since their beliefs and ideologies conflict with what the people of knowledge and

the rest of the muslims are upon.

58 shave their heads[tasbeet-removing the short hairs]
:pop: yeh sub kiya hai?! :unsure:
Everyone isnt born smart...foolish minds doesnt make one a liberal!
How is this bad?! :unsure:
I beg your pardon
All these punishments are fine if we have a just person...So far even our justice system is corrupt fix that until then such punishment are dangerous as those who get them almost never seem to have done the crime
There is nothing wrong with rejecting some of the Sunnah as long as they dont go against the Quran...if you do not know then you should know that ALLAH did not say HE will protect the Hadith HE only said HE will protect the Quran...Besides the Quran is a full book and if the Hadith is according to the Quran then no one has problem accepting it however if it is confusing then rejecting it is better than being ignorant! If I do rafadain and you dont do rafadain fighting over that is pointless because by doing or not doing so will not affect my path to Jannah and hence should not be used as a means to call another any name! This is 1 small example but it is these small differences which become big due to ignorance....
This is stupid! Are you worshiping ALLAH or the person? Why are you interested what someone cares or thinks?! Its their business or loss if they look down..do what you want!
Who?! :unsure:
That is why one needs to get their basics cleared so that no one can make them believe anything wrong! If their basics are screwed and they want to talk about other topics that is plain stupidity!
Sadly some people "claiming to have knowledge" have none...you question them and they charge you with blasphemy! :blink: If prophet SAW did that no one would have come to Islam....When a Mullah doesnt know something he should have the balls to say he doesnt know or it is not stated instead of creating a story of his own just so that he can "show-off" he knows everything...This is biddah and also Haraaam!!

Warned in the Quran but no one listens
I dont get this
Have you met these people you talk about?! What are you talking about?
Ok this is from the Quran for something...but what is your purpose of putting it here?
You talking about Christians?
Am yet to know of this cult!
This is mindset of Jahal people!
Isnt this the case everywhere!
Dont understand this 1
There are soo many people with soo many misconceptions...
Something wrong with taking stuff from the Quran?! :unsure:
Whose they again?!

:pop: yeh sub kiya hai?! :unsure:
No they completely rejected the Sunnah which is because of two reasons they considered HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW a normal human and also considered many Sahabas Kafirs
Zarvan said:
Athiests can to some other country to say their crap and as far as secular are concerned and those NGO guys most are being funded by west a known fact and agencies know it well and agencies are tolerating it for long but now they are pissed off and soon you will see they would start eradication of western paid liberals

So maybe we should deport you to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Somalia because Pakistan was not built for intolerant fools like you. Your Emirati and Saudi funding agencies can have you; and if you like to meet Allah, Pakistan Army or CIA can arrange that for you by means of a 'bug splat' - as they say in drone lingo. :)
No they completely rejected the Sunnah which is because of two reasons they considered HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW a normal human and also considered many Sahabas Kafirs
So prophet Muhammad was not a human? It is clearly stated in the Quran he was a human....he was a human so that we learn that if a normal human can do what he did we normal humans should try following his path but we keep crying he was above a normal human and hence refuse to follow his path....Which is what happened with Jesus....his followers lifted him to a new status so please dont follow that!
So prophet Muhammad was not a human? It is clearly stated in the Quran he was a human....he was a human so that we learn that if a normal human can do what he did we normal humans should try following his path but we keep crying he was above a normal human and hence refuse to follow his path....Which is what happened with Jesus....his followers lifted him to a new status so please dont follow that!
He was a human yes he ate and did other human things but he was prophet of Allah without any sins and all he told is from Allah

So prophet Muhammad was not a human? It is clearly stated in the Quran he was a human....he was a human so that we learn that if a normal human can do what he did we normal humans should try following his path but we keep crying he was above a normal human and hence refuse to follow his path....Which is what happened with Jesus....his followers lifted him to a new status so please dont follow that!
No lady we are not doing what was done with Jesus but we also do what Kharjis he was Prophet off Allah and Allah told Muslims to obey Allah and his rasool saw and what ever he says is from Allah and he said many things other than Quran those are his hadeshades
He was a human yes he ate and did other human things but he was prophet of Allah without any sins and all he told is from Allah
Yes he was a prophet he left us examples how many do you follow? Killing the innocents or rejoicing the death of innocents or even ignoring such cases was not his way!

No lady we are not doing what was done with Jesus but we also do what Kharjis he was Prophet off Allah and Allah told Muslims to obey Allah and his rasool saw and what ever he says is from Allah and he said many things other than Quran those are his hadeshades
Yes follow ALLAH and Rasool but ALLAH clearly said he will protect the Quran...this guarantee did not extend to Hadith or Sunnah sooo man enemies of Islam have written the Hadith with their own hands...so if some people feel safer to not read and abide all...it is up to them as long as they stick to the basics! Get your basics right then jump on other levels!
Yes he was a prophet he left us examples how many do you follow? Killing the innocents or rejoicing the death of innocents or even ignoring such cases was not his way!

Yes follow ALLAH and Rasool but ALLAH clearly said he will protect the Quran...this guarantee did not extend to Hadith or Sunnah sooo man enemies of Islam have written the Hadith with their own hands...so if some people feel safer to not read and abide all...it is up to them as long as they stick to the basics! Get your basics right then jump on other levels!
Yes he said he protect the zikar and without hadees you will not know how to pay zakat or pray salah and several more orders that is why in Quran Allah tell Muslims to follow Allah and his rasool saw and the Quran you read and believe in is you know because hazrat Muhammad saw told you so if you reject hadees you don't have any right to even believe in Quran
Yes he said he protect the zikar and without hadees you will not know how to pay zakat or pray salah and several more orders that is why in Quran Allah tell Muslims to follow Allah and his rasool saw and the Quran you read and believe in is you know because hazrat Muhammad saw told you so if you reject hadees you don't have any right to even believe in Quran
I said get the basics right....however people seek hadith for small reasons how to do rafadain (which is not even fardh part of the namaaz I read both ways) how many sunnat and nafals to pray and so on...none of which is basic!

Molvi sahaab dont say who have right to what and not...Jub Nabi SAW nay apni ummah say aysi bakwas nai ki aap kiyun kertay hain?

Do you know more people become Muslims from reading the Quran alone not from hadith! They are impressed by ALLAH's word the LORD not that of his creation (Nabi)....We pray to ALLAH we believe in HIS word then how dare you say we have no right to his word?

Please aysa hi bakwas pooray ummah ko torr dall raha hai! When will you wake up and stop trying to be a Prophet? Jub Prophet nay aysa kuch nai kaha aap kon hotay hain yeh kehnay walay? My Prophet was not a proud man nor did he raise his status to that unbelievable! Agar un achievable kerna tha farishtay utar tay asmaan say insaan Muhammad kay naam say nai!
I said get the basics right....however people seek hadith for small reasons how to do rafadain (which is not even fardh part of the namaaz I read both ways) how many sunnat and nafals to pray and so on...none of which is basic!

Molvi sahaab dont say who have right to what and not...Jub Nabi SAW nay apni ummah say aysi bakwas nai ki aap kiyun kertay hain?

Do you know more people become Muslims from reading the Quran alone not from hadith! They are impressed by ALLAH's word the LORD not that of his creation (Nabi)....We pray to ALLAH we believe in HIS word then how dare you say we have no right to his word?

Please aysa hi bakwas pooray ummah ko torr dall raha hai! When will you wake up and stop trying to be a Prophet? Jub Prophet nay aysa kuch nai kaha aap kon hotay hain yeh kehnay walay? My Prophet was not a proud man nor did he raise his status to that unbelievable! Agar un achievable kerna tha farishtay utar tay asmaan say insaan Muhammad kay naam say nai!
Mr HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already told that their would come a time that people will be lying on their beds and say Quran is enough for us and would leave sunnah in another Hadees he said who ever leaves my Sunnah has nothing to do with me and their are several more Hadees yes and they get know how to follow the orders given in the Quran like Salat or pay zakat or do Hajj or do Jihad and who to kill or who not to kill in Jihad from Hadees even if you go for basic Quran gives orders all the details of those basics are in Hadees Mr and the kind of language you have used about HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW shows your reality
Mr HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already told that their would come a time that people will be lying on their beds and say Quran is enough for us and would leave sunnah
1stly, You are quoting a hadith to represent your ideas in support for hadith....Quote the Quran as its authority is higher! And say this hadith you said is correct...is it wrong to follow the Quran? When Quran came to the followers of the Prophet SAW...they followed prophet and waited for verses to make the next move...They waited for the words of ALLAH even when Prophet was alive!

in another Hadees he said who ever leaves my Sunnah has nothing to do with me and their are several more Hadees
Again using hadith to support hadith is a little crazy! 2ndly, how can you distinguish which of the hadith were written by those who hated Islam? Do you Islam's haters were alive when Prophet was alive so saying so and so hadith is old is not helpful....Again soo many people said is also not helpful because sooo many people hated to prophet and only ALLAH knows how many and how fast fake hadith were spread...Can you guarantee each hadith you pick is 100% right? ALLAH gave HIS guarantee of the Quran never the hadith! Even prophet prayed to ALLAH to seek guidance even when he was most guided of humans!

yes and they get know how to follow the orders given in the Quran like Salat or pay zakat or do Hajj or do Jihad and who to kill or who not to kill in Jihad from Hadees
1stly, if they knew which orders are right they wouldnt be bombing schools and killing children! So not everyone who reads hadith understands it otherwise taliban wouldnt be making widows by killing women's husbands they wouldnt be making orphans by killing children! Which part of your brain is damaged? Where did the Prophet tell you to do this?

even if you go for basic Quran gives orders all the details of those basics are in Hadees Mr and the kind of language you have used about HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW shows your reality
I said fix your basics before running to a peer to seek hadith! Everyone wants to quote the hadith but do you know both Quran and Hadith said there will be a time when people will stop reading and trying to understand the Quran that is when ALLAH's wrath will fall...

Bismillah kero and khao ALLAH ki wrath!
1stly, You are quoting a hadith to represent your ideas in support for hadith....Quote the Quran as its authority is higher! And say this hadith you said is correct...is it wrong to follow the Quran? When Quran came to the followers of the Prophet SAW...they followed prophet and waited for verses to make the next move...They waited for the words of ALLAH even when Prophet was alive!

Again using hadith to support hadith is a little crazy! 2ndly, how can you distinguish which of the hadith were written by those who hated Islam? Do you Islam's haters were alive when Prophet was alive so saying so and so hadith is old is not helpful....Again soo many people said is also not helpful because sooo many people hated to prophet and only ALLAH knows how many and how fast fake hadith were spread...Can you guarantee each hadith you pick is 100% right? ALLAH gave HIS guarantee of the Quran never the hadith! Even prophet prayed to ALLAH to seek guidance even when he was most guided of humans!

1stly, if they knew which orders are right they wouldnt be bombing schools and killing children! So not everyone who reads hadith understands it otherwise taliban wouldnt be making widows by killing women's husbands they wouldnt be making orphans by killing children! Which part of your brain is damaged? Where did the Prophet tell you to do this?

I said fix your basics before running to a peer to seek hadith! Everyone wants to quote the hadith but do you know both Quran and Hadith said there will be a time when people will stop reading and trying to understand the Quran that is when ALLAH's wrath will fall...

Bismillah kero and khao ALLAH ki wrath!
Lady first you know the Quran you have is the Quran because HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told you secondly ALLAH has told several times in the Quran to follow ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW following ALLAH is following Quran and following Hadees is following RASOOL SAW ALLAH in the Quran says what ever HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW gives you take it and what ever he stops you from stop than ALLAH says what ever HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW tells is from ALLAH he doesn't speak from his wish than ALLAH have sent in two or three ayats ALLAH has sent the PROPHET so he teaches you Quran and Hikmah if understand Quran what is Hikmah it is the Hadees nad Sunnah of RASOOL SAW and finally tell me the method of Salah and How to pay zakat and perform Hajj and Umrah and who to kill and who not to kill in Jihad from Quran only
[Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he (the Prophet) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah's Message) and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.

1stly, You are quoting a hadith to represent your ideas in support for hadith....Quote the Quran as its authority is higher! And say this hadith you said is correct...is it wrong to follow the Quran? When Quran came to the followers of the Prophet SAW...they followed prophet and waited for verses to make the next move...They waited for the words of ALLAH even when Prophet was alive!

Again using hadith to support hadith is a little crazy! 2ndly, how can you distinguish which of the hadith were written by those who hated Islam? Do you Islam's haters were alive when Prophet was alive so saying so and so hadith is old is not helpful....Again soo many people said is also not helpful because sooo many people hated to prophet and only ALLAH knows how many and how fast fake hadith were spread...Can you guarantee each hadith you pick is 100% right? ALLAH gave HIS guarantee of the Quran never the hadith! Even prophet prayed to ALLAH to seek guidance even when he was most guided of humans!

1stly, if they knew which orders are right they wouldnt be bombing schools and killing children! So not everyone who reads hadith understands it otherwise taliban wouldnt be making widows by killing women's husbands they wouldnt be making orphans by killing children! Which part of your brain is damaged? Where did the Prophet tell you to do this?

I said fix your basics before running to a peer to seek hadith! Everyone wants to quote the hadith but do you know both Quran and Hadith said there will be a time when people will stop reading and trying to understand the Quran that is when ALLAH's wrath will fall...

Bismillah kero and khao ALLAH ki wrath!
Yes you are getting ALLAH's wrath by denying his order in the Quran which he gave several times of following ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and why are you not telling me method of Salah only from Quran I am telling you its not their lady neither of Zakat and most other orders details are all in Hadees

(3:164): "Indeed Allah has already done a favor to the believers, when He raised amongst them a messenger from themselves to recite to them His verses, purify them and teach them the book and the wisdom."
And Allah says

(4:64): And We have not sent any Messenger but that he must be obeyed by the command of Allah. And, (O Beloved,) if they, having wronged their souls, had come to you imploring the forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had also asked forgiveness for them, then (owing to this mediation and intercession) they would certainly have found Allah Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.
And Further Allah says.

(4:150,151): 150. "Surely, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and seek to discriminate between Allah and His Messengers and say: ‘We believe in some and deny the others,’ and intend to find a way in between (belief and disbelief),..They are the ones who are in fact the disbelievers. And We have prepared a humiliating torment for the disbelievers."

Allah says

(7:157): (They are the people) who follow the Messenger, the Prophet (titled as) al-Ummi, whose (eminent attributes) these people find written in the Torah and the Injil (Gospel); who enjoins on them virtues and forbids them vices, declares wholesome things lawful and impure ones unlawful for them and removes from them their heavy burdens and yokes (i.e., shackles) weighing upon them (due to their acts of disobedience and blesses them with freedom). So those who will believe in this (most exalted Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) and venerate and revere him and serve and support him (in his Din [Religion]) and follow this light (the Qur’an) that has been sent down with him, it is they who will flourish and prosper.’
(33:21):"In truth, in Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) there is for you a most perfect and beautiful model (of life) for every such person that expects and aspires to (meeting) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah abundantly."
(42:51): "And every man does not have the faculty that Allah should speak to him (directly) except by Revelation, or from behind a veil, or by sending some angel as a messenger to reveal with His permission what Allah may will. Surely, He is Most High, Most Wise."
(3:32): " Say! Obey Allah and the Messenger. Then, should they turn back, Allah does not love the disbelievers."
4:80): “Whosoever follows the Blessed Prophet(pbuh) has followed Allah. ”

(5:92): "Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and beware (of evil): if ye do turn back, know ye that it is Our Messenger's duty to proclaim (the message) in the clearest manner."

(16:44): “....And, (O Glorious Messenger,) We have revealed to you the Glorious Reminder (the Qur’an) so that you may explain clearly to people that have been sent down to them and that they may meditate.”

(3:132): "And obey Allah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy."

(3:164): "Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised amongst them (the most eminent) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst themselves, who recites to them His Revelations, purifies them, and educates them on the Book and Wisdom though, before that, they were in manifest error."

(24:54): "Say, :Obey Allah and obey the messenger. But if you turn away, then on him (the messenger) lies (the responsibility of) what he is burdened with, and on you lies (the responsibility of) what you are burdened with. And if you obey him, you will get the right path. The duty of the Messenger is no more than to convey the message clearly."
(59:7): “……And whatever the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) gives you, take that and whatever he forbids you, abstain (from that) ……..”
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Lady first you know the Quran you have is the Quran because HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told you secondly ALLAH has told several times in the Quran to follow ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW following ALLAH is following Quran and following Hadees is following RASOOL SAW
1stly my Rasool is dead! His legacy is the Quran which is a blessing for mankind...I never said dont follow hadith ...

I asked you can you gaurantee each hadith you read is 100% from Prophet SAW?

ALLAH in the Quran says what ever HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW gives you take it and what ever he stops you from stop than ALLAH says what ever HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW tells is from ALLAH he doesn't speak from his wish
BAYSHAK! but Has anyone stopped killing? Does everyone speak the truth? Is there no fitnah? Are the women respected and taken to the makaam ALLAH and prophet bestowed? Have we gotten rid of poverty? What about corruption? These are all topics Prophet SAW also talked about why havent you followed him yet? Why havent you read the hadith on these topics? If you and others have why isnt anyone following him? Why? why? why?

than ALLAH have sent in two or three ayats ALLAH has sent the PROPHET so he teaches you Quran and Hikmah if understand Quran what is Hikmah it is the Hadees nad Sunnah of RASOOL SAW and finally tell me the method of Salah and How to pay zakat and perform Hajj and Umrah and who to kill and who not to kill in Jihad from Quran only
[Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he (the Prophet) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah's Message) and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.
Yes msgr ki duty was to convey the msg....it is our duty to obey!

You are going mad over nothing!

I said jub aap kay basics sahi nai hain tou aap kiyun Hadith mein dafa ho ray hain? Hadith bhi konsi wali? Talaq 1 topic hai jo har firqah apni bakwas kerta hai...Koi koi ghussay mein talaq kabul ker laytay hain...Koi koi 3 talaq ka matlab 3 times talaq kehna kertay hain - when in Quran talaq is an issue clearly stated that 1 sitting mein agar koi 100 times bhi talaq keh day woh 1 hi count hoti hai but mullah mian sub larki ka ghar barbad kernaykay liyea agay ho jatay hain! This is just 1 issue which has made people stupid due to reading hadith and not understanding while its clear in the Quran!

As for the basics of praying it is stated in the Quran about sijdah- Nabi Musa did it, Nabi Ibrahim did it, Nabi Isa did it...ab details hadith mein isliyea hain to do the best! Pakistan mein log sunnah and nafal ko itna importance daytay hain kay namaaz hi nai partay coz 4 fardh jo zohor kay hotay hain usko khud say pata nai kitni sunnah kitnay nafl dal kay pagal bana daytay hain logon ko!

Wajib/ faradh poora hi nai honay daytay kay sunnah and nafl (which means voluntary) ko bhi faradh bana ker aglay ko pagal ker daytay hain!

Hadith mein likha zikir kero ab koi tasbih lay ker bhayth jai and bus larai bhi hori hai chugli bhi hori hai and danay bhi hil ray hain...opper say peer baba sahab kehtay hain itna yeh paro utna woh paro...Koi banda agar10 dafa bhi kuch par sakta woh nai parta because peer sahab nay 1000 times kaha tha 10 say kaam nai chalay ga! Hadith jo aysi hoti hain jo faradh ko nazar andaaz kerdain...Logon mein confusion pehlain unka kiya faedah? These are just examples of how hadith have misled people...not the hadith itself but assholes who say sunnah is more than faradh! Faradh tou pooray kerlo jo sunnah mein ghussay jaray ho!

Sunnah and nafal ka darjah itna buland ker diyea kay banda normal 4 faradh say bhi giyea!
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