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  1. Yanny

    Israel to pay students to defend it online

    :laughcry: Of course they're that desperate.
  2. Yanny

    Somalis being terrorized and killed in South Africa

    A Somali man was stoned to death last week in South Africa. His shop was robbed too. The video is on youtube, I can't post it on here but if anyone is interested search "SouthAfrica:Somalian man being stoned". The last few years 700 somalis have been killed and even more of their stores were...
  3. Yanny

    Mass Palestinian grave found in Tel Aviv

    This was only a couple years after the Holocaust. Ironic, huh? The same people who were done wrong by the Nazis continue the cycle against the Palestinians.
  4. Yanny

    Mass Palestinian grave found in Tel Aviv

    Source: aljazeera
  5. Yanny

    Saudi prince spent 15 million euro in Disney to celebrated graduation

    Ok I'll admit I'm jealous. I wish I could have that kind of money to waste pointless **** on. Is everyone in Saudi rich or something or is the percentage higher compared to others nations? In Canada only 1% of the population makes 6 figures a year, who knows how many of them are millionaires.
  6. Yanny

    Lebanon to take airspace violations to UN

    If there was no Hezbullah then Lebanon would be a stable state who could get on their feet, have a functioning military, and good relations with israel = no threat of war. Hezbullah is only working against the interest of the Lebanese people I don't know about that. Lebanon's government even...
  7. Yanny

    GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

    Kinda ironic to see a lot more effort done by the arab countries to put Hezbollah on their terrorist list while the European countries who even after the Bulgarian bus explosion have ignored Israel's demand of putting Hezbollah on their terrorist list.
  8. Yanny

    The woman who claims she is too pretty to take a job

    She's not attractive at all and she probably has a ***** of a personality. So yeah, she completely sucks.
  9. Yanny

    Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review

    Completely agree the correlation between a developing nation and the tremendous obstacles on a economic or a political basis is prevalently more obvious than in a developed nation. But I do find it laughable when some of the worst known countries of human rights violation is criticizing a nation...
  10. Yanny

    Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review

    My experience is perhaps limited since I've only lived in Canada but there is a reason why Canada's reputation globally for the most part has been regarded as one of the best for standard of living. All countries have some form of discrimination and racism but Canada ultimately has many...
  11. Yanny

    Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review

    Wait, what? Am I actually reading this correctly, North Korea criticizing another nation's human rights. Are they seriously lecturing Canada on freedom of expression? :laughcry: North Korea is just impoverished, isolated, and ruled by maniacs who would be funny if not for the actual misery...
  12. Yanny

    Favourite English TV shows

    It did but their relaunching a new season on Netflix premiering in about two weeks.
  13. Yanny

    Favourite English TV shows

    Arrested Development all the way. I'm so pumped for the new season :yay:
  14. Yanny

    Most racist countries in the world - Map

    I expected a lot worse from France, they do treat Africans and former colonies of theirs badly. The have a disgusting party called The National Front which puts the Republican party to shame, all they do is promote racism. The party's slogan is something along the lines of the need of...
  15. Yanny

    Most racist countries in the world - Map

    I'm not buying this survey. The term race can mean different things to different regions across the globe. The survey or the article doesn't specify which race they're talking about. Racism can be directed at a specific group. A white men could be willing to accept a black men as a neighbour but...
  16. Yanny

    Thousands of Teen Girls In Love With Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

    This exactly. It really comes down to the comfortable lifestyle and everything being handed to them from an early age. They become so dependant and spoiled by the freedom of society. I was born and raised in the west but my morals and beliefs are very much rooted in my somali culture. Its...
  17. Yanny

    What Exactly is a SUPERPOWER???

    The term "superpower" wasn't formed until the modern age of full globalization more specifically after WWII. The entire reason for coining the term "SuperPower" is to describe the next step up from "great power". Fox in 1944 perfectly defined a superpower as a "great power plus great mobility of...
  18. Yanny

    Syria threatens to enter occupied Golan Heights after Israeli airstrike

    Assad threats are useless I mean looking at Syria before the civil war when Syria was stable and Assad had the military capacity to hold his own against outside threats, for the most part they have remained quiet and rarely provoked Israel on the Golan Heights matter. Israel has bombed Syria...
  19. Yanny

    Kyrgyzstan: Bride Kidnapping Not Just A Rural Phenomenon

    I think this tradition is practiced in most of the caucasian countries.
  20. Yanny

    Kyrgyzstan: Bride Kidnapping Not Just A Rural Phenomenon

    I completely agree this issue stems primarily from families emphasis on women social status. Similar to many of their neighbouring countries I'm sure they hold certain values such as honour, reputation, etc as THE fundamental representation of women within their society. In the vice documentary...
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