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Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review

[QUOTE/ wow ahahah no offence to my pakistan brother but kindly tell your government to shut up please. The chine(turkic and tibet genocide) and cuba(refugee scam) should not even talk about our human right in the same sentence. The yanks were right long along about this pathetic UN piece of no good, we give donations out of our hard earned pocket, send our soldiers and even in times of recession try to donate on best principle and avoid string alltogether, we should just join chine and deal with these pathetic countries on business. I have never been angry at Pakistan before but right now I just feel betrayed how quickly they turn from friends to backstabbing and up to no good. Glad we are still in NATO, atleast we know who are real friend truly are. /QUOTE]

Please tell me what genocide la Chine has committed against Tibetans and so called "Turkic," not sure what that refers to. In fact, I would argue that China committed genocide against its majority with one child policy while Tibetans and other minority populations have been growing exponentially.

When you get your facts wrong with spoon fed media propaganda, you have no credibility.

Also just because Canada has better human rights record, that doesn't mean China should not raise racist issues that Chinese immigrants face in Canada. Whether Canada has systematic racism or not is certainly up to debate.
[QUOTE/ wow ahahah no offence to my pakistan brother but kindly tell your government to shut up please. The chine(turkic and tibet genocide) and cuba(refugee scam) should not even talk about our human right in the same sentence. The yanks were right long along about this pathetic UN piece of no good, we give donations out of our hard earned pocket, send our soldiers and even in times of recession try to donate on best principle and avoid string alltogether, we should just join chine and deal with these pathetic countries on business. I have never been angry at Pakistan before but right now I just feel betrayed how quickly they turn from friends to backstabbing and up to no good. Glad we are still in NATO, atleast we know who are real friend truly are. /QUOTE]

Please tell me what genocide la Chine has committed against Tibetans and so called "Turkic," not sure what that refers to. In fact, I would argue that China committed genocide against its majority with one child policy while Tibetans and other minority populations have been growing exponentially.

When you get your facts wrong with spoon fed media propaganda, you have no credibility.

Also just because Canada has better human rights record, that doesn't mean China should not raise racist issues that Chinese immigrants face in Canada. Whether Canada has systematic racism or not is certainly up to debate.

I was being a tad bit irrational yesterday but I still find that human rights complain simply appalling and ridiculous. Also I should have been clear in my emotional rambling about demographic genocide in xinjaing but that is my personal opinion. As far as Canadienne being racist, if you look towards vancouver, it is a majoritie canadien asian so I find this rambling about racism simply hypocritical and just in poor taste my friend. While we do have still racism present here and there but to say that were xenophobic and on top racist compare to the human rights record of these countries is just hilarious.
No country is perfect. Every country deserves criticism, more or less. So those who laugh at China, Cuba criticizing Canada are ignorant fools. Granted China and Russia probably are not as open and more oppressive than Canada, but that doesn't mean Canada is clean as a whistle.

And if only the "better" countries can criticize the "worse" countries, who decides which is which?

Quebec city in Quebec is the racist city in Canada. Quebec province has the most draconian language law. The frogs there refuse to give direction if you ask them in English.

Canada although is a very liberal country, but because of the influence and pressure coming from the U.S., Canada has become ,gradually, more and more harsh than before.

I am glad I am thousands of miles away from Ottawa and Quebec, I don't have to smell the stink coming from the frogs.

Totally agree. I am sure Canada has better human rights record than most countries, but that doesn't mean other countries cannot point out Canada's faults. Otherwise, UN will always be the forum for those developed countries lashing against lesser developed countries, a forum for powerful nations to decide which countries to invade in the name of democracy and human rights.

Why would less developed countries even bother join UN if they cannot voice their opinions because they are poor, and have worse human rights records? It's funny that U.S. led democracies never go against those Arab countries, oh wait, they are rich and useful!
I was being a tad bit irrational yesterday but I still find that human rights complain simply appalling and ridiculous. Also I should have been clear in my emotional rambling about demographic genocide in xinjaing but that is my personal opinion. As far as Canadienne being racist, if you look towards vancouver, it is a majoritie canadien asian so I find this rambling about racism simply hypocritical and just in poor taste my friend. While we do have still racism present here and there but to say that were xenophobic and on top racist compare to the human rights record of these countries is just hilarious.

China has freedom of speech and rights to protest issues, but when it comes to minority policies, it is way better than majority of the countries. You know, maybe we should learn from Malaysia and systematically discriminate against minorities, or learn from U.S. and move native minorities to reservations so their precious cultures can be preserved. Tibetans can worship Lama for eternity in their reservation with no need for any modern amenities. Uygers can live in their traditional mud city of old Kashga in 21 century.
Totally agree. I am sure Canada has better human rights record than most countries, but that doesn't mean other countries cannot point out Canada's faults. Otherwise, UN will always be the forum for those developed countries lashing against lesser developed countries, a forum for powerful nations to decide which countries to invade in the name of democracy and human rights.

Why would less developed countries even bother join UN if they cannot voice their opinions because they are poor, and have worse human rights records? It's funny that U.S. led democracies never go against those Arab countries, oh wait, they are rich and useful!

I am sure Canada has better human rights record than most countries, but that doesn't mean other countries cannot point out Canada's faults. Otherwise, UN will always be the forum for those developed countries lashing against lesser developed countries, a forum for powerful nations to decide which countries to invade in the name of democracy and human rights.

Exactly right, and that is the point.
My experience is perhaps limited since I've only lived in Canada but there is a reason why Canada's reputation globally for the most part has been regarded as one of the best for standard of living. All countries have some form of discrimination and racism but Canada ultimately has many opportunities for everyone that many residents of other countries can only dream of.
My experience is perhaps limited since I've only lived in Canada but there is a reason why Canada's reputation globally for the most part has been regarded as one of the best for standard of living. All countries have some form of discrimination and racism but Canada ultimately has many opportunities for everyone that many residents of other countries can only dream of.

Again, this is just how economic and social development works. When a country becomes rich, you have abundant resources, and people have plenty of opportunities, then people tend to become more forgiving and generous. But when a nation is poor or a rich country suddenly become poor, you got people competing for limited resources, so people will start discriminating based on various standards.

All in all, humans are just being human, greedy and selfish when we need but then become generous when we don't need.

But UN should be a neutral forum that gives each member its opportunity to voice opinions.
yaaar itne desi hain canada mein...they will obviously want to stop immigration.

But racism is bad and should be stopped.
Again, this is just how economic and social development works. When a country becomes rich, you have abundant resources, and people have plenty of opportunities, then people tend to become more forgiving and generous. But when a nation is poor or a rich country suddenly become poor, you got people competing for limited resources, so people will start discriminating based on various standards.

All in all, humans are just being human, greedy and selfish when we need but then become generous when we don't need.

But UN should be a neutral forum that gives each member its opportunity to voice opinions.

Completely agree the correlation between a developing nation and the tremendous obstacles on a economic or a political basis is prevalently more obvious than in a developed nation. But I do find it laughable when some of the worst known countries of human rights violation is criticizing a nation that is regarded as one of the best in that aspect. Of course instinctively as humans we are bound to react to means based on our needs and our satisfaction but I think more emphasis at the UN should be put in resolving the issues not constantly discussing the problems. I mean it's hard to take any discussion involving those particular nations seriously if the UN is constantly going about disregarding and does very little to pressure them to change their current regime dynamics.
post reported
good for you lol
i have said 'backstabbing' repeatedly but I was never personally offensive or used any racial baiting to any forum member.
caught lying red handed.
yank, stop poking your nose in our business!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...a-iran-nk-un-rights-review.html#ixzz2TjLNZWH6

Serious you would go below the belt mon ami and call us 'beaver beaters', this is very pathetic when you cannot even come up with a solid argument.[/QUOTE]

first of all I'm not your friend.
second there is no need for a solid argument here
you said i need to choose to b an islamic supremacist or an american supremacist and i told you im a muslim-pakistani-american and anything concering those things is a concern for me
whats more solid then that?
i know canadians are smarter then you.
your our 51st state soon inshallah.
What a respectable group of countries:

Cuba, North Korea, Pakistan, China.


You missed Russia, as did plenty of other Indians. But then we all the reason why you didn't mention them.
As for the topic Canada is a fantastic country for minority rights. The accusations are false.
What's wrong here? Canada is one of the most awesomest places on the planet (minus) it's proximity to the Yanks. One minus point in total. I'd give it an A.
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