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  1. Areeb

    First Block 2 JF-17s under construction in Pakistan

    KSA AND UAE have so many resources that don't care for indigenous weaponry. That is why China-with a larger economy than both KSA AND UAE - is a better choice :)
  2. Areeb

    Will Nawaz Sharif Survive as Prime Minister of Pakistan?

    I think this photo says it all ;)
  3. Areeb

    IAF Wing Commander Dismissed For Demanding Bribery

    It's not about the amount but about the fact that he seeked a bribe
  4. Areeb

    IAF Wing Commander caught trying to cross over to Pakistan

    i guess you are right, besides a deserter would not be as big a threat as a defector
  5. Areeb

    IAF Wing Commander caught trying to cross over to Pakistan

    IAF would have shot the plan down before letting it reach Pakistan, besides for this plan to work the controller would have to be in on the plan.
  6. Areeb

    IAF Wing Commander caught trying to cross over to Pakistan

    If he deserted in Oct. 2011 what was he doing in India for the past 3 years?:what: there more to this story.......:sad:
  7. Areeb

    Pakistan Army testing MBT-3000 next moth ?

    Dude having the latest generation weaponry never hurts, altough i imagine an indigenous model might be in the works
  8. Areeb

    Top 15 Militaries

    how the hell did you get saudia in there? p.s. pardon language
  9. Areeb

    Pakistan has the 12th Most Powerful Military in the World

    you just looked at the first four didn't you US aid has been $200 billion while expenditure has been $700 billion, so if anything Pak army will only grow stronger after US withdrawal. but isreal is never really alone now is it? ;)
  10. Areeb

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    Army doesn't need a front to impose martial law. The Model Town incident could have used as a reasoning for imposing martial law for many months now anways.
  11. Areeb

    Pakistani Taliban announce month-long ceasefire

    Delay tactics to stop PAF attacks and reestablish command
  12. Areeb

    India does not want to invade Pakistan and the US is not our enemy!

    Sure you can say India is not our enemy. But, then why would have we fought FOUR WARS with them? Why haven't we resolved the Kashmir issue? Why did they help in the breaking of west and east Pakistan? Why is funding militants groups and not spending it other areas itself? India may not be a...
  13. Areeb

    Your opinion:Are ANP,PPP,MQM attacking their own people to get sympathies?

    Yes, your right we will know after 11th may
  14. Areeb

    Your opinion:Are ANP,PPP,MQM attacking their own people to get sympathies?

    PTI may be have been SHOWN support in rural but does it really have their votes?
  15. Areeb

    Your opinion:Are ANP,PPP,MQM attacking their own people to get sympathies?

    PTI has gained enormous support in the urban area of Pakistan where people believe it is time for change, but it does not have the same influence in the rural areas where people vote for the parties they are told to by "waderas". Most of these votes have been bought by PML, PPP, ANP and MQM. So...
  16. Areeb

    The Problem of Urdu

    tv channels are broadcasted in hindi because they are illegally brocasted from setup boxes in india.pakistani television providers buy subscribtion to indian set up boxes and then rebroadcast the channels with thier own movie channels for 300 to 450 rs per house making quite a profit. so u see...
  17. Areeb

    The rank of field Marshal?

    field marshal is commander and chief of more than one army as india and us are large countries they have armies divided into 5 units north east west south and central.(or the us does not sure for india) anyhow at the time of ayub khan the army was divded into 2 units one west army(modern...
  18. Areeb

    Border battalions in 'alert and ready to move' mode

    the conflict of kashmir is mainly between pakistan and india. both countries if obtain control of the others part of kashmir will not interfere with china as it has united nations veto power, stronger military and influence. niether pakistan or india want to make a powerful enemy
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