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Your opinion:Are ANP,PPP,MQM attacking their own people to get sympathies?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
They know they cant win from PTI and Noon League..The real competition is between these two.
So now they are bomb blasting their own offices and own congregations to pose as victims and get Public sympathy.
At the same time claiming that "Taliban" love PTI and noon league,the only two parties who's election campaign is at full swing.

If ANP,PPP and MQM are clean,why dont they even bother to launch a massive election campaign same as PTI and Noon league?

Everything smells fishy here

MQM,ANP these guys may be goons, but they never tolerate anything against their members. They would never kill their own for sympathy votes.

Another scenario is that some people are attacking parties to postphone the elections....

Btw, I have seen people blame PTI, PMLN and saying that they are carrying out the attacks since no one has threatened or attacked them yet. Grow up people!

PPP are gonna go to bed with PML-N if the latter gets majority seats in the election.

Or they're gonna try to convince Imran if PTI wins.

MQM are going for their normal tactic which is, 'Vote MQM or get killed' Hopefully they fail this time.
MQM dont have any vote bank outside Karachi/Hyderabad

PPP probably will get most votes in Sindh

ANP is most popular party of pashtun and they hardly get any vote in Punjab so in khyber pakktun khwa it will be PTI vs ANP and probably hindko speaking people in khyber would vote for PML[N]

PML N is popular in Punjab and since Punjab has most seats in national assembly that's why PML N would have some advantage over others ethnic parties and let see how PTI compete with them in Punjab but i don't think we have any national party right now because these are all ethnic parties who are more popular just in their province so i dont think attacking their own people would give them any benefit in those region where they don't have any vote bank
Unlike what you people think MQM and ANP will win certain seats regardless of anything they have very strong following and FYI all these blasts have been happening in their strong holds only, NA 250 is one of the seats where PTI have strong chance in form of Dr Alvi, NA-250 is Clifton, DHA, Saddar, Burns Road if i am not wrong and nothing has been happening in these areas till now (fingers crossed)

Keeping that in mind the logic doesn't makes sense, if they had to kill their own people than it would make sense for MQM to create problems in NA-250 but the last blast happened at People's Churangi and Nusrat Bhutto area both are MQM strongholds (People's Churangi is like only couple of km away from 90 FYI)

Election office, Jalsa, what other election activities can one do? both were/are being attacked ... this would be third day in this week only my son would be missing school because of this mayhem going around, You guys have any idea how much we are loosing here intellectually and financially?
MQM are going for their normal tactic which is, 'Vote MQM or get killed' Hopefully they fail this time.

My own brother had given vote to MMA in 2002 elections but nobody told to him 'Vote MQM or get killed'. In 2008 my whole family members didn't vote to any one ... But nobody told us the same ... I am surprised how this concept is being spread ... In 1993 MQM had got historical victory in provincial assembly ... While they contested in that election on 1 day notice ..
They know they cant win from PTI and Noon League..The real competition is between these two.
So now they are bomb blasting their own offices and own congregations to pose as victims and get Public sympathy.
At the same time claiming that "Taliban" love PTI and noon league,the only two parties who's election campaign is at full swing.

If ANP,PPP and MQM are clean,why dont they even bother to launch a massive election campaign same as PTI and Noon league?

Everything smells fishy here

allah hates liars BTW, you shouldnt lie until you are extremely sure the things you are saying is true, until then you are only a big fat liar

where is the proof MQM killed its own workers, including MPAs etc?

noon league nearly got its important guy killed in balochistan

People are going,to boot them out. They will be voted in for performance not for how many of them were killed by TTP. They were in power for 5 years,why didn't they eliminate TTP?

and why will people vote for lotas like shah mehmood qureshi and what performance did he do in last 5 years? infact last ten years when he was associated with PPP?, what about kasuri, what performance did he do? what about lagharis? what about all the various lotas in your party?

did you just dry clean all the criminals in your laundry?
PTI has gained enormous support in the urban area of Pakistan where people believe it is time for change, but it does not have the same influence in the rural areas where people vote for the parties they are told to by "waderas". Most of these votes have been bought by PML, PPP, ANP and MQM. So they are trying to save money and have all bets on rural votes. while PML-N considers urban "non-bought" votes important as well and trying to limit PTI seats by large campaigns in the cities.
As to where killings are concerned they might be for sympathy as the parties might not resources for campaigns so they are "renewing" members to gain sympathy and limit other party votes.
My own brother had given vote to MMA in 2002 elections but nobody told to him 'Vote MQM or get killed'. In 2008 my whole family members didn't vote to any one ... But nobody told us the same ... I am surprised how this concept is being spread ... In 1993 MQM had got historical victory in provincial assembly ... While they contested in that election on 1 day notice ..

Lucky :)

Im not going mainstream by pointing out finger at MQM.

My family in Karachi has experienced this. Other people from Karachi has told me that it has happened to them.

Not something im making up.

PTI has gained enormous support in the urban area of Pakistan where people believe it is time for change, but it does not have the same influence in the rural areas where people vote for the parties they are told to by "waderas". Most of these votes have been bought by PML, PPP, ANP and MQM. So they are trying to save money and have all bets on rural votes. while PML-N considers urban "non-bought" votes important as well and trying to limit PTI seats by large campaigns in the cities.
As to where killings are concerned they might be for sympathy as the parties might not resources for campaigns so they are "renewing" members to gain sympathy and limit other party votes.

PTI's campaign in rural areas has been good.

Good crowd which will hopefully turn into to votes too.

They are planning to campaign in rural Sindh just a few days before the elections too. Hopefully everything goes well :)

allah hates liars BTW, you shouldnt lie until you are extremely sure the things you are saying is true, until then you are only a big fat liar

where is the proof MQM killed its own workers, including MPAs etc?

noon league nearly got its important guy killed in balochistan

and why will people vote for lotas like shah mehmood qureshi and what performance did he do in last 5 years? infact last ten years when he was associated with PPP?, what about kasuri, what performance did he do? what about lagharis? what about all the various lotas in your party?

did you just dry clean all the criminals in your laundry?


In your case,

Choose the lesser devil :)

And no one is worse than PPP, PML-N, MQM, ANP, PML-Q in that sense.
Lucky :)

PTI's campaign in rural areas has been good.

Good crowd which will hopefully turn into to votes too.

They are planning to campaign in rural Sindh just a few days before the elections too. Hopefully everything goes well :)

PTI may be have been SHOWN support in rural but does it really have their votes?
Murder of Dr.Imran Farooq says MQM can do anything to their people.
PTI may be have been SHOWN support in rural but does it really have their votes?

Difficult to say.

PML-N have always had a huge presence in Punjab, BUT do they have the votes this time?

We'll know on the election day.
They know they cant win from PTI and Noon League..The real competition is between these two.
So now they are bomb blasting their own offices and own congregations to pose as victims and get Public sympathy.
At the same time claiming that "Taliban" love PTI and noon league,the only two parties who's election campaign is at full swing.

If ANP,PPP and MQM are clean,why dont they even bother to launch a massive election campaign same as PTI and Noon league?

Everything smells fishy here

There are lot of simillarity between India and Pakistan....one of them...Politician can do anything for their inetrest..So attacking each themselves is a smalll talk for them to gain power.
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