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  1. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I believe you give the Uzbeks too much credit. That's why I can't take your post serious.
  2. Brother Barry

    Is FATA a Colony of Pakistan?

    FATA is not Pakistan proper (Punjab), it's like a native American reservation to keep the tribal Pashtuns happy. The British colonialists knew that it's important to keep them pacified, and Pakistan has only continued this tradition.
  3. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Karzai's statements have caused the following among Pakistanis in recent days: * Hyperventilation * Sweating * Heart attacks * Anxiety Regarding the refugees living in the Land of the Pure, I believe the Pak military/ISI sees them as useful tools to destabilize Afghanistan. They are a...
  4. Brother Barry

    Pakistan cannot force Afghanistan into recognizing the Durand line, says Ka

    Good post, and I agree with most of what you wrote. I'm not a Pashtun, so I admit I don't know everything about Pashtun nationalism. Afghanistan must first focus on eradicating religious extremism and building up a strong state, and institutions. I have seen much mud slinging on this forum, and...
  5. Brother Barry

    Possibility of return of Taliban in Kabul

    To capture Kabul, I think you must first have Kandahar and maybe Jalalabad in your grasp. But here we see the weakness of insurgencies, whenever a large number amass to attack a city, it becomes an easy target for bombardment. And so the Taliban can be kept out of all cities by a relatively...
  6. Brother Barry

    Pakistan cannot force Afghanistan into recognizing the Durand line, says Ka

    That is incorrect, despite the Mullah propaganda, Pashtun nationalism is not communistic in nature.
  7. Brother Barry

    Pakistan cannot force Afghanistan into recognizing the Durand line, says Ka

    Not everyone in Afghanistan agrees with Karzai. Political Parties Criticise Karzai?s Durand Remarks It has become a cheap way to score political points.
  8. Brother Barry

    Pakistan cannot force Afghanistan into recognizing the Durand line, says Ka

    Pakistan's Ulema will issue a fatwa that will make it illegal to raise the Durand problem. Then our pious Muslim brothers, the Taliban, will be forced to recognize the line.
  9. Brother Barry

    Clash resumes on contested Afghan, Pakistan border area: Officials

    Is the post build on the Afghan side of the Durand line?
  10. Brother Barry

    Sharia Scare Shakes UK: 'Law of the land go to hell'

    These idiots will be the demise of all Muslims in the West. The day might not be far when Europeans collectively have had enough, and Reconquista us all out here.
  11. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I can only hope the traitor and sell out Talibs understand this.
  12. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Millions of refugees have already returned from Pakistan. In fact, 3.7 million. http://www.thenews.com.pk/Todays-News-13-18691-37-million-Afghan-refugees-returned-from-Pakistan-since-2002-UNHCR All that progress will be lost in the event of a future civil war, with the full approval of...
  13. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Boneheaded Taliban would rather wage jehad than lay down their weapons and do something constructive. I believe if Pakistan really desires to repatriate the refugees, they could use their influence over all the insurgency groups and force them to stop fighting. But here we see the divide between...
  14. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Indeed, cities like Herat are perhaps more developed than most regions of Pakistan. But that is not where the majority of the refugees are from. They are Pashtuns from the east and south, who can't go back to their home for various reasons.
  15. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    He lived next door to OBL, but had to move after the raid. Now the Amir of the Faithful lives in a spare bedroom of Gen. Kayani.
  16. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    If Pakistan wants to get rid of all their refugees, they can begin by deporting the Taliban leaders and their families. Start with Mullah Omar. :tup:
  17. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Well said. The Pakistani establishment would find another reason to meddle in our country. Maybe use Indian aid to Afghanistan as an excuse to sponsor terrorism. Remember, in 2001 when the Northern Alliance was close to capturing Kabul, Musharraf said it was unacceptable and begged America to...
  18. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Yes, I posted that link, but I don't know what the captured fighters are saying. I can recognize when someone speaks Urdu, it sounds much like Hindi with many Persian and Arab words.
  19. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I don't want to get much off topic, but Abdul Qadeer Khan simple stole the blueprints. There is a word for that: thief.
  20. Brother Barry

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Mullah Zaid Hamid is a very gifted and intelligent man, Pakistan is truly blessed to have someone like him. But it is unfortunate that all his speeches and writings are in Urdu, which I do not understand.
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