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  1. N

    3 Chinese navy ships visit Vietnam

    Yeah, your VIets knowledge of politics, strategy and economy is superb Our GDP only grown 8% last year and yours was 5%. That is not even counting the size of the economy. Wonder when we will see the result of your superb strategy and politics? When PLAN sink your ship in South CHina Sea? You...
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    3 Chinese navy ships visit Vietnam

    The US was the battlefield winner Their lost in Vietnam because they could not attack North Vietnam on the ground, because they feared BEIJING'S INTERVENTION like in Korean war. Without our help, or if the US didn't fear our army, the US would wiped out North Vietnam in months. Don't buy the...
  3. N

    What kind of global power will China be?

    lol, it is normal. They will pay for their mistakes. Whenever an empire is rising, it will meet obstacles. Time will tell At least we have future, Indians are hopeless, it is used by US and soon the US will come back to kiss our ***
  4. N

    What kind of global power will China be?

    lol, that's right, you can have whatever thought you want. You don't have the Empire tradition, and you don't know how an Empire can rise, but we knew. What China achieved is magical, but we don't need attention. Reality can speak for itself
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    What kind of global power will China be?

    Well, for the most of history, China was always the most advanced country, British had their flash, Soviet had their flash but their were short compare to China. I don't consider Russia/Soviet is on par with China. Russia was conquered by Mongol Empire, which used many Chinese techs, and its...
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    China Economy Forum

    Lol, we should thank those idiots. Let them spread their stupidity into the West and India while we are advancing. Let the enemy sleeps on their victory dream, it would be easier for us to win in the reality. The world is harsh, those who believe in idiots will fall. No need to teach them, let...
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    China's aviation engineers are being assassinated.

    LMAO, you compared China to Iran And of course behind the scene there will be people who will do their job aka do an investigation. Don't worry, CIA doesn't dare to kill Chinese scientists. When the competitor is at the same level, they don't want their scientists disappear, either.
  8. N

    Leio's PLA military photos (kinds of military equipments)

    Well, we should explain for them, it is called diplomacy. Despite their blindy medias, or many stupid members, many westerners are friendly to us, like this forum sinodefenceforum,com (I can not post link yet, stupid rule) We need their support when we crush some small SEA countries, little by...
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    Leio's PLA military photos (kinds of military equipments)

    Hi Leio Nice to meet you here. Why was you banned in mp.net? Many of us miss you there, will you come back? Regards
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    Enjoy or not, is that your problem? I know here is just an forum, we don't need to win in this forum, we need to fight you in real world. For now, I just want to enjoy here with your people, but I would enjoy much more when your people become food for fish. And FYI, Jap weapons maybe more...
  11. N

    China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

    Yeah, we fear the Yankees so much until we overtake their position. Guess what? We play the weak game with US and in reality the US is busy with Iraq and Afghan and debts, see the brilliant strategy of us? Maybe we will take your land, maybe not, maybe we used you as a trap to lure the US...
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    South China Sea Forum

    Yeah yeah we are greed and aggression, so what? We behave what we like, do you like it? We are still no match for the EU or US, we know that but it is the problem of the future. Now we are only bullying countries like you, let see what EU will do? And let see what you can do? Oh we are partly...
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    Southeast Asian States Ramp Up Arms Spending In Challenge To Chinese Threat

    Yeah, we are the new Nazi of Asia, so what? Follow us and accept our leadership, then you have peace and money, against us then you will all become dead meats. We don't need excuses because we have reality, only dumb Indians need excuses because you have nothing. LMAO at the biggest democracy...
  14. N

    Southeast Asian States Ramp Up Arms Spending In Challenge To Chinese Threat

    Remember in fear in the old days? Soviet Union was the prototype, China is the official version: smarter, richer, and much more clever. Welcome to communist 2.0 Lol at the hope in the US, soon the whole world including the US will be kneed before China. You all should remember China was the...
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    South China Sea Forum

    Wtf is this ****? Silo has hardened case and nuclear warhead is not bunker buster, how the f*** could it guarantee 100% silos of one of the most invested branch of PLA, are destroyed? And we also have many mobile systems, a preemptive strike will guarantee the destruction of the whole USA This...
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    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Could the mod merge Vietnamese threads into just several ones? It is kind of annoying, if every post in China economic news is worth a thread then we would be flooded with waste. And it is hard to follow. Suggest many threads could be merged into one with a name: Vietnam military news & update
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    South China Sea Forum

    Hey friend, you have good knowledge, don't let other get you angry You know that Earth surface is curved, don't you? At ship height, maximum detection range, double the horizon distance maybe 40 km, at that rang every radar may detect ship size target Martian is ready to sacrifice himself to...
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