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    China welcomes reports of India rejecting Australia's request to join Malabar exercise

    http://english.chinamil.com.cn/view/2017-05/31/content_7623445.htm Source: The Asian Age Beijing: China, on Wednesday, welcomed India's reported decision to reject Australia's request to join this year's Malabar naval exercises saying the security concerns of the different parties should be...
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    DF-41 on the move

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    DF-41 rail-mobile launcher

    It was reported last December that U.S. intelligence agencies monitored a Chinese test of a new rail car-based long-range missile capable of hitting targets throughout the United States. http://freebeacon.com/national-security/china-tests-new-icbm-from-railroad-car/ Could this be the...
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    After the South China Sea illegal arbitration, he was the first to stand up and support our country!

    ( I have tried to translate this long post appeared at China Central Communist Youth League Weibo page yesterday as close as to the the OP's writing and format. It has already received more than 800 thousand viewing so far. Although I haven't been to Pakistan myself , but felt the very same...
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    China's fifth generation PL-10 AAM: a gerneration ahead of AIM-9 family

    For the very first time, China confirmed the existence of its fifth generation of PL-10 AAM on state TV by military experts. It was revealed yesterday that the PL-10 is much advanced than the AIM-9 series. PL-10 has the range of 60km, the speed of mach 4, the warhead of 33kilo and most advanced...
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    Manila spent $30 million on lawyers; there is voice now to get it reimbursed from CIA

    http://www.manilatimes.net/psst-all-superpowers-usually-ignore-international-verdicts/273798/ Psst… ‘All superpowers usually ignore international verdicts’ July 14, 2016 10:55 pm by RIGOBERTO TIGLAO I REALLY hope the $30 million (P1.4 billion) I was informed we, taxpayers, spent for the legal...
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    India's Post Offices Sell Bottled Ganges River Water

    http://sputniknews.com/asia/20160712/1042853282/india-holy-water.html 19:48 12.07.2016 012513 Now, everyone in India can get a drop of holy water from the Ganges River simply by having a bottle delivered to them or buying it at the local post office. A new scheme that enables all India Post...
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    Vietnam accused Chinese vessels of sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat near the Paracels on Saturday.

    http://www.philstar.com/world/2016/07/12/1602197/vietnam-welcomes-tribunal-ruling-south-china-sea-dispute Earlier in the day, Vietnam accused Chinese vessels of sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat near the Paracels on Saturday. The five fishermen were rescued by a trawler some seven hours later...
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    3 naval fleets 100 ships drill in SCS: China "strike the mountain to warn the tiger"

    Chinese PLA General has sent a blunt message(23:48): if the US AC dares to launch any military action against China after the July 12 Hague ruling, it will not be able to leave and be remained in the SCS as a permanent feature.
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    China would not be intimidated even if the US send all the ten ACs to the SCS

    Speech by Dai Bingguo at China-US Dialogue on South China Sea Between Chinese and US Think Tanks 2016/07/05 5 July, Washington D.C http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/t1377747.shtml "Having said that, we in China would not be intimidated by the US actions, not even if the US sent...
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    China Builds A SOSUS in The Souch China Sea

    According to the May 11 announcement of the China South China Sea Institute of Oceanology on its website, China has completed its first SOSUS and started receiving real time data from the under sea net work. http://english.scsio.cas.cn/ The caption reads:"Though our strive and by our...
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    BBC: Designed in China

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    Pakistani Missile Vehicles Vs Indian and NKearn

    Pakistani Shaheen I 8*8 missiles truck Sharheen II 12*12 WS-21200 truck New 16*16 WS-51200 truck North Korean Taepodong-2 16*16 WS-51200 truck Indian Agni-I truck Indian Agni-V truck
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    Chinese peasant made true scale 1:1 t99 tank

    Two days ago, China Shandong Province peasant Peng Haojie showed off a true scale 1:1 t99 tank he made in his village. Although he never had any experience of making tanks, nor did he have any diagram and prior knowledge of how to make one, with the help of his friends, he spent nearly one year...
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    Philippine Incoming President Will Visit China First

    On June 26,Rodrigo Duterte told his supporters at a meeting that he has promised the Chinese ambassador that China is the first country to visit after taking his new post. http://www.shangbao.com.ph/fgyw/2016/06-26/52211.shtml
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    Defense Secretary Ashton Carter Offers Olive Branch to China

    http://nationalinterest.org/feature/defense-secretary-ashton-carter-offers-olive-branch-china-16663 “While we have disagreements with China, especially over its destabilizing behavior in the South China Sea, we are committed to working with them and to persuade them to avoid self-isolation.”...
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    China Unveils The World Biggest 70-Ton Vibration-Simulation Table

    2 days ago China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC)announced it has successfully developed the 70-ton vibration simulation table, which will play a key role in the upcoming CZ-5 heavy rocket launch test. Chinese technology in this field has now eclipsed the U.S. Back in 2005...
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    China, United Nations Sign Cooperation Agreement on Space Station

    http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/06/19/china-united-nations-sign-cooperation-agreement-space-station/ by Doug Messier on June 19, 2016, at 10:23 amin News Artist’s conception of China’s Tianhe-1 space station. (Credit: China Manned Space Engineering) VIENNA, 16 June (UN Information Service...
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    China launches “Green Interstellar Flight” – China's Own Space Life Sciences Experiments –2 Days Ago

    According to Chinese Xinhua News, “Green Interstellar Flight" test was launched on June 17 in Shenzhen, four volunteers moved into the area of 370 square meters of enclosed cabin, to carry out a period of 180 days Controlled Ecological Life Support technology experimental verification test...
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