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  1. Arsalan Tauseef

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    The military wields the strength to strike down 1000 TTP in a single day, and this act of vengeance could sway the hostile outlook of the Pakistani population in their favor. Despite several paths to unravel the knots that have eroded the integrity of the establishment, what hinders decisive...
  2. Arsalan Tauseef

    Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

    It's a bitter pill to swallow that the people of Pakistan are siding with and heeding the words of TTP, as observed in social media. 😔 The responsibility lies with the establishment, who exhibit a strange reticence instead of consoling the bereaved, becoming a media presence, and exacting...
  3. Arsalan Tauseef

    Over 240,000+ Afghan refugees deported from Turkey (as well as Iran and Pakistan)

    This thread serves as a tangible manifestation of the worldwide discontent towards the presence of Afghans. 😅
  4. Arsalan Tauseef

    Is it just me, or is the front page of this website not loading real-time content?

    Yeah, I'm going to adopt this workaround as a means of circumventing the issue, but it used to be more engaging when you were immediately immersed in current affairs upon opening the homepage.
  5. Arsalan Tauseef

    Is it just me, or is the front page of this website not loading real-time content?

    Might be the reason why I am seeing less interaction on the forum than what it used to be.
  6. Arsalan Tauseef

    Is it just me, or is the front page of this website not loading real-time content?

    Dear Mods, Is the front page of this website stuck in a time warp? I've observed that the content being displayed on the front page is not reflective of the current discussions and conversations, but rather outdated content from years ago. To partake in the current discourse and stay abreast of...
  7. Arsalan Tauseef

    Taking the Neutral Bull by the Horn, first time they are up against a force to reckon with, Imran R. Khan

    Even movers and shakers of this forum aren't takin issues with such posts is a mystery itself.
  8. Arsalan Tauseef

    Pakistan left out from China's EMDCD 2022 conference

    A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor (within govt/military) moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling...
  9. Arsalan Tauseef

    Can Pakistan Armed Forced Become Leaner, Meaner & Younger by Copying India's AGNIPATH RECRUITMRNT PROGRAM?

    Having seen the unmerited negative rating in the thread, I'm compelled to say that... The Pak army is the most pious, god-fearing, and unimpeachable army in the world such that no criticism can be made against them.
  10. Arsalan Tauseef

    TTP extends truce to hold peace talks with Pakistan

    It alludes to how weak our establishment/military is in front of punies.
  11. Arsalan Tauseef

    30+ attacks on Pak LEAs in the past 10 days by TTP et al.

    The consequences of an absurd pretense of being a so-called apolitical army.
  12. Arsalan Tauseef

    Strategies Armed forces can use to reduce civilian casualties when attacking Insurgent hideouts

    You do get sick when your soldiers die to no end or when our own people sympathize with the families of the terrorists lacking sympathy for our people get the taste of their own medicine.
  13. Arsalan Tauseef

    Strategies Armed forces can use to reduce civilian casualties when attacking Insurgent hideouts

    Those bloody civilians had this coming. Don't show mercy, for they won't show any.
  14. Arsalan Tauseef

    Eight soldiers martyred in North Waziristan attacks

    Don't you know that drones are primarily made for only exhibitions in Pakistan?
  15. Arsalan Tauseef

    Eight soldiers martyred in North Waziristan attacks

    If only the establishment had focused on border management instead of Politics...
  16. Arsalan Tauseef

    Pak Army Helicopter Got hit with gun shots

    This is where the fault lies. Our soldiers are dying in vain. The establishment has chosen to stay neutral yet threatening IK with dire consequences if he chooses to publish the content of the letter.
  17. Arsalan Tauseef

    Pakistan asks UNSC to help stop foriegn sponsored attacks from Afghanistan

    A plea of an impotent state that has an impuissant defense. If it were India, they'd haven't pleaded.
  18. Arsalan Tauseef

    Trouble? PTM coming to Karachi

    You might wanna ask estab
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