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  1. kriish

    India offers help in stopping proliferation of WMDs

    this is what the reality is and about proliferation.................... do u think that America UK France Russia And China are the only people who have the right to develop a nuclear weapon............ do u know what the NPT agreement says except for the above 5 mentioned countries no one...
  2. kriish

    India offers help in stopping proliferation of WMDs

    Look dude nomater who it is every one will think about his own interest leave it india pakistan china us russia or bangaladesh or myanmar........... think about it, if bangaladesh was a nuclear state and if india was trying to get one or myanmar was trying to get a nuke they will do all...
  3. kriish

    'Miracle' in Puttaparthi, Baba statue oozes scented oil

    You don't hurt the religious sentiments and attract derogatory comments about ur relegion from the indian members........... better edit ur post else its up to u to face it..........
  4. kriish

    Hazare's team making a mockery of our democracy

    i really admire ur 16th sense woow............ :what::what: i have never seen an intellectual of ur caliber............. :hitwall::hitwall: How is that u stay some where in pakistan and know abut the secret pact between sonia and Hazara........... man u are...
  5. kriish

    Hazare's team making a mockery of our democracy

    All these Years of Independence India and its Democracy was Mocked by corrupt politics but now To correct that If Hazara is mocking it to put a check on it.............. that's all right.............. Medicine is always bitter but only if u swallow the bitter medicine our disease will be...
  6. kriish

    India’s drones will have ‘namma’ mark on them

    @jana : I will Recommend saswath to name a missile or a bomb in arabic and gift it to u (do a door delivery ) by our SU30 MKI ( Which i wish it doesn't happen ) but i would recommend it though............ since u wanted some thing like that................ Troll
  7. kriish

    61+103 are missed were they gone?

    every explosive will leave its chemical signature trail...... this is the one that the forensic will use to trace the content if those explosives signature matches the once that have been lost in india ....... and pakistanis with their all advanced forensic team would have found it...
  8. kriish

    Will india build its own defence equipments?

    @Hafizzz If u call a Trillion dollar economy a poor country then i have no words for ur stupidity and i hence forth don't think its worth to discuss the topic with a guy with a pea brain...................... fine live in ur world and be a pond frog and let me not burst ur bubble
  9. kriish

    Will india build its own defence equipments?

    at-least india buys their weapons not beg them...............
  10. kriish

    PM's vision: Breakfast in Amritsar... Dinner in Kabul

    and what do u Call the democratically elected government of pakistan being a puppet at the hands of a Army General................ Great Banana Republic Of Pakistan rite.................
  11. kriish

    Indian Manned Mission to Space : The Details

    one thing is not clear i do not understand y the chines members are so restless................... its indian money indian space program and my tax and my father's tax so is other indian son's and father's tax what is ur problem guys we send it now or a decade later why are u so worried about...
  12. kriish

    Unprecedented security for cricket World Cup final

    Done Trolling.............. NOW GET BACK TO TOPIC TROLL...............
  13. kriish

    India developing 5,000 km-range Agni missile: Antony

    link please else its nothing but BS
  14. kriish

    Ordnance Factory Trichy to bring out rifle ''as good as AK-47''

    Y don't u try buying the same AK now and lets see how corrupted the system is ( if u want to spend the rest of ur life in 4X6 prison ) its 2011 thosedays are long gone.......... that doesnot mean that there is no corruption here but when it comes to weapons with civilians and terror attacks its...
  15. kriish

    Ordnance Factory Trichy to bring out rifle ''as good as AK-47''

    first and foremost i did not compare INSAS with M16............ I think we are talking about the firing mode which u said about burst fire and continuous fire..................... second apples and oranges is non of my concern and don't get defensive ................. well when u are a...
  16. kriish

    Ordnance Factory Trichy to bring out rifle ''as good as AK-47''

    not just indian army but the US army also has the three burst firing mode rather than waste the bullet by blindly opening fire at the enemy and empty the magazine this has two advantages it will stop the soldiers mostly rookies from wasting the bullet and get killed because of loss of...
  17. kriish

    Indian Govt. Demands RIM Email Access by March 31

    y dont u go and brain fart some where else than in a public forum yes we know what to do first worry about ur country than about india.................. and one more thing post reported
  18. kriish

    Arjun tanks deployed at jaisalmer border with pakistan

    could some body post some arjun picks some new ones................... so as congratulate it
  19. kriish

    Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

    the way u reply it sounds like even ur Phd is fake (chinies copy) ......................:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  20. kriish

    Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

    it says Israel helped india on its war on terrorism and it does not deny that the 26/11 which is mentioned in it did happen because of pakistan..... here they mention the fact............. that doesnot mean that u should talk about indian muslims and palistean cause
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