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Indian Manned Mission to Space : The Details

Spending in science is good. But space research is like a well without a bottom, you can pour as much money as you want and still pour some more. And why spend on a manned mission? It shoots up the cost of the mission by a factor of atleast 10. Instead of the waste of investment on human suitable conditions, some research in robotics could help further the cause in other fields also.

I agree, but roughly $3 billion is not a significant amount per say considering it is spread out over a longer period. It is not about the spending towards a manned mission, but I take it as money invested in developing in the intellectual capita for India. I am hoping that these engineers, researchers, scientists will get a challenging mission to work on which will attract more young people to join govt RnD and hopefully they will benefit our GSLV and other commercial space programs.
wat is this singh regime :rofl:
Every time he uses the same word..
maybe he is trying to say like mubarak regime,gaddafi regime :lol:
It democratic elected leader,he is not elected by himself..stop calling singh regime...
Tell me what was China's GDP when it launched first manned space flight in 2003? Then I will tell you what will be India's GDP when it launches first manned mission in 2015.

First of all, we do not when will India launch its first manned space flight yet. All this is in planning stage and we know how plans can get delayed, especially in India. 2nd, in regard to GDP, which USSR first sent the first man to space in the early 60s, its GDP was much smaller than the current Indian GDP. Even the US has less GDP than today's India. however, USSR and US has the will and the determination to send people to space and there is an actual space race. India is not really competing against anyone. And from the article, it appear that India will import the whole crew module from Russia. If that is the case, why not just send Indian engineers to Russia and working on fitting a Suyoz craft to fit into an Indian missile. Mission accomplished.
Set aside the sheer hilarity seeing people comparing national leaders by their alma maters, I'll have to thanks the Indians for their space program. Without India announcing the Chandrayaans the Chinese lunar exploration program would never have got the necessary funding.
wat is this singh regime :rofl:
Every time he uses the same word..
maybe he is trying to say like mubarak regime,gaddafi regime :lol:
It democratic elected leader,he is not elected by himself..stop calling singh regime...

How about the Obama regime in the US. I regard his government as a regime and I support a regime change in the US.
Let's try not to use the expression 'the Singh regime'. It's obviously inaccurate, although the inaccuracy doesn't come from the 'regime' part.
I have valid point here. The GSLV had 3 failures in a row, the total success rate is close to zero.
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

manned mission is all about safety.

You are right, I am sure India will give the highest regard to safety.

However, the space quest does entail risks. All one can do is try and minimize them. They can never be zero.

If GSLV is not proven by that time, you can bet this mission with not happen with GSLV.
It is cool and all but 17800 crore rupees is too much. India does not need it.

Ok we should give all those money to A Raja instead, so that he can keep it in his "safe deposit"?? That will be money put to good use, isnt it??

What kind of a deracinated pessimist and useless Indian you are???
First of all, we do not when will India launch its first manned space flight yet. All this is in planning stage and we know how plans can get delayed, especially in India. 2nd, in regard to GDP, which USSR first sent the first man to space in the early 60s, its GDP was much smaller than the current Indian GDP. Even the US has less GDP than today's India. however, USSR and US has the will and the determination to send people to space and there is an actual space race. India is not really competing against anyone. And from the article, it appear that India will import the whole crew module from Russia. If that is the case, why not just send Indian engineers to Russia and working on fitting a Suyoz craft to fit into an Indian missile. Mission accomplished.

One should not talk bullsh*t all the time. First read the article using your brain if you have one. we are not china that copied the Soyuz design. Indian OV design is based on the SRE experiment done in 2007. Use your brain and compare indian OV and soyuz.

Indian OV

Do U guys have any info on the ISRO heavy lift vehicle?

Indian Lunar manned mission presented at IAC-2009 envisaged the development of a crew launch vehicle and a Cargo Launch Vehicle with payload capabilities of 31 and 84 tons respectively to Low Earth Orbit.


The concept in itself is not very detailed but gives us an insight into what ISRO has in store for the future. More importantly, the concept showcases the future UMLV family (Unified Modular Launch Vehicle) being used to loft the crew vehicle. This is the first time that we have had any insight into the possible architecture of the UMLV family, which will be powered by a Common Liquid Core stage in development.

The first thing that strikes when we look at the preliminary lunar concept are the 2 majestic launch vehicles. These launch vehicles, especially the one that launches the Earth Departure Stage (EDS), is a world beyond the capabilities that India possesses today.

ISRO plans to use two rockets for the manned lunar mission. The first will be a crew launch vehicle with the capability to launch 31 tons to Low Earth orbit. This vehicle with a liftoff weight of 1690 tons, would launch the crew module and the service module.

The second rocket will launch the Earth Departing Stage and the Lunar Descent module. This launch vehicle would be a true Super-heavy lifter with a capability to launch 84 tons into Low Earth orbit. The liftoff weight of this beast would 3075 tons.

ISRO has also given some of the technical details about the launch vehicles. The basis for these launch vehicles (as that of the UMLV family) is the new 2ooo kN Semi-cryogenic engine in development. The architecture of the two vehicles would be :

Crew Launch Vehicle
* Architecture - 4 S230 + SC500 + C60
* Capability - 31 tons to Low Earth Orbit
* Payload - Crew Module (6 tons) + Service Module (25 tons)

Cargo Launch Vehicle
* Architecture - 8 S230 + SC800 + C60
* Capability - 84 tons to Low Earth Orbit
* Payload - Earth Departure Stage (67 tons) + Lunar Descent Module (17 tons)

The S230 would be solid boosters with 230 tons of propellants, future descendants of the S200 booster developed for the GSLV-Mk III. The SC500 and SC800 stages would be powered by the Semi-cryogenic engine and containing 500 and 800 tons of propellant respectively. The C60 would be the bleeder expander cycle upper cryogenic stage containing 60 tons of propellant.

The modular architecture of the launch vehicles and that of the whole UMLV family would help in reducing the cost of the rockets. The lunar architecture itself seems to be loosely based on the Constellation Program (which is supposed to be axed this year) architecture.

ISRO is pressing ahead with it's preliminary research on Lunar manned mission irrespective of prospective financial issues of such a high budget mission although the the program itself in full isn't expected to be started anytime before 2020.

ISRO heavy lift vehicle


The above image shows another concept Heavy Lift Vehicle (HLV) which would be able to haul 100 tons to LEO. What is interesting in this architecture is that no solid stages would be used on the vehicle. 4 SC460 Semi-cryogenic boosters with the SC800 first stage would generate the lift-off thrust for the vehicle. The C100 upper stage would probably serve as an Earth Departure stage (EDS) .
one thing is not clear i do not understand y the chines members are so restless................... its indian money indian space program and my tax and my father's tax so is other indian son's and father's tax what is ur problem guys we send it now or a decade later why are u so worried about our program........... whether we buy from russia or from US or from Chines (which is not going to happen) is our problem we spend $4 billion or $40 billion whats it to u we are not spending chinies tax payers money............. and whether the manned mission is a success or failure its our victory or problem and y is that u are worried................ and y is other indian members like a fool trying to explain the chines members about our spending on the project do u share ur day to day expenditure with the guy lives across the street...... no rite its our money our problem.............

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