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  1. BJP*

    Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

    Wow here comes the majority? Where did that went when riots happened in India? How easily could you say "WE ARE THE MAJORITY"? You guys cant keep unity between muslim sects and and expect us to have patience with muslims who even dont poses the religion of land!!
  2. BJP*

    PDF Color Scheme

    why there are no flags?? they are supposed to be important part of discussion. Many posts in such a way that it is hard to find on whose side they are on. in those cases flags have important part to play.
  3. BJP*

    Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

    Hinduism is only natural religion which evolved naturally and not started by a person specific. This is the ancient religion and is practiced thousands of years ago before the starter of Islam arrived in the world. You are hurting yourself not practicing the religion which is created by nature...
  4. BJP*

    Martyrdom in Hinduism

    'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy. I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess what would be the topic of the book
  5. BJP*

    Martyrdom in Hinduism

    'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy. I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess what would be the topic of the book
  6. BJP*

    Martyrdom in Hinduism

    'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy. I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess waht would be the topic of the book
  7. BJP*

    China $8.53 trillion economy in 2012 (>50% USA and >500% India)

    Dont know why chinese wanted to be strip off at the hands of Indians every morning on PDF?
  8. BJP*

    Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

    You are forcing me to believe that no gender means "it". But in our society shemale or transgenders (no disrespect) are not regarded as "it or that". Regarding the Idols this is what Hinduism believes -We agree that idols are not perfect. but humans which are the creation of god are also not...
  9. BJP*

    Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

    by going to your post and use "It or That" for god, you are comparing it with material. By language, it or that can either be used for material or for any animal. If it is ok to use 'it or that' for god then why it is such a hue and cry over idol worship?
  10. BJP*

    Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

    Here actually a valid and logical question is asked. Why you consider only 'he' as respectable but not 'she' ?? no one is crossing limit here just asking the reason and logic?
  11. BJP*

    US giant Walmart quits India after venture ends

    Infact thats a good news... I never wanted that company to be in India. No foreign company should be allowed which is unable to purchase 30 percent of its products from local small-scale industries
  12. BJP*

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    Are you showing your fulishness here.... We were called by different names throught the history. What Important is what we call ourselves. We call ourselves as "Bharatiyas". We call our country "Bharat" today as well as 2000 years ago. Go find it out :azn: Yes it was. Our all...
  13. BJP*

    Iran's oil minister scraps oil and gas connections to India

    I dont know what let the chinese to jump all over the thread?? Isnt "None Of Their business"? We know our economy better than you. And Iranians know their economy better that you. We will handle it ourselves.
  14. BJP*

    'They gang-raped my daughters in front of my eyes' Muzaffarnagar riots

    It is much better than whatever your society is. Atleast We feel proud of us and what ever we have done. It is demand of hour to be agressive and I dont find anything wrong in it. Its not your country and its not gonna happen what you wish!
  15. BJP*

    'They gang-raped my daughters in front of my eyes' Muzaffarnagar riots

    They have enough hate. But nothing can be done by them. We are not like you who hide behind the Religion of "Peace". Great people said long ago "India is the graveyard of followers of 'Peace' religion, that is why it was stoped here despite destroying the civilizations of persia and mesopotamia".
  16. BJP*

    Hindi Urdu differences

    To be honest with you any language cant be superior or inferior to any one, it is the mentality of person. Secondly, Urdu is also an Indian language which was evolved in my home state of Uttar Pradesh. Pakistanies were forced to abandon their own language of sindhi, baluchi, punjabi and forced...
  17. BJP*

    India aircraft carrier: New Delhi launches first home-built carrier

    And you say two buttons on your face as eyes!!! cant you seen in pictures the ship is already there??
  18. BJP*

    Aircraft carrier 'INS Vikrant' will have great significance for India: Chin

    INS Vikrant to put China at sea The biggest gain is that this ship was indigenously designed and built by us. If we have to be a big superpower, we must have the capability to build ships of such calibre ourselves. We will continue to build some more ships of the same class. This brings us...
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